Wedding Anniversary - I celebrated it yesterday!!!

My Wedding Anniversary - Wedding Anniversary
June 27, 2007 4:01am CST
Wel friends, yesterday was my wedding anniversary and I celebrated in a grand manner. I had posted a discussion on mylot asking mylotters about their views on what should I be buying as a gift for my wife. I am thankful to all those who had given very nice suggestions for buying a gift. I finally ended up buying a set of diamond earrings for my wife. She was very much excited on receiving the gift. Actually, it is the first time that I have gifted a diamond to my wife and she was least expecting of such a kind of gift. She gifted me a very nice shirt, which I too liked very much. I had taken a leave yesterday so that I could be able to spend time with my wife. We had decided that we would not go out anywhere and would spend the entire day together in the house. Our kitchen was shut off for the day yesterday and we ordered breakfast/lunch/dinner from restaurant. For the next anniversary, I have a plan to celebrate it at some beach resort. And this would be the surprise to my wife for our next anniversary. How do you celebrate your anniversary?
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64 responses
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Belated Happy Anniversary! You sound like a very sweet man. I am not married but I live with my boyfriend. We celebrate our "anniversary" of the day we started living together. Usually we either go out for dinner or just have a special dinner at home. We don't usually exchange gifts because it is not a true anniversary.
3 people like this
• India
27 Jun 07
that too is a great idea of celebrating anniversary. thanks for all the good wishes.
27 Jun 07
Congratulations on your first year together! Sounds like you had a great time! Diamonds are a special gift to give someone, especially for the first time - something which your wife can keep forever as a token of your love for her! I am not married, I have been with my fiance for almost 3 years now. On the anniversary of first meeting eachother, he got me a diamond necklace, and I was so surprised! Unfortunately we couldn't celebrate in as much style as you, since we are both students, but instead he cooked for me, which was a romantic evening. I think your plan for a holiday is a lovely idea for your next anniversary - your wife will be very surprised with that! My sister got a surprise break for her first anniversary - her husband took her to New York for the weekend, where they went on helicopter rides and things. It's nice to take some time away with the one you love, so you can forget all about the stresses of everyday life and just concentrate on eachother. I wish you many years of happiness together :o)
3 people like this
• India
27 Jun 07
thanks a lot for all the good wishes.
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
27 Jun 07
I'm glad you had so good time at your anniversary.I wish you the next and not only all the anniversary you gonna celebrate with your wife be one better than other. Many ,happy ,years to you and your wife,God give you both whatever you dreaming.
2 people like this
• India
28 Jun 07
thats so sweet of you. I thank you for all the good wishes you had expressed for me and my family. I hope to be good friend of you on mylot.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
wow! that's so sweet of you! congratulations on your anniversary and wishing you more anniversaries to share! last april we had our first year anniversary too. I thought we could squeeze a 2 or 3 days off on our schedule but that became so impossible, but of course It didn't ruin our celebrations, we went to nearby hotel and just spent a night together,ordered some good foods and pampered ourselves! How I wish it's always anniversaries!!!LOL
• India
27 Jun 07
yeah, it really becomes difficult at times to celebrate because of our preoccupations due to jobs/business.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Oh that was so wonderful of you. You sound like such a romantic I think others could learn from you. Your wife is very lucky to have you. I wish you both the best in your coming years together! Congrats on your anniversary!
• India
28 Jun 07
dear TriciaW, thanks for all the good wishes. have a nice day.
@derek_a (10874)
27 Jun 07
Congratulations on your anniversary. My wife and I celebrate our always quietly - that is the way we like it. We like to drive out to a spiritual place so that we can tune into the atmosphere. One of our favorite places is Glastonbury which is a 2 hour drive away from where we live.
2 people like this
• India
29 Jun 07
thanks for the good wishes. i think we are quite alike in the manner we to like celebrate anniversary.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
27 Jun 07
Our first anniversary we went away to a resort and 9 months later we had our son, after that anniversaries have been a family thing. We go out with our son and enjoy a nice dinner then come home and live life as parents do. Someday we may get to go away again but not anytime soon. One of the problems with our anniversary is it is on February 14 so getting a reservation is hard and going away expensive.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jun 07
It sounds like you did a very good job celebrating with your wife. You must have had a good time if you are already planning for next year. We pretty traditionally go out to eat at a very special place, with special friends. It is about an hour from our home. Next year, however, is our tenth anniversary and I am hoping that we will be able to do something more. It will depend on finances, and how many jobs we are working as well. Our anniversary is in March.
@lucy02 (5016)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Oh wow, that is nice. Congratulations, by the way. We usually go out for dinner and that's all we do. This year we didn't even do that. My mom has had several health problems and she lives with us. I think we may have went out for dinner and took her, lol. I'm not even sure. Maybe you should talk to my husband and give him some ideas, lol.
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@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! hope you have many many more anniversaries to come. keep loving together
• India
27 Jun 07
thanks for all the good wishes.
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
congrats my friend, i know you are very happy. :) good luck on your relationship.
1 person likes this
• India
27 Jun 07
thanks dear djmarion. I hope you have read the message that I have sent you today.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
27 Jun 07
well it will be our 20th anniversary this fall and i hope we can go out for dinner...not sure what else we will do...its not til october and we are very spur of the moment people...that is sooo far away lol (but diamond earrings do sounds nice lol!!)
2 people like this
27 Jun 07
Congratulations on your anniversary!I am sure your wife must have been very very happy to get diamond earrings as a gift.Good idea to spend time at home with each other too.Me and my husband used to do that a lot,until that is,the little one came along.Now we generally go out and have a nce dinner.My husband is never one for gifts though but he did buy me a set of necklace and earrings for our anniversary last year.If you both can go for a nice holiday for your next anniversary,your wife would just love it.Anyone would love such abeautiful surprise.Hope you had a nice day Ranjeet.Congratulations to both of you!:)
2 people like this
• United States
28 Jun 07
Wow! Congratulations on your wedding anniversery. Sounds as if you and your spouse had a wonderful day. And, what a fantastic gift! How romantic! I am sure she will treasure those diamonds forever. I wish my husband would buy something like that for me. Of course, I would have had a near fatal heart attack when I saw the price tag. I am always encouraging him to be frugal and save money for our daughter. We're parents, so that's where most of our money goes now. We don't mind. I am sure your wife will love the beach idea. When my husband and I first moved to our current town, we visited the beach and watched the sun set. It was so romantic, and apparently a lucky charm because a few months later we got pregnant! Best of luck and best wishes for happiness on your upcoming year. Chat with you soon. Be well. And, be prosperous.
• Australia
29 Jun 07
Wow! congratulations to you dude! You are very sweet. I wish you and your wife will stay forever. May you have more blessings to come and more kids lol.
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Hey rk, Happy belated anniversary-great gift choice.Here's to many,many more Happy Anniversaries! +'s 2 U :D
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
27 Jun 07
Congratulations.....It sounds like you had a really lovely time together.
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• India
27 Jun 07
yeah, thats true friend. thanks for the response.
@mummymo (23706)
1 Jul 07
Well Congratulations ranjeet! I am glad you both had such a lovely anniversary and enjoyed each others company! I bet your wife was thrilled with the earrings - they sound like a wonderful gift! xxx
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
29 Jun 07
congratulations. You are a good man to have put as much thought into your anniversary as you did. Excellent choice in gifts. I wish you many more happy years together.
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
our anniversary is on june 8 but no ceebration. my husband was separated in 4 years already. but i celebrate it with mysef through friends bonding...... i am happy to celebrate my anniversary with my friends....
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