Pinoys 5th Hungriest People In The World

@yuna15 (2706)
November 4, 2008 5:17pm CST
I saw this news last night in GMA 7 news. According to the survey conducted by Gallup International with 4 out of 10 people going hungry in 12 months. See this link to read more: [i]This news makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sad, because I know that there are a lot of hard working people but is not able to eat three times a day. In the news, they featured a two grandparents who has been working hard. They can only make 100-200 pesos a day of combined earnings and this is to feed a family of almost 20. It's also sad that the government is not able to provide for everybody who is in need. It also makes me feel happy because it makes me blessed for having a job and just for even eating 3 times a day. To everybody, have you seen this in the news last night? What are your insights about this?[/i]
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31 responses
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I am a Filipino but I condemn how the government handles the taxes being paid by the people. Just imagine how many millions of money being spent with travel and pocket money of government officials. Not to mention the corruption of some government officials. If this money is being put to good use, then there is no reason that the government can provide for social welfare development. I have been to Japan last 2000 and I admire how the social welfare works for the good of the people. The Japanese government really cares for the elders as well as the handicapped persons of their country. Here in our country, the elders and the handicapped sectors are the least priority. There are no concrete projects for such which makes me envy of Japan's commitment in serving its people.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Unfortunately the Philippines is not as rich as Japan. You're right there are a lot of greedy people in our government. God knows what will happen to our country after 10 years or so if this continues to happen. Thank you for your input jackal122!
2 people like this
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Yes indeed, Japan is richer and more developed than the Philippines. But remember that Japan has been devastated with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was such a difficult period for the Japanese, but come to think of it, they were able to stand and become one of the strong nation. The Philippines did not experience the same as Japan, but look at our country. Japan is more developed in terms of government services and economy. I believe that commitment is the key in order to surpass what we are experiencing today.
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• United States
4 Nov 08
i don't want to see anyone go hungry. i don't think it's the goverment's place to feed people. the way it is here older people are too proud to ask & the young people that are drawing assitance are probaly able bodied & able to work just too blooming lazy. i think it's disgusting they don't make them get out & get a job. i worked all my life & raised 2 boys by myself & never got any help from the goverment. of course i didn't ask either.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Like I mentioned in my discussion not all people can get a decent a job to feed a family. Those grandparents work almost 15-18 hours a day just to feed their family. Some of their children are sick and is incapable of working. So it's not that their lazy they're just not blessed with a good job like us. It's still the government's responsibility to help those who are in need especially those who work extremely hard just to survive. If these people are lazy then they don't have the right to complain about what's happening with their lives.
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• United States
5 Nov 08
i didn't mean i thought the grandparents were lazy. i was talking about the young people here that think the world owes them a living . i don't agree. i think they should be out working & looking after the grandparents if anyting. parents or grandparents shouldn't be having to look after their grown kids.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I see I understand now. Yeah I agree there are a lot of children and especially old people who are able to do work but has the nerve to ask for alms from strangers. That's why I never give alms to them. They should work for themselves to survive. Thanks for your input Antiquelady!
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
It is a sad reality indeed to see our fellow countrymen suffer from this problem. I guess the government should be doing something to prevent this from deteriorating further.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Apparently they are not good in solving this problem. There is way too much bad things happening in our country. Thanks for the response my friend!
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Nov 08
Not so sure about the government not being able to provide for everybody. I think there's a lot of corruption and waste (in every government) and that if it were eliminated and food was distributed better, nobody would need to go hungry.
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• Philippines
5 Nov 08
[i]Hello yuna, You are right that corruption can't be eliminated but it can be reduced. You and I can make a difference by not being involved in any corruption activity. Small things like not following rules and regulations because you and I feel is not right will led to corruption. Each the only way to reduce it. Corruption is already in our blood but it can be remedied. Regards.[/i]
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Absolutely! It's not that the government can't provide it's because of the overwhelming corruption. Too bad we can't remove this reality.
