How old is fit for marry and have a baby?

@moondan (712)
September 2, 2008 6:26am CST
Do you think what's the age is fit for a girl or boy to get married? I think it depend on the custom and environment.In my city,if a girl is older than 25,it is hard for her to search a good man.I think when we graduate from university in our country,we have been 24,It is so unfair for girls. What about you?What's your custome?
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7 responses
• South Africa
10 Nov 08
i am not sure, maybe before 30 they say
@moondan (712)
• China
3 Dec 08
Thank your for your response!I have the same as you!I will search for my love before 30.
• South Africa
30 Sep 08
abroad generally, you can marry whenever you want and marry to whoever you want. THe peer pressure is not as huge as in China but your parents will still expect you to marry a good person and have good kid...
@moondan (712)
• China
3 Nov 08
Thank your for your response!There are so huge press in China for old women who not marry.
@youless (112193)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Sep 08
In fact here people get married later. 25 years old for a girl seems to be young to get married. My good friends even got married after 30 years old. Today girls tend to get married later because of many reasons, such as career, finance etc. I love China
@moondan (712)
• China
3 Sep 08
It is sounds good.I think now when girls and boys enter into society after university,they are 24,then they must have job,make their own career,have money to buy house.It is hard to buy house by oneself not from the help of their parents,i think.
• United States
2 Sep 08
That is a difficult question to answer. Like you said, it could depend on custom and culture. I live in Southern California in the US. There are so many different cultures here. Everyone seems to do things their own way. I think it has more to do with maturity. Some women may be mature at 18, while others may not be ready (especially for children) until they are much older. I did things backwards (according to some...). I have my first child at 22, the second at 25, then married at 32 to a man that was not the father of either of my girls. For me, that worked out well. For others, that may not work. I guess it really depends on the person.
@moondan (712)
• China
2 Sep 08
Thank you for your response.I agree with you that it depends on the person and maturity.
@suri008 (118)
• India
2 Sep 08
hi friend i thing right time to marrie on 23 or 24 for girls and 26 or 27 for boys.In this ages both are machuer mentality.No miss understands and adjesting nature on them.
@moondan (712)
• China
2 Sep 08
Thank you for your respnse my friend!
@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
2 Sep 08
For me Age doesnt matter at all, at least 16 above ,young and old are fit to get married as long as they are physicially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, socially ready for life long commitment. Who is responsible and mature enough to handle family matters and willing to sacrifice and compromise on each other.
@moondan (712)
• China
3 Sep 08
Thank you for your response!Reading so many response,i think,it depends on person.everyone if they have prapare for marry,they can do that.Age is not problem.but not too young.
@GemmaR (8517)
2 Sep 08
I don't think that it is the age of a person that matters, I think it should be the maturity of the couple that is taken into account. For me, I know that I wouldn't think about getting married at the moment. From about 23 I think I would begin to think about it, as I would have finished university by then and I would have a good job and would be able to afford to take care of a family.
@moondan (712)
• China
2 Sep 08
Thank you for your response.Befor university,i also don't think of marry.but after one year i will enter into society,after half year,i will go to find a family will give me pressure to thinking of marry.Do your family will give you?