Family Dog Shot By Police

United States
June 30, 2007 9:59pm CST
A cop shot a family dog with no true justification at all. I love polie officers, I respect them and think they are the best kind of human beings. But I also love animals, and this cop went to far. Thi story is really upsetting and I feel so sorry for that poor family. I can't imagine how they felt that second!§ion=&type=all&sort=1
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12 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Then you must have a kinder heart toward police officers than I do...I mean come on Lily, all too many police are trigger hear this time and time again about incidents where police go haywire and shoot down people too...and not just once but shoot the person with something like 50 rounds of bullets--and always a case of mistaken identity My heart goes out to those people who were being treated like crap to begin with and falsely arrested,then had to witness their beloved pet murdered like that by an a$$hole, trigger happy moroon ...I hope they bring full charges against him
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jul 07
I do have a soft spot for cops, I do respect and support them. But I DO NOT support reckless gunfire towards helpless, non agressive animals. I never did see any videos or hear anything where police unjustifibly killed a person...but I do know that dirty cops exists and I do not support or respect them at all. I also hope the cop gets charged and sued. But if you notice the other officers around him they all seem kind of shocked he shot it. I watched the video with the bear and that was just sad! If it didn't charge they shouldn't have shot it, it just stood up! That was dumb. I'm sure they could have safely wiated to see if it would charge, they would have had a lot of time to shoot it then if they had to. They should have stuck with the tranquilzers.
• United States
1 Jul 07
i think cops are power hungry and they use any excuse they can to justify them being in the right i am sorry for your loss i have 5 cats and i would be mortified if that happened to mine sometimes cops are so over zealous that they carry their power to far its a rush to be in charge. i think they are unjustified killing some one elses pet especially if it poses no threat to any 1 it is not the fault of some ones pet if they are neglectful but to invade some one elses property and do it is unexcusable i have seen terrible injustices done towards all animals no animal asks for the conditions they have to endure the police were at fault and they should be fired or seek some kind of emotional help
• United States
1 Jul 07
Yeah, I have dogs and cats and if anything ever happened to any of them I would just die emotionally! I can't believe when they interviewed the cop he says "the dog was trained on me..." he wasn't seeking to attack anyone! He wanted to play!
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
1 Jul 07
It was sad to see and hear about the family dog being shot and killed by a police officer. I feel bad for the dog and the family that owned it. I never like to hear anything happen to dogs or to any animal. Hopefully the officer will be punished for his actions. Not all cops are bad or dirty but there are some out there for sure. What did the dog do to deserve to be shot and killed? If the dog had been attacking the officer and he was defending himself that would be one thing but that was not the case here and he should not have shot the dog.
• United States
1 Jul 07
It was clear that poor sweet dog wanted to play, not attack! He probably thought all the lights and sirens and new people were cool! They were new to him and exciting! I don't know about other animals, but my golden retreiever is THRILLED to meet new people and she would probably love seeing a cop! lol. I could not imagine my pet every being shot like that, it would kill me! I teared up when the man stood up and started yelling, "my dog! That's my dog!" and the interview with him was just heartbreaking! :( "I just want my friend back." I feel so sorry that he blames himself!
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
10 Jul 07
That is why they are called pigs. I bet he got off on it too. Hopefully there were not any kids around. I know a guy whose father was shot by a cop in front of him when he was a child. Way to go pig.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I never said there were not good cops. However I think pig when I see one. You haven't been through what I have. I have no reason to respect them. They have been and always will be scum in my book. Also... there is probably a child in that home that will not respect police.
• United States
11 Jul 07
I just think it's sad that you think all cops are scum because of cops where you's one know people around the world are different. In fact, everyone is different. So just because you've had run ins with the police doesn't mean every single cop is bad and deserves the nickname 'pig.' That is extremely offensive, especially since my brother is going to be a cop...he is not a pig.
• United States
10 Jul 07
I don't use the term 'pig' when I see a cop. Not all cops are bad...I'm not trying to turn anyone against cops in general. I just think THIS ONE cop is a jerk and I really don't think he would get off. Not with all the evidence against him. Believe it or not cops DO have to face justice too. I do understand there are some bad cops out there, but I also know that most are not bad at all.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
4 Jul 07
I just viewed the video, and all I can say is I hope the cops have a goooood lawyer! It's right there on the video that they went way overboard on this call as it was, handcuffing the family, etc. They were told that the dog was in the car and to close the door, and didn't. There are far more cases where a police officer has to make that decision because of an aggressive pet, but this clearly was not the case. They did not even attempt to subdue the pet in any fashion. I also respect officers as I live with one, and completely understand that in some cases excessive force is truly needed.
