the freezer door was partly open and there went the stock.

@suspenseful (40193)
August 5, 2011 9:13am CST
A couple of days ago, after buying some dried canelllini or white kidney beans as they call them up here, and decided to soak the beans, cook them and freeze them for minestrone and over dishes I can use them. I already use kidney beans and black beans for chill. The recipe said that to keep the cooking liquid for soup stock. Good idea, because I happen to like split pea soup and that would be a good idea. So I put the liquid stock in glass jars and put them in the freezer. The girls come home later, not all at once, and one of them did not close the freezer drawer all the way though. WEll I gave it a shove and found it was hard to shut. So I open it and find that the jars of bean stock had broken, all except one. So I took all the glass away, (it was in large pieces) and put the liquid in a bowl, put a lid on it. I do not have that many jars and I only have one very large pyrex freezer storage bowl to put the stock in. I guess either I have to put the stock downstairs in the big freezer or buy more large pyrex freezer bowls. Have you had any kitchen disasters. Thank goodness I have not set the stove on fire this time.
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7 responses
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
5 Aug 11
My daughter freezes many liquid stocks for soups, etc, but she freezes them in plastic ziplock bags. If you lie them flat on a cookie sheet and freeze them, then you can stand them up in a basket or something to keep them in the freezer and organized a little more. You might try this and use them in the freezer this way as they would not make such a mess. I made a mess with some vegetable soup broth once trying to pour it into a freezer bag and I was not paying attention and let the side of the bag drop down and I spilled the broth all over my kitchen.
@dfollin (24306)
• United States
5 Aug 11
Great idea!Another thing is to put them in the door and put something thin in there to block them,because I would not have room to put a cookie sheet in.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
It depends on what plastic freezer bags you get and how to hold them open while pouring in the liquid. For me it is easier to put them into mason jars. I do have smaller pint sized ones, but they were jam jars and do not think that they would work. I do have a large freezer so could use the cookie sheet thing. But then when I am ready to make the soup, would it not be inconvenient to take out the bag put in into a bowl so it would not spill over the counter? With a pyrex container or a mason jar all I need to do is to put the bowl or jar on the counter, and let it thaw.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Aug 11
been awhile one of the kids put a coke can in freezer to get it extra cold for got it and it busted wht a mess
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Aug 11
that should help
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
8 Aug 11
Have to get some more pyrex containers, but waiting until my Geni bra order is straightened out.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
That is what usually happens. Maybe it was the bean liquid. they might expand a bit too much. Next time use pyrex containers. That might help and keep them down in the big freezer down stairs.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
5 Aug 11
I am sure I have, and that always makes me feel badly as I hate to waste food. I need to defrost my big freezer, as someone was not shutting the door tightly and it has a frost build up. We actually have to lock it to keep it closed.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
I was going to use the bean liquid to make soup. I have a whole lot of split peas, but then it is not winter yet and now I have to find something else to put the liquid in and make sure the freezer drawer is kept shut properly. I wonder if I could use it in minestrone. I usually use chicken stock but I buy it in the small cartons and I only need half a one for myself.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Aug 11
Oh my. That is awful. We have had that happen in our deep freezer out int he garage. The door was left open and we lost the meat we had in there.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
That door open does it. Luckily the freezer is in the basement, but I do allow my friends to store things there if they do not have enough room in their fridge. The last time I had the freezer open was when I was defrosting it so had to bring the stuff up stairs and defrost it as quickly as possible to get it all back in.
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
5 Aug 11
I have had my children leave my freezer door open. I have lost food like that. The freezer would also defrost and water would be everywhere. Because it would be left open at night.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
The renters are young. One of them is still a teenager and they think that fruit has to be put in the fridge rather then on the counter. I had one of those side by sides and that would not freeze properly but nothing broke, but the shelves at the side were not that sturdy and then everything would fall on the floor.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
5 Aug 11
you could use plastic bowls. if you cant afford to buy them, save from margarine, or many other things we buy to eat in them. or a zip lock large bags.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
I think it was the door not being shut properly. I have frozen in Mason jars and even the Kraft jam jars before with no problem. I do think that I should have put them downstairs in the freezer. I used to use plastic jars but they do deteriorate over time and with tomato liquid, if it stains the plastic it is no good. And you cannot heat plastic things in the microwave.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
5 Aug 11
When I started reading that you had put them in glass jars the first think I thought of is that they would explode.My kitchen disaster most recent;y was that my refrigerator started leaking and the management blamed me..The refrigerator did not work right when I moved in here and I called the office several times.The manager got mad at me because I did not talk to her directly.But,if I call and talk to her everytime for everything,she will say,well you should tell the clerk at the desk and they will write a maintenance ticket. As far as glass in the freezer,my youngest son put his soda in the freezer to get it cold fast and then sat back on the couch and fell asleep.The next morning it exploded all over my freezer and I was mad.. You should put the stock in plastic containers or equivalent to freeze them. Good luck.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
They were mason jars. I have put things in plastic containers and zip log or the store equivalent. What happened was that the zip loc top did not seal properly. The plastic containers started to get old and I did not want the plastic to seep into the food. I make a lot of tomato sauce. The funny thing is that all this time making tomato sauce and putting them in mason jars, nothing of this ever happened. But the bottom freezer drawer was partially open and I also think that my renter put her milk jug a bit too far out so the refrigerator door was not closed all the way through. I think it was what happened. I noticed some ice crystals on the food in the freezer. I do put meat and beans, etc. and veggies in plastic bags but nothing with liquid in it. I think from now on I will put the sauces and soups down in the main freezer and and leave more room on top, but really I had begun to run out of mason jars so was trying to make do with what I had.
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