I am 60 and still have my own blankie! LOL

@jillhill (37354)
United States
February 3, 2012 3:21pm CST
Seriously I do and I love having it with me for my nap and to cover up with at night...but I just got it at Christmas from my sister. She made my other sister and I those blankets where you take two pieces of fleece and tie them together.....and it's so warm. I know a few years ago they were really popular. She made ours with fleece that has a design on it from the 60's....so very cute. Have you made these blankets? Do you have any interest in making them? I know I love it and am so glad to have gotten this for a gift!
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23 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
3 Feb 12
Ha ha, there is nothing wrong with that! I also got one a couple of Christmases ago that I still have and use -- it's a really fuzzy tan one from Target - it's nice for just cuddling and reading a book! Or something! LOL. I've also had a friend make me the kind where you tie the ends together and whatnot... I would love to learn how to make them but I get the feeling it must be somewhat difficult...
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
3 Feb 12
take 2 pieces of fleece the same size, make fringe and tie the fringes one to another - really easy - so easy I find it boring!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
But they are so warm ElicBxn.....and a great gift!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
3 Feb 12
Are you talking about those fleece blankets that one wears like a robe or something? My daughter had one, gave it to me because she didn't like it and I used it once and saw why she didn't like it..lol However, I do have my own blanket, a blanket I might share, but rarely do. I know it sounds selfish, but I like a blanket to call my own and no one else can use it..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Me too...no this is two chunks of fleece that you clip on the edges then tie the edges together....it's soooooo warm!
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• United States
4 Feb 12
Got a picture? Because I don't know what you are talking about..
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Enjoy your blankie..lol I have seen these blankets and they are so cute but have never made one. Our youngest daughter made one for her niece and it's so cute. I knitted a simple afghan for myself a few years ago and it's so warm. I used it all the time until this year when I bought a soft, fluffy, electric blanket. Smartest thing I've done in years even though the weather in our area hasn't been that cold this winter. Works well for cold feet!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Love our blankies don't we? LOL
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Feb 12
I've never made one; but I bought myself a Christmas present of a Coz-e made by Ion. Basically it is a heated Snuggie. It's one of those fleece blankets with sleeves & is also an electric warming blanket & it comes in very handy during the winter!!! My desk is near a window & I wear it while myLotting to stay warm. The sleeves makes it very convenient for typing. Then when I get cold, I just turn on the heat. I've also found it very convenient when sleeping!!! I live alone & have no one to snuggle against on those cold winter nights. This Coz-e warms up quickly & I cover myself with it, tucking it under my legs & feet. It has only one drawback...it only runs for an hour & then it automatically shuts off. Once I get warm, I automatically fall asleep. I seldom wake up cold; but when I do, I just turn it on again & go right back to sleep. I'm bad about waking up up in the wee hours of the morning before I really want to get up. I've learned to just turn it back on one more time & I'll get another 3-4 hours of sleep before actually needing to get up!!! My Coz-e is rapidly becoming my blankie!!! I'm already beginning to stress over how I'll survive without my blankie come summer!!!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
LOL.....me too! It's too toasty to use in the summer!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Feb 12
UmHmmmm. I'm considering buying a window air conditioner so I can get the room cold enough the heated blankie will still feel good!!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Oops, almost forgot...I'm 61!!!
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@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
well why not everyone using it, especially for older people which are prone to sickness when expose to cold. I am just 30 yet I can't live without it, I can live without pillow but no to blanket
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
We do love our blankies!
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@boylopez (382)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
Hi jillhill, i'm proud that in your age you have done what you wish. In a little things you want in life that you reach is a great accomplishment, even thought it is a little things (blanket) but a things to be needed all the times in our life.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
It's so comforting!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
3 Feb 12
I have seen them, and they do look nice. Making a Blanket like this is not something I think I could do. For me it is usually crocheting that is up my alley, and someday would Love to make me an afghan to keep around the house to be able to cover up when it is cold out as well.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
It's warm and cozy~!
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• Canada
3 Feb 12
I've heard f those but I have Beverly tried to make them. They sound interesting, though.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Easy to make....warm and great gifts!
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
4 Feb 12
I can't make quilts or blankets, but I come from families with grandmothers and great grandmothers who did. There was one blanket my great grandmother made that the whole family loved. Me, my sister, dad, mom...it got to be funny because we'd argue over who could use it in the winter. Well, mostly it was me and my sister arguing, but whenever they'd get the chance my parents would sneak it away and use it for when they were sleeping. We used it so much it literally started falling apart.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
That is special....probably warmer because it was made with love!
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
4 Feb 12
i once crocheted a blanket for my sister in law but the best blanket i have gotten for CHristmas was a fake fur throw. now that is warm!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
That would be so warm! Went on a sleigh ride last weekend...we could have used that one!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 12
Aww, that sounds sooo cuddly! It was so nice of your sister to do this and there is nothing better than a handmade gift coming from love, and especially one you can snuggle into! I've never made one but it sure does sound cozy. I wouldn't mind learning how to do that blanket, sounds wonderful. At night, I just snuggle one of my pillows (unless my kittie Rissa is next to me) and have my stuffed animals above me, lol! You're never too old to stay young...that's my motto.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Its what keep you young!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Feb 12
I have a blankie too. I didn't make it...I am not so talented with sewing..LOL. I do however love love love fleece blankets. I also have some fleece pajama bottoms that are quite colorful which I can't live without. I think of them and my blankie from time to time when I am at work
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
Bet they are warm and cozy too!
@bretay61 (722)
• United States
4 Feb 12
It seems like we all have our personal blanket to sit and cover up with while watching the tv.No one here but me and my husband.Granddaughters even have their own personal favorites while they are here.I love to cover up.And I love the fleece.
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@Orson_Kart (6165)
• United Kingdom
4 Feb 12
I am heading towards 60 and I still have lots of things I had from my youth, but a blanket isn't one of them. I still have my own teeth, my own bank account, my own car, and my own thoughts. I'd loved to be able to make my own blanket as I was told I had made my own bed years ago and I had to lie on it, so an additional blanket would come in might handy.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Feb 12
This one is awesome.
• Canada
3 Feb 12
I've heard f those but I have Beverly tried to make them. They sound interesting, though.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I have seen the blankets you are talking about. I have not made one. I think it is cool that you cuddle up with one. There is nothing wrong with cuddling up with one at any age.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
2 Mar 12
They are just so nice!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Feb 12
You know, I've never made one of these blankets, but it is something that I want to do for the kids this year for each of their birthdays because I know that they won't take a long time to make, but they will be something that each of the kids will really like. My son does have one that was given to him when he was born almost five and a half years ago and he still sleeps with his (it has Tigger on it) every single night.
@Debscrochet (1947)
• United States
6 Jul 17
No but i've seen them. Looks very comfy.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
25 Jan 13
I know many persons has such habit they cant take the others blanket and use their own blanket some time if they are going out of station they bring their blanket with them. But I think this is happened in small age but you take in 60 years thats nice.
@joystick (1675)
2 Mar 12
That sounds like a great gift no matter what age you are.I feel that it is fine to have a best blanket that you can just throw on you or over you.I can remember making crochet blankets when I was younger with a friend and we made double bed size and gave them as gifts at christmas to our grand parents.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
2 Mar 12
That would certainly be a great gift. I have never crocheted on that big...but I bet people loved them!