How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had?

United States
April 11, 2008 3:36am CST
Most of us when we were growing up probably dated quite a few people, but then again there are those like my sister who met a boy in high school, dated him throughout and ended up marrying him. They have since divorced, but she has not dated or remarried. When you were growing up did you have many boyfriends or girlfriends or did you only date a handful?
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37 responses
@nice030481 (1109)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
i've got two boyfriends, the first last for three and half years before we broke up and the other one last for three and half years before we get married.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Apr 08
Thats not very many, but it seems as if you are happy.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
i had four boyfriends at different time. Almost my aunties had a same relationhip with you sister..They stick to one and until they made it as there lifetime partner.. But it never happened to me. I wish i will found him sooner..
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr 08
At first I thought you said you had four boyfriends at a time. I was going to say, wow you were really busy, but then I realized what you actually said. I guess I better go get some sleep. LOL.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
2 Jul 08
oh boy, now you got me thinking. real boyfriends, let me see..... from the age of 14 i think i may have had about 10 or so. i don't really remember. i mean momma has lived if you know what i mean. so serious relationships i guess i would have to say maybe 4 or 5.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I've had many boyfriends...only one has remained near and dear to my heart though. He is my first love of course.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I could not count all the boyfriends I have had throughout the years. I would not even know where to begin.
• Malaysia
2 Jul 08
i only had 3 relationship but still don't sleep with them because i've respected them and i'll make one went i've marry!
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
20 Apr 08
I think I had four and that was all official and had quite a number to men I dated actually. hehehe.. I guess I have dated more men, no commitment, than those official boyfriends I had. I guess I find it more exciting and later you decide to just settle for a real relationship after the dating process.
• Canada
5 May 08
I saw someone briefly before I met my husband, but my "relationship" wasn't that serious. My husband is my first love, and the only REAL "boyriend, fiance, husband" I've ever had. I'm extremely lucky to have him, and I'm even luckier that it didn't take too long to find him.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 08
wow. you sister met a boy in her high school and ended up marrying him?? and after they have divorced she had not dated anybody? he must be her one true love! wow. that's kind of amazing. i only had three boyfriends before. two from high school and one from college. the first one was kind of an experiment but we did like each other and we broke up because they moved to another town. the second one was my great love. i fell too much and got hurt too much. .
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I've only had two real boyfriends. I've dated on and off, but I can't seem to find a good balance between maintaining a relationship and my own life. xD
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
28 Jun 08
I have to admit that I have had a lot of boyfriends in my life time. But then I am 51 years old and have lived a few years. I have probably had at least 20 boyfriends, but I only have had 3 serious relationships. One I married, and later divorced, but okay since I had two kids with him. One broke up with me, after 2 years, for an exgirlfriend of his. And the last one I just left him, after 19 years with him. He has a gambling problem and has lost everything we owned, including our home. So I have left him, just 3 months ago. I don't want another relationship or boyfriend, for awhile.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 May 08
I cant remember if i replied to this discussion already. I have only had 2 boyfriends total and both were after i graduated from highschool. one was in university and the other has been my boyfriend for the last 4 years.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
6 May 08
Not really. I can only say that I had 1 boyfriend in the past and one that I am currently into right now. My first boyfriend lasted for 6 months when we were in college. I was so busy studying in college so we ended it up after he cheated. So, this relationship i am currently into is my second and hope last. hehehe.
@djionn (12)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
i already had three gf's in my life time and thought at a time that each of them were the "right ones". Now im still wondering if the current one is "the one" or will i ever find another one that might be the right one? Aaaaaah!
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Well, I didn't date much in high school although I had a crush on my best friends' brother and I was sure that I wanted to marry him. Anyway, I only dated 2 people before my husband and I am happily married and have been for 13 years!! I don't think that it is important as to how many people you date as long as you find the special person to share the rest of your life with.
• United States
16 Apr 08
I only had a small handfull. But now when I look back I really wish I would have dated more and not given all my attention to just a few guys. I probably could have avoided a few mistakes when i was older if I had learned when I was still in high school.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I guess my situation depends on what you would consider the definition of "dating." However, I don't think it's very deep, generally speaking. I had a few guys I liked throughout high school. I never officially dated any of them, though. And, of course, just because I liked them didn't mean they liked me in return! (LOL) One particular guy my senior of high school I met at my chiropractor, oddly enough. He worked as the receptionist, but he would've been considered the office manager instead since he is male, and receptionist has a "female" connotation. (LOL) He had a slight crush on me at first, but I picked up on it and started liking him in return. Nothing came of it other than a couple of get-togethers because he wasn't really my type...I found this out later after getting to know him better. Between my freshman and sophomore years of college, I met my boyfriend at the time, now fiance. Next month, we will have been together four years! (Obviously, I've been with him ever since that summer.) I consider my fiance to be the only guy I've dated because I was never official with anyone else. It's like I was saving myself for the one I would marry. I think it's very special. My old sister is like your sister who you mentioned in your discussion. My sister and her husband dated since they were seniors in high school and married right after college. They have been married two years come this June. I'm very happy for them. Obviously, they aren't divorced like your sister, but they also dated for quite a while. Who knows what lies for me, I will probably be getting married early next year. I'm so excited. Great discussion!
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I had a lot of boyfriends when I was younger. That is until I met my husband. I guess for me, it was always hard to find someone that wasn't an immature jerk.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
16 Apr 08
i am not in my growing up stage but i have 3 girlfriends but because of pressure and i have many priorities in life so i decided to cut off our relationship. they felt upset with me until now of what i had made but for my own good and them they can search a true person that will love them forever. i don't know yet if one of them would be my wife in the future.
@busta1baby (1230)
• United States
16 Apr 08
im not sure how many i have had but i but i have haad a lot of them...but in case u might have the idea i slept with all of them no i didnt i slept with like 5