Why do some people seem to live in fear?

@rosie_123 (6113)
September 12, 2007 5:39am CST
Maybe I'm lucky and blessed that I tend to glide through life without stressing too much about anything, but ever since I joined myLot I've been struck by how many people seem to spend their lives living in fear. I don't necessarily mean phobias here, such as agoraphobia or claustrophobia which are medical conditions needing sympathy and support. I just mean the people who are afraid to travel, afraid to leave their unhappy relationship to start a new life alone, afraid to board a plane because of terrorist threats, afraid of what their family/neighbours/Church will think about them............. the list goes on. And maybe I'm alone, but I think this is so sad. We only live once - why not live a little? Don't worry about tomorrow because that will look after itself. Go out, - follow your dreams, - explore our great big wonderful world, and do not be constrained by "what ifs", or "might have beens".......... So what do you think? Are you too scared to really "Live", or do you just go out and go for it like me?
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8 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Sep 07
I'm afraid of living. I continually place restrictions on myself. Things like...it's too boring to do things by myself. Or, I can't go anywhere...who will look after my animals? And, gee, that's expensive....how can people afford to do that...I don't have any money.
@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Sep 07
Aww - that is a shame. Thanks for responding, and I hope things get better for you.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
13 Sep 07
well i always say,we only live once so live your life to the fullest and enjoy as much as you can.yea we all have worries and money problems and all of that stuff but just keep thinking positive and your head up high and enjoy,the bad times will always come,but the good times is what we make of them,so i try to make it the best i can for my family without worring myself sick.pattie xo
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@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Sep 07
Good for you! That is my philosophy too. Thanks for taking part.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 07
That's exactly what I AM doing my friend, I have lived in fear for so long of breaking out of my comfort zone, I have been unhappy for too long and finally I have made the break in 24 days time I will be leaving my home and starting a new life, I will also be going on a plane on my own and yes I am frightened of flying, so I am facing one of my fears if I can visit a foreign country on my own and to fly on my own if I can achieve that then fear is crushed! I do not want to spend the rest of my life thinking if only or living with even more regrets, the time for regrets is OVER.
@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Sep 07
Well good luck to you. I hope it all works out the way you want it to.
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
13 Sep 07
Some people do not know to live in the present. They always expect something wrong in their life. They always think about the past which will never come again and the future which has not yet arrived. So to be happy first of all we must learn to live in the moment..
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@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Sep 07
Very true words - thanks for responding.
• Netherlands Antilles
12 Sep 07
I try not to think to much about fear. I mostly think that all things happen for a reason and that God has a plan for each and every1 one of us. I also think that he is the only one with the power to end our lives. So i think that if he doesnt want u to die now he wont let u die and if he wants u to die now u WIll die. So why worry about it?
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@rosie_123 (6113)
12 Sep 07
Good response - thanks for it!
@andyvish (901)
• India
13 Sep 07
I think that is the way they were brought up. Personality of a person is developed over the years starting from when he is an infant.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Sep 07
Thanks for responding.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 07
Well Sweetie I am one of those People I stayed in a Marriage for 21 years because I was to scared and could not stand up for myself I have never been on a Plane and never intend to go on one I am sometimes even scared when my Phone rings as I was left with £14000 Debt and a £28000 Mortgage when I got divorced and all that to keep the House, he left me with the Debts that where occurred due to his high Social Life, so I am still trying to get straight which got hard when I got pushed out of my Job when my Illness was 100% diagnosed and when for 18 Months all I got was £56 a week to live on till I eventually started getting my Disability after I told them to send one of their Doctors out to me when they would not acknowledge the Doctors Reports they where getting so there are still a few Payments to make and sometimes I can't and they ring me and go on at me just because I am late making a Payment somewhere But I am getting there and when it is done I will be relieved so you see I live in fear at times but not as bad as I used to as slowly my Life is getting there
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
12 Sep 07
When I was in college, and remember, we are talking over 30 yrs ago, there were girls afraid to go out after dark. I kid you NOT! Now, it might not of been the safest thing to do, but I was out there in the places they warned me about looking for trouble & nobody was there but me. Granted I was there, wandering around in a full lenght black cape, but they weren't worried about people in black capes, they were worried about rapests! Tho, after 2 years of my wandering around, the rapests were having nothing to do with the area, for fear of the the "short blonde girl in the black cape!" I thought it was a SCREAM when I learned about it. I'm not saying I didn't take a few steps to keep myself safe, I just wasn't going to live my life in fear. I'd still happily go after anyone messing with me, my stuff & my friends, and that really scares bullies. I have more than once interfered with men messing with women & when they threaten me, I tell them to go right ahead, I'd be HAPPY to put them in jail for assault, because when we were done, they'd probably be having to seek medical attention too.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
12 Sep 07
Wow - good for you! I'm impressed by your strength and fortitude! You made me laugh out loud with your "short blonde girl in the black cape" story, which is a bit unfortunate as I'm at work at the moment and not supposed to be on the Internet - but "what the ****" - I'm not afraid of the Bosses either! Thanks for contributing with such a brilliant response.