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• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Hi yuna15. Yep, I also saw the news last night on the other network (ABS-CBN's TV Patrol). I've been seeing and hearing news about the Philippines being ranked on different categories but this is one of those categories I find disturbing. Pres. Arroyo has always proclaimed about economic stability in her speeches but the sad part is still, 40% of the Filipinos suffer from hunger and starvation. If she is really true to her intentions, then she better act fast before the Philippines becomes the hungriest nation.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I also heard in the news that we are the only country who has achieved stability wherein the citizens are hungry. The sad part is, graft and corruption is a big contributor for this kind of problem.
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• Malaysia
5 Nov 08
That is our world. When the powerful people busy to think about their political moves, busy to think how to increase their power, busy to think how to attack other country, busy to think on how the ecomony crisis will affect them, they have forget and even can't see the small people below there who suffers everyday. When the leader have a lot of extra money and being able to buy two or three cars, the people below there can't even buy the tyres. Our leaders, no matter where we are never knows the suffering of their peoples. Looks like I'm blamed this all on our leaders not because I hate them or poltics, but because of the extra huge gap in terms of living between them and these suffering peoples. It's really sad to see people who're still hungry in this modern world. They not deserved it and everyone should be living happy and peacefully.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Very well said my friend very well said!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
5 Nov 08
No, I haven't gotten to see it yet, things like that always has me in tears before it is over or feed the children foundation. I am so sad that children and people have to go hungry. I know it is bad of me to say this because I love celebrities just as much as the next person but they get over 15-20 million dollars to make a film nowadays and we have children who are starving I know they can't help all in the world but even a million dollars would help alot towards food and clothes for a community for a year or so.
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@andak2007 (3229)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
i have not seen it...but based on your post...its a hard reality...even here in my area it is very prevalent...but as you have said grandparents working for 20 people?then there is something wrong in that family...why wait for the government to help?they have 40 hands that they can use?
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
Most of them are their grandchildren who just help the grandma sell. Their children are working but apparently it's not enough to feed everybody.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I saw this in the news last night... and it is very sad to think that such a survey came out with such a result... i know that a lot of Filipinos are hungry... and they usually cannot make ends meet... but i question how that survey was made... there are other countries that are experiencing more hardship than ours... In Haiti... there was a mass riot because of hunger... such an event has never happened in the Philippines... in Ethiopia and other African countries... children are dying by the thousand because of lack of food and medical care... but i did not see any of these countries in the top 5 of the hungriest people in the world... I personally question how such a survey was made... who were the people interviewed and in what part of the country...
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
The survey was shocking... but when i saw the list... that made me question the method they used... since i am fully aware that the Philippines is doing great compared to others that are warn torn and strucked by calamities... In Haiti... people resorted to eating mud cake... that is cake literally made from mud... so we should not immediately believe in such surveys... but we should also do our own research...
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Like what spoiledbrat said, surveys are meant to be slanted to provide shock. I've heard such things about countries in Africa being malnourished but I don't much about the details. It sounds like that survey is somehow biased.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
That is really interesting. I don't know this information myself I'm not very much aware of things that happen in other countries. Thank you for this information. The moment I read your response, I started doing searches. I remember they explained how Gallup came out with this result but I didn't catch most of it. Probably in metro manila? If it's just in Metro Manila then there maybe a great discrepancy in the survey.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
We also have the world's worst politicians. The government would not care about the people right now. These politicians would only make a move when elections is coming. What they think about is the profit they would get on overpriced deals. I'm sick and tired of these people. But blaming them would make no difference, we have to start the change within ourselves and everything else will follow.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I don't think starting with ourselves will help feed our fellowmen I'm sorry to say. As regular citizens, no matter what we do, there will always be people who are hungry. Only the government can help them but unfortunately most of them, if not all, are too busy making themselves rich. Thanks for the response argie719!
