When things start going wrong....time to quit! LOL

@jillhill (37354)
United States
November 7, 2009 6:54pm CST
I have been working on some projects for my craft sale next weekend. Things had been rolling along pretty good then suddenly it took a drastic turn so I quit for the night...seems like once something starts going wrong it doesn't get better! Do you find when things start going wrong you stop and continue somewhat later or even the next day or do you struggle through the problem and try to solve it and just keep going?
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23 responses
• United States
8 Nov 09
I find I just have to walk away and leave it. When I return and still can't complete the project, I put it away and find something else to do. Usually I figure out the problem and go on. But, there have been times when I just pick up the entire project and stuff it in a box and forget about it.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I have done that a few times myself!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 Nov 09
Oh yeah...I could definitely relate to that. Sometimes, when I put my heart and soul to a particular work project, then something happens. Like suddenly, I have tons to do. And trying to complete and manage them seem like an impossible feat. Things start tumbling down from the stairs; down, down and down. LOL... but once things have gone back up, they go up all the way. Well, whenever I'm struggling with a problem, I'll just try my best to keep my chin up and keep it going. To me, as long as I could solve it with dedication, patience and maturity, I'll be able to counter it bit by bit.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Good advice and way to handle the situation!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Nov 09
Thanks a lot, Jill..
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
8 Nov 09
quit while your ahead! I figure I'm too tired and should just get away from it for a while
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I think that is what my problem was....today is better!
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• United States
8 Nov 09
I think you did the right thing by stopping. Usually if you keep going it doesn't work out and you might even ruin what you're doing completely. It's best to stop and take a rest and leave it for another time. That's what I do and then MOST of the time it all falls into place. Usually it's when I have a million things on my mind and can't really concentrate on what is at hand in front of me.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
yes...it's much better today!
• United States
8 Nov 09
Sorry u are having trouble. I find if i just walk away for awhile & go back it usually helps & i do a better job.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I sure does help!
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
Yes, that happens. When it rains , it pours..he he he...I'll do exactly as you did. But I'll try first up to the third time, if it does not work out , then I will definitely , stop and continue some other day. Good luck with your craft sale and more products for you. cheers!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
THanks a ton!
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I stop also and give myself time to rethink the craft and work on it the next day. Sometimes a good night of sleep will help solve the problem. Can usually see what I did wrong if I back off and give my mind a rest. Too much thinking always gets me into trouble..lol
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I know what you mean!
• United States
8 Nov 09
It depends.If it is project like artwork I quit and wait for my muse to reappear but if it is a project for work I stop , try to find the answer to the problem and when I do ,that's when I restart.Good Luck with the crafts.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Nov 09
Glad to hear it.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
THanks.....it's going better today!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Nov 09
You betcha...it's been a hard lesson to learn, but if things start going awry...time to take a hiatus. Many times I have tried to plunder thru...making matters worse...and heading back to square one! Each project in pergamano..is a long project, and just recently, I, just nearing the end, inadvertently knocked a bottle of "pinta ink" over on it, and destroyed the whole project, and whilst cleaning it up, spilled the mess on my blank paper...and rice parchment does NOT take well to liquid. Put the pergamano away, and started knitting on an afghan and first row, ruined the pattern...ALL projects are NOW on hold, til I get my cool back. Time to ruin some baking...LOL! Cheers, jillhill, and have a great weekend!
1 person likes this
• Canada
9 Nov 09
When I got involved in pergamano, some 15 years ago..it was during a revival of this craft (called pergamano, as it was discovered in ruins of the biblical city of Pergaman) It was revived in Holland...and now very popular in Spain! Problem is..I say ruined rice parchment...the supplies NOW are only available at one place, back east in Canada...and the best source is HOlland, which means forever to get supplies, and costly because of shipping! You DON'T want to knock over your ink...or ruin your rice parchment! DANG, jillhill, my words were a little worse than that! Cheers!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I feel for you! DAng ..you wrecked the rice paper?
