My Dec calender is filled with dr appts

Cloverdale, Indiana
December 9, 2023 8:25am CST
Hello Everyone, hope your having a good morn-day I woke up early this morn not feeling too good. I have a BUNCH of dr appts this month like every other day just about & some days are 2 dr appts. I hope I don't have too many mons that's this busy with dr appts, I'm not 1 to keep running to the dr's. I hope after all these dr appts things will slow down & my health inproves & not get any worse, I don't trust Dr's but in my case what can I do? nothing. I have some phone dr appts, therapy, ct scans sugar Dr appts, & the list just keeps growing. My Husband does all the driving so I feel bad for him but I'd rather have him drive me than a stranger that don't know where their going. If I keep getting dr appts like this mon is I'll never get anything done & that will suck too & not only that but where we live it's hard to get on the roads in bad winter weather. I may have to cancel some Dr appts depending on the weather & roads I'm not risking our lives for a dr's appt. Does anyone else have a full mon of Dr appts to go to? how do you keep up with them all ? I'm overwhelmed.
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6 responses
@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
9 Dec
I am so sorry this is your life now Gayle.
2 people like this
• United States
9 Dec
@2ndchances24 I wish I could help too.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
@RebeccasFarm I know, it's alright just being here helps more than you know.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
It's alright, I kinda expected it in a way after I got out of the Hosp, I'll be o.k Thank you for your response.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60711)
• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@2ndchances24 I can understand completely. This whole month for me has been full of scan, tests, procedures and doctor appointments. But for me personally, I am grateful for them all to try get to the bottom of what's going on with me. But yes, being unwell with so many appointments does cut into other time I would rather be doing something else. Just keep getting better in the main thing really.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Apr
@2ndchances24 You're right about that. Very draining indeed! Thank you so very much. I'm glad you're getting around much better. That's happy news.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I'm working on it everyday but some days it just takes it all out of me.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
18 Apr
I know your in the same boat I WAS in when I 1st got home from the hosp, & it just wears you out where it drains all our energy, I hated that. I hope things start getting better for you cause I hated being down & going to dr's every week I'm getting around a lot better than I was.
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
9 Dec
That must be so difficult to have all of those doctor appointments. I keep a calendar in my kitchen of all of mine. I had/have seven this month, but that doesn’t compare to yours! I’m doing everything I can to be as healthy as possible, but sometimes it is out of our hands.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
It's very mind boggling to say the lest but I have to keep up with them all the best I can with 3 calenders & a planner.
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
9 Dec
I am so sorry you have so many doctors appointment. My husband had many from November until the past week. He has some quiet weeks now.
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
9 Dec
@2ndchances24 Oh my, what a horrible experience you had.
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
9 Dec
@2ndchances24 Oh my goodness, you had so many problems and staying a long time in hospital does not help at all. I hope you feel better now. You need to gain forces.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
@LadyDuck Yeah I did & didn't even know it till they had me hooked up to all kinds of monitors & mechines & knocked out COLD.
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@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Dec
I'm sorry you have a full calendar of doctor appointments. Your health is important. I'm sure if the weather is bad, the doctor will understand and reschedule.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
Yea I know, but I sure hate having to rescheduling cause it just loads up the following month.
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@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Dec
@2ndchances24 You gotta do what you gotta do. Your health is important.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Dec
@just4him Yea I know, but you can only do so much when winter hits.
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@Karinafp (40)
10 Dec
I hope you get better
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Dec
I'm working on it, I just have to meet all my dr appts to get there is all.