1 person likes this
4 Nov 08
Hi yuna15, We don't get the news of your coountry in the UK but I cannot understand your goverment not helping, don't you have social welfare? we have what you called social scurity and if people are out of work we get benefits and the law in this country will not let anyone starve and how come this granparents have to feed a family of 20? don't their cjildren works? and how come if they cannot afford to live, they have so many childre/ it doesen't make sense. Tamara
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Yes we do have social security and I believe those are only for people who have a real job. Wow social security is really good in your country. I wish we also have that hear. UK if I'm not mistaken is a 1st world country and Philippines is a third world country. They do have children who helps but it's not enough for them to feed everybody. Yeah I know they have a lot of children I guess another thing we lack is good education for the poor.
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• Philippines
4 Nov 08
i grew in a community where poverty is really obvious. i know of families that rarely eats in week. i have to formal grounding as to the percentage and whatnot, but i do know that we are poverty stricken
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Which is a sad truth unfortunately. Thanks for the response!
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@24Champ (465)
5 Nov 08
I think high incidence of "hunger" in the Philippines is linked with its rapidly growing population (around 2.5% per year). It is a critical element in the vicious cycle of poverty (with hunger as one outcome or manifestation). Simply put, our current rate of food production (alongside livelihood opportunities) cannot keep pace with our population growth. Therefore, many experience hunger.
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@SeishiroX (1093)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
Yup, I heartily agree. One of the many reasons for the rising hunger within our populace is that people just bear children without keeping in mind the financial responsibility that comes with each child. Nothing is cheap nowadays.
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@hildas (3031)
5 Nov 08
That is sad. I did not know the Phillipines had it that bad. Does the goverment not help these starving people there? What help can the rest of the world do? I always try to give to africa as they have nothing. The do not even have fresh water, but I did not really know about other countries. Can the goverment ask other nations for help or help to provide jobs for these poor people. This is shocking news in todays times. Thank you for making me more aware of this. I will appeciate what I have more, and pray for these people.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
They try too but unfortunately there is too much corruption that we they cannot provide food for those in need. I believe that's why they have Unicef or the United Nations wherein countries help each other up to a certain extent. Thanks for the response Hildas!
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
i saw the news as well and i'm not surprised. this only goes to show that the accomplishments that the fake government always touts about is clearly propaganda. nothing more, nothing less. behind the huge billboards of a smiling fake president are families going hungry because they have no means to earn and provide food for themselves. revolution!!!revolution!!!revolution!!!
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• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Good day.. It is sad and altogether made me angry altogether. It's no eye opener because in the Philippines we know the truth, and the truth yes there's a lot of people that go hungry each day and worse majority of them are children. What's more disheartening is that our officials takes no heed and continues with their corruptions and out of this world life style and side by side to it our own well- off Filipinos don't care. If one could see the left overs in our fast food chains and restaurants.
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• Philippines
5 Nov 08
Being part of the bottom 5 is alarming. I agree that we can have mixed emotions when we are not part of those groups/families that are actually experiencing hunger. It is not only a reflection of poor governance, but also an impact of globalization - a domino effect that we are experiencing with increase dependence on foreign direct investments without safety nets. It is also a reflection on Culture and Tolerance and Economic Growth, Development, and Economic Welfare. It is a reflection of a lot of things. There is a root cause that we need to address. And everyone is equally accountable to that - not only the government, but everyone. Good day!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
5 Nov 08
a lot of the world's people are dying of hungar, This is a very sad statement about humanity, the earth provides enough food fo everyone, only greed denies these people
@despompa (472)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
me too had this mixed emotions when i saw the news on tv. it's really saddening that most Filipino's are still starving despite the President's statement during one of her engagement that our country's economy is improving. it is a clear example that she is only bragging to make foreign investors invest here. i too feel blessed that i still have enough food to make everydays' journey last, and enough money to buy the things that i need most.
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I'm also sad to hear that news. If I'm only rich, I would like to extend my help to them. I'd like to give them a capital wherein they can put up their own business. That tears my heart into pieces... Imagine, only 100-200 pesos for 20persons?
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