Hang your fabric instead of folding it! Keeps the fabric nicer!

Hanging Fabric - Forget piling it on a shelf folded...hanging it is the best way to go!
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
December 31, 2011 7:49pm CST
Well, I think I have it figured out. I have been working on ideas for organizing my fabric. Shelves just didn't work. To much re-folding when one piece is taken out, re-stacking to make the stacks neat, etc. I wanted something more accessible as with quilting and appliquing and such, I need to be able to get to the fabric, many different fabrics for matching, and still keep the stacks of fabric in order. It suddenly occured to me..to HANG IT UP!!! Mom was always telling me to hang things up...I guess it suddenly sunk it! So I got plastic hangers from the thrift store...and hung up my fabric! Now I can see what I have and pick and choose multiple colors and be able to easily put it back if it isn't what I need. Plus...no more fold lines...If I took out something from the bottom, I always had to iron it before cutting it out as there was fold lines through out the yardage...this way, might have slight folds, but not bad enough to have to iron it! I wash it when I bring it home and then I do iron it to get wrinkles and folds out, but hanging it like this...I think it is going to be the perfect solution! I ran out of hangers and have to get more and still have the other side of the closet to use...but I'm getting there! I post a picture of what I have so far...going tomorrow to Joannes fabric store to get more while on sale...$1.99 a yard for broadcloth! I buy while on sale, as regular it is just to expensive. Plus, I will be looking for some print fabric too. Just thought I'd share what worked for me incase you are having the same problem..and have an extra closet rod!
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9 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Jan 12
I am doing it all along. I use hangers to dry my cloths and when dried I would pick them up and hang them directly in my closet. This saved me time from having to fold the cloths and to put them in their respective places. Using hangers save a lot of space too.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
THeres a thought...your clothes closet... if it can accomodate a second rod below the one that is there...add the rod for your fabric hangers.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
2 Jan 12
Good idea to have a second rod below the first. It is space saving. I am seriously thinking of doing something to my present closet to accommodate my increasing clothes. Thanks for a brilliant idea.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
2 Jan 12
They sell rods that you hang on the upper rod and have chain link chains that you hook the rod onto below the existing rod. Pretty easy and cheap way to go. Or install them yourself permanently if you can. They are a great asset!
• Indonesia
1 Jan 12
Thank you for the idea, Coffeebreak. I have lot traditional fabric like "ikat and songket" that should be taken care of. Always scheduled for airy them, refolded and so on. again, thanks for the idea.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
You are welcome. I have no idea about those fabrics you mention...but hanging just is a great way to go. I love my closet now and just came home with $50 more of fabric...bought 9 colors, 3 yards each for $1.99 a yard. Now...back to the thrift store for hangers! It just makes me happy to look at the neat, organized colorful area! I know...get a life, coffeebreak!!!
• Indonesia
2 Jan 12
ikat is hand-woven fabric with dyeing using binding technique. Songket is fabric with the same technique and also hand-woven but it's more intricate with golden or silver threads. The songket will only use for ceremony. You may just googling them :D
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 Jan 12
A good idea, this would be good for most fabrics I would imagine, or maybe even rolling them around a cylander as in a lot of fabric shops, better than folding I think...
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
I actually thought about getting the cardboard bolt forms that they have the fabric on in stores, but there is only one in this area...and they probably have that request all the time so getting them probably would have been not an option so I ended that thought rather quickly! I really like this idea. I just did pull 3 browns out to match to my quilt...chose one, hung the other two back..no mess, no wrinkles and all still in color order!
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Lovely idea, but I don't have any closets, much less an extra one!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
That definately creates a problem!! I have usually been in apartments and never had the extra room. And the two times I was in a house that had the room...I wasn't into sewing so I didn't need it! Now..the two worlds have collided and I have the room and am sewing! I am looking forward to a new year of sewing...mainly quilts.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
7 Jan 12
That is a very good idea. Yay on your photos.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jan 12
Thanks. I have added to it, and now.. I LIKE leaving the closet door open as it just looks so neat and colorful
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
1 Jan 12
So you had an unused closet you could devote to this. That is good. I have very little storage space in this apartment and I am having to be very creative to find ways to store the things I think I need. I wish I had gotten a 2 bedroom apartment. Then I would have turned one of them into a walk-in closet.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
I just moved out of one of those little apartments with limited closet space! I had enough for my clothes and such, but wouldn't have had any for fabric! I didn't even sew then as I would have had to tote my machine back and forth, from the dining room table to it's case to the bed room back to the dining room....Just not worth all the work! Is there some place you can put up one of those expansion rods? Get about a 1 inch diameter rod to hold the weight and extend it from one wall to the other with the expansion feature? I am trying to think back at my apt and if there was a place I could have done that and I dont' think so. But..its a thought maybe you can work with.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
1 Jan 12
I will have to give it some thought.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
1 Jan 12
This is a great idea! I wish I did have an extra curtain rod or closet space.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Doesn't have to be closet space...just two walls that can handle an extension rod..and out of major traffic...I know apts are limited tho.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Nice idea. Looks very neat.
• India
1 Jan 12
I have noticed one thing that when we hand clothes...it tends to get a piculiar odor and also get some white stuff on it.... I first.d it better if we fold clothes and keep....it remains fresh and clean and only requires a little bit of ironing when you want to use them. Maybe at a store it maybe different as you may take space also into consideration
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Minor ironing is what i am after! Actually, I have never really minded ironing...I started ironing at about 9 when I wanted to earn some spending money and mom would pay me a penny a piece to iron dad's hankies! But it isn't really that much trouble.. I just dont' like having to do it over and over and hten stop what I am doing to iron the fabric I am going to use!