The end of red light cameras =D

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
September 1, 2015 9:16pm CST least in my hood, FINALLY! Do you still have these pesky things up where you live, and have you noticed they help in any way, other than the local government to scalp people for money nobody has anyway? I was so happy to see them gone I did a literal happy dance in my car! Honestly, when you get a $400 ticket if it flashes you - even though it is legal to turn right on red, you know it's all about MONEY and nothing else. If these were truly about safety, the fines would be non existent or small, and the emphasis would be placed on driving school - which would also be low cost or free. But nope... the focus is always on MONEY with them TALKING about safety. We aren't stupid, city, county, and other local government!
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2 responses
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
2 Sep 15
Fortunately i have never gotten hit by one of those red light things so for those that have i'm happy for them gone...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Sep 15
They aren't everywhere... and I never got ticketed either, but it was more the principle of the thing.
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@paigea (35971)
• Canada
2 Jan 16
I have never had to pay a red light ticket as I am careful when I drive. I can see the light turn yellow, I can see the walk light turn before that and I can slow down well before a light turns red. People who are not careful get dinged with tickets. I hope that teaches them to drive more carefully so we all can live more safely.