What do u read?

@sissy67 (224)
United States
January 21, 2008 9:34am CST
I love books by Lisa Garner, PJ Parrish, Irish Johansen.....these are murder, forensic type books. There is always a mystery there. Anyone else read this type of book? Do u know of any authors that write this type of book that I possibly havent tried yet?
15 responses
• United States
22 Jan 08
I like Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series. Kay is a medical examiner who always ends up getting stalked by one serial killer or another. There is quite a few books in the series. I also like Mary Higgins Clark, Stephen King, John Saul, etc.
@sissy67 (224)
• United States
22 Jan 08
My daughter has the whole Patricia Cornwell series....she loved them. I may have to try them next.
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
26 Jan 08
I love that type of category actually, if we are to talk of tv shows; I like the CSI’s so much. ;) Anyway, my type of books are those crime/murder/suspense and spy novels. Oh they’re good and exciting to read. My very favorite novelist is Ken Follett, I’ve read lots of his works. I also like Robert Ludlum, he’s the writer of the Bourne movies. I also like John Grisham and here’s a little mixed author – Judith McNaught, she’s a good author of romance novels.
• United States
22 Jan 08
I love to read just about anything. That being said, Mary Higgins Clark has some very good murder mystery books. Also, when I am in need of a new read, and I can't decide on what to choose, I head to the library or the book store. I go to the section that I am wanting to read (in this case, the mystery section). I then select a book by an author that I have never heard of or read before. I go entirely off of the description on the back cover or inside flap of the book. I have found some wonderful books this way. Good luck!
• United States
22 Jan 08
Hmmm I personally read a bit of everything, but I do enjoy murder mysteries. Mary Higgins Clark has some very good ones, also another trick that I use, is I go to the library or the bookstore, go into the section that I am interested in (in this case, murder mysteries), and pick a book by an author that I have never read or heard of. Seriously, I have found some astounding books this way! :O)
22 Jan 08
i love books by jeffery devers and patricia cornwell. they are excellent.
23 Jan 08
Have you read Kathy Reichs or Karin Slaughter great reads. Michael connoly is my fave too.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
i read pretty much nothing other than history books and i read ALOT! right now i am reading a book called 'hanna and walter' which is about a european couple that got seperated during ww2, the fell in love - both jewish, walter went to the us, while hannah\ was in concentration camps. i have not finished it, but from reading the cover, he finds out that she is still alive after the war and looks for her, finds her and marries her.
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I'm a science fiction/fantasy fan, but I'm not exclusive. I read mysteries, even some *gasp* romances. If you like the murder, forensic type books, then surely you've read Patricia Cornwell. I had a chance to speak to the El Paso County (Texas) corner a few years back - 2003 I think - and she LOVED Patricia Cornwell. Apparently most of the corners do, tho obviously more exciting things happen to Kay Scarpetta then happens to most of them - something I'm sure they are all grateful for! In mysteries, I like to read series, Ellis Peter's Brother Cadfeld books; Tony Hillermann's Navaho mysteries; Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books. If I decide I want to read a book, but not do the actual "work" of reading them, I'll get them as audio books & listen to them. I use do data entry as a job, and I got to listen to LOTS of books that way.
• United States
21 Jan 08
I enjoy reading material that expands my consciousness, makes me laugh, makes me think, has me feeling more intensely than when just watching a movie or tv show. I seek books on subjects I know little or nothing about to learn more and I certainly enjoy a good comedy, action-adventure and occasional horror story ! sharing the light and happy new year, Miss Erica Hidvegi, the Enlightenment_Advisor, B.A. Psych/M.A. Transpersonal Studies- Cnslng/Author, Artist, Photographer, Entrepreneur & Freelance extraordinaire My published articles below for anyone's reading pleasure . . . http://www.associatedcontent.com/content.cfm?content_type=user&content_type_id=1556
@martinha (631)
• Portugal
21 Jan 08
I love mystery books from authors like Agatha Christie, Georges Simenon, Erle Stanley Gardner I also like to read Dan Brown, JRR Tolkien and Christopher Paolini
• India
22 Jan 08
Yes, I know...read the lovely book written by ARUNDHOTI ROY an INDIAN famous author..."THE GOD OF SMALL THING" I know definitely you will enjoy it...
• United States
21 Jan 08
Never read anything by those authors, but I might have to check them out. I love Dean Koontz and Harlan Coben, they are prett good. More on the horror side though. I love finding new good authors though.
• India
22 Jan 08
I read fiction, autobiographies, real stories. I love to read romantic stories.
• United States
21 Jan 08
I really enjoy John Grisham, alot of his books are more murder/mystery from the lawyers point of view.
@ky1119 (698)
• United States
21 Jan 08
If you like the murder/forensic type books, you should definitely check out Michael Connelly. He's an awesome author and his books are impossible to put down. I fell in love with his main character..lol. He's definitely worth reading, but I wouldn't start a book unless you have a lot of time to spend reading it!! Some of my other favorite authors are John Grisham, Nora Roberts, Christine Feehan, Wally Lamb and Dan Brown.