• United States
4 Jul 07
Yeah, that's what really bothered me too. They handcuffed everyone in the car, including the son...and after being asked to close the doors no one took the time too. And they knew a dog was in the car. I hope the family does win their lawsuit against that officer. As I said before it kind of seems like the other cops on the scene on shocked he shot the dog...that might just be me seeing that, but I do!
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 Jul 07
This is terriable.Police officers now days are too trigger happy, there was no earthly reason to shoot this animal.Not only are they killing innocent animals, they are also killing young children in the state that I live,I am having less and less respect for them each and every day.
• United States
4 Jul 07
What do you mean they are killing young children? O.o I believe some cops are too trigger happy, but we can't make all cops that way in my mind. I still have faith in most cops, they are the good guys. But the cop in this video was way out of line and I hope the family whens their lawsuit against him.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
2 Jul 07
that's really sad... even though i'm not really an animal lover, but still i never think that killing an animal for no apparent reason is right... it is not justified at all and i really pity the family that lost the dog... i hope the police got the just punishment for his behaviour...
• United States
2 Jul 07
You are, I think, the second person who said they weren't a big dog (or animal) fan, and this still angers you guys! I think that just goes to show how terrible this act was on the cops fault. Which is def. a good thing!
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
1 Jul 07
I had much the same type of situation here but instead of a family dog it was a kangaroo that i has reared from a baby joey .Gus was one day away from being released when some low life opened the back gate to his yard .It was the middle of summer here and the kangaroos lick their fromt hands as a way of keeping cool .Well i was informed by the vet (i`m a wildlife carer registered )that a police officer had shot him because he thought it was injured . I rang the local police station and spoke to the offending officer ( because it was an offence what he has done ) he was new to town i then informed him as to why he was licking his hands and that all native animals are protected and that he just can`t go and shoot one because of what he thinks .I then told him that he must infuture contact the local animal group and that we will take care of all native animals not him . I still think of this poor kangaroo he was just so close to being released and had endures just so much already and to thing he was so close to being set free as nature intended
• United States
2 Jul 07
Aw! That is so sad! Poor kangaroo was just trying to keep cool! It's too bad that the first cop to see him was so new and inexperienced :( I'm sorry about your poor kangaroo! It's good you went and confronted the cop yourself! I hope he learned his lesson... I am not saying it's good he shot the kangaroo, but at least he thought he was putting it out of misery, rather than killing it in cold blood like the officer in this video.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Jul 07
This is so sad and it made me cry I could not see any danger at all there why did he shoot that Dog, the Dog was full of life but not in an aggressive Manner I love Animals and I have a little Dog and if that ever happened to him I would not know what I would My thoughts are with the owners
• United States
1 Jul 07
Aw! It's sad hwo you say "he was full of life" because it's true...and the cop just took it away in an instant out of stupidity fear!
• Canada
1 Jul 07
I just watched the video with my family, and it prompted a rather interesting discussion. "If pitbull comes bounding towards you, you just going to stand there?" to paraphrase one, while another replied that the dog was only part pitbull, and I added that not all pitbulls are agressive, it's how they were trained. Also, dogs are energetic playul animals, and though I really am not a fan of dogs, I do know the difference between one that is wanting to play, and one that is wanting to attack.
• United States
1 Jul 07
Yeah, you said what I always say! Dog breeds are not aggressive...people make them aggressive. It doesn't natter what kind of dog it is, it matters how his owners raised him. It wasn't hard to see that the dog was not aggressive. He was barking, growling, baring his teeth..nothing!
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
1 Jul 07
That is truly awful and uncalled for. I can't imagine something like that happening. What did the poor pup do to deserve this treatment? I hope they punish him in some manner. I also agree with the person who said the cops aren't trained to deal with animals. Maybe this will show the people in charge that the police need more and better training before being released upon the unsuspecting and trusting population.
• United States
1 Jul 07
Yeah, the dog didn't look agressive at all, he looked like a sweetheart! And what a beautiful picture they showed of him! :( I have seen videos where some cops do very well with animals, but they need to make sure ALL cops can deal with animals/pets correctly and humainely. I only blame the one cop for shooting the dog and think he is the only one who should be lawsuited, but one of the cops should have shut the door when they were asked too and knew there was a dog in the car.
• Australia
2 Jul 07
that video is the most saddest thing i have ever seen. i was getting teary eyed as i was watching it. i have 3 dogs and would hate if anything like that happened to them. i would file a damn law suit to teach the copper a lesson. just because some people see a dog as 'just a dog', i think there are more people out there that see them as family. i for one, am one of them. that poor poor puppy dog.
• United States
2 Jul 07
I know! The dogs in my family are def. family! I don't know what I would do if a cop shot one of my dogs! They would def. have a hard time keeping me down! My family would file a big lawsuit if one of our pets was shot for not justifiable reason.