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I do the same with you.When things go wrong of something i am doing i will just stop and think for awhile.When i figured everything its either to continue or not then i would do what i thought is better.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Right....sometimes you just need to step back for a few minutes too!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Nov 09
For me, when things start to go wrong, I have to leave it alone for a while and then come back to it later in the day, or the following day. I find that when I am working on anything that requires mental concentration, I sometimes get overwhelmed and need to walk away for a while so that I can return with a clear mind. After I've taken a break I am usually able to be a lot more efficient and I am able to work a lot faster.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Same here~!
• United States
8 Nov 09
I think i do that same thing. When it gets me so frusturated i cant keep trying i step away from it for while and then things seem to fall into place easier the next time i try. I know its hard when youre working against a deadline , like having to get stuff done for a craft sale. Hope its something that works out good for ya.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
It's going better already today....think I was too tired to cope with it last night! LOL
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• Philippines
9 Nov 09
when things start going wrong, it's not right to quit it's not time also to quit because there are ways that can be amended or undo to make things go the right way, You must continue to struggle and go on with your endeavors so that problems can be solve along the way.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Nov 09
Waited one day and things went great! LOL...just needed to step back for a moment.
• United States
8 Nov 09
Sometimes you have to walk away from it. Bad thing about that is life might get too busy and you might not get back to it as soon you want to. When I walk away from something like that, I get busy with life. But I seem to come up with different options and solutions while doing other things. I write my ideas down or sketch them out so I don't forget. Later I look at the different options and go with the best one.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Good idea! I will get a chance to get back to it today...but I know what you mean!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Nov 09
I actually keep going and going but if I start getting frustarted with it then I shall leave it till the next Day to sort it but one thing I will not give up until I have done what ever it is even if it takes a long time lol It took me 6 Days to get my Laptop back to my Laptop lol and it is done
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I can see why you didn't quit with the computer! I go nuts without mine too!
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
i find that i have to walk away. sometimes i go back to the project, other times i do not. it just depends on what it was! right now i am trying (note the trying part) to crochet a hat for my daughter and am having a very hard time, so i do a little, rip out a little and carry on. lol!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Nov 09
Same thing happens when I crochet or sew..once I start ripping out I might as well walk away!
• United States
8 Nov 09
Hi there jillhill, Of course, when things start going wrong, it is time for a nice cup of tea, or a short walk away from the project to regain your confidence. Then back to it, and see where it goes. If all goes well, then continue. If things start to happen, in a wrong way, then stop what you are doing and come back to it later. Good luck on your craft sale this weekend! Hope you have plenty of goodies for sale, to make it profitable and adventurous. Have a fun day..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
THanks crazy.....appreciate the good wishes...hope I score too!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Nov 09
I usually just give up and take a break or start again on something like that the next day. I remember one day I was trying to get a bunch of toffee orders filled and it seemed like every time I got to the point where the toffee was almost done Lily would get into something and I would have to take the pot off the stove early and it would not be done all the way. After a few failed batches(not a total loss though because the stuff that does not cook quite long enough is good crumbled on ice cream or in brownies) I said forget it and started again when she went to bed for the night.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Nov 09
Yes! For me too....I find taking a break works..seems like it refreshes my mind!
• United States
10 Nov 09
I know what you mean. It seems that when I "have to" work on crafts for an upcoming show or to meet a deadline, that is when things tend to go wrong...and sometimes it snowballs into a disaster. But on the days I'm feeling creative, it often seems like I everything flows smoothly...wrapping a piece of jewelry always comes out just right, the pieces I select to drill for a bracelet or earrings come out just as I imagined, etc. The creative days are almost always problem free, but those days when I "have to", sometimes nothing goes right...maybe there is a big difference creatively in "having to" and "wanting to" & being in the right frame of mind is everything.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Nov 09
I think you are right! It goes much better when you are in the right mood!
@mac_fish (723)
• China
8 Nov 09
Hi,jillhill. THe situation is quite common to us in life, so complicate and often tasks our mind. IF I were or I'm trapped in that,I'll go futher just for feeling out what's the things going on.Worse,I will stop for couple of days,a chance to be better,I will continue to struggle through it.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I see.....it is a stuggle sometimes!