I kept off my 34 pound weight loss, Now I am on a mission to drop another 25

@34momma (13882)
United States
February 6, 2013 9:51am CST
I have been so happy that I have kept off the 34 pounds I lost almost 2 years ago. Now I want to start again and drop another 25 pounds. Last time I did it, I only changed my eating habits and Herbalife was a big part of my losing the weight and getting healthy. Now I am going to continue with my Herbalife nutrtion, and I am going to start a serious workout program. I know for sure, by doing both, the weight will come off and stay off! I started hosting P90x classes at this local dance studio. It's such an awesome workout. Have you ever did the P90x workout or any of the beachbody workouts before? How did you like them?
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9 responses
• United States
6 Feb 13
I've done the P90X workout and it was a killer. A lot of the moves those guys and gals do are hardcore but, if you want a real workout then it the best. I've done the P90X Yoga and my wife and I really like the Kempo Karate workout. I like it because it doesn't get boring and you can use weights if you want. I found a lot more strength after doing the workout.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
6 Feb 13
I will agree, there are a few moves that will take practice to perfect, but for the most part it wasn't that bad! I was prepared to pass out in the middle of it, but i got through the whole workout. I will admit to being super soar for the next few days, but it's worth it when you are working on a goal
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Feb 13
Wow! That was a lot of weight to lose! I wish I could just shed off atleast 10 pounds, then I am happy. But It is harder for me now to lose those extra pounds, unlike when I was younger. I could lose 5 pounds in a week! I have tried Herbalife before. It was introduced to me by my sister in law and my brother. Well, it didn't work out for me. I had palpitations. So I tried using other means to lose weight.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Feb 13
The best thing to do is drink plenty of water, and get moving! walking is great. If you can't really do a hard core workout, then you need to be sure and walk. or even jumping rope is awesome. I have been using Herbalife for 2 years now and I have never had any issues. I would recommened you trying it again and just not have the tea. Be sure to have your shake with your supplements
@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
Jenny if you work on drinking a glass of water before and after each meal, that will for sure help you stay fuller longer and it will allow the water to work it's magic on you. stay away from all soda
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Feb 13
Thanks, 34momma. Maybe I'll try doing frequent walks. And also to drink as many glasses of water as I can. Coz sometimes, i would just be craving for an ice cold Coke! That seems to quench my thirst. But I do realize the caffeine and sugar is harmful. I need concentration and motivation to have a very healthy lifestyle. Thanks!
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 13
Good job, 34momma, for losing and keeping off 34 pounds!! It is definitely a good idea to start a workout program, too. I'm starting a light exercise routine this evening with a DVD called "elements of bellydance with Mayte". I walk to all but one of my classes 4 days a week. Plus I have a walking class. Then I will also be working out to a beginner bellydance video on youtube. I plan to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds by the end of April. Could lose more by that time. I'm also going to cut out soda pop, sugars and fats, and junky snacks.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
bellydancing sounds like so much fun!! I think you can for sure drop 10-15 by then! Keep it up
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
7 Feb 13
I like people who has strong will to do something and to be able to achieve something in life. I myself might not have a strong mind, and I should train myself to be insistent, and willing to achieve what I want to reach for. So, congratulation on your losing 35 pounds, and I hope that you will lose another 25 pounds soon.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
thanks my friend. I am working hard to reach my goals. It feels good. just focus on one small goal at a time.
7 Feb 13
HI MOMMA you no need to take any kind of nutrition or anything else to lose your weight.Inface herbalife is a good nutrition food but without that you can also lose your weight. you just need to change your eating habit. you should not eat fatty things. you just start your breakfast with some fruit juice and you should take something 4 to 5 times a day and you should do a little exercise and you would see that you are losing your weight.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
Oh I have totally changed my eatting habits. I am eating much better now. I am not eating late at night, and I eat smaller meals. A lot of fruits and veggies. But I love my Herbalife shakes. They taste great and they are full of vitiamins and fiber and protein. All the things my body needs to work perfectly. Now I am working out and really taking my health to the next level!
@aqirock (855)
• Malaysia
11 Feb 13
wow I wish I can loss that much but maybe my eating habit won't let me do that, can't help with it thou cause I got gastric and always need to eat even in small quantity but oh well
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
that doesn't keep you from working out. Going for walks or doing something as simple as jumping rope. Eating smaller meals is great for sure, just make sure those small meals are packed with great nutrtion. I have plently of clients who have gastric and use Herbalife. It has helped them so much
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
6 Feb 13
Congratulations for keeping off the weight. It is hard sometimes, as we all get tyempted to eat what we shouildn't I have been struggling for a long time to lose weight, and I am on a roller coaster, as it goes up and down. I try not to diet thsough, just eat normally, but less portions, and not eating seconds. I hope to lose the weight I need to lose as I need to lose a lot, that is for sure. I do consume my fruits and vegetables everyday, so i hope that helps too. I wish you the best on losing the rest of the weight you want to lose, and a have a very good day.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Feb 13
Rosekiss, i wouldn't say it's hard, i would say that we need to be more aware of what we are doing. Most of us eat without thinking. So we tend to eat things that we shouldn't to often and over eat without realizing it. Eating healthier foods and smaller portions is so important. So is drinking plenty of water. Don't count out a nice wak. A good work will really help getting your body moving in the right direction
@nyssa102 (748)
• United States
27 Mar 13
wooo hooo! I hope you keep on going with this. Great work. I see that this post is 2 months old, so I really hope that things are still going good for you. I have also started and added apple cider vinegar to my diet, and I think it's working on getting rid of the fat!
• United States
7 Feb 13
You should market what you're doing. You could make some decent income!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Feb 13
I do have my own Herbalife business. I have been doing this for almost 2 years now and I love it. The money is great and I get to help others lose weight and get healthier! I love it