Friday's Cardiologist Visit

@kareng (56185)
United States
April 27, 2024 11:57am CST
I wasn't around yesterday because my husband and I both had our annual cardiologist appointments. This is the only doctor visit that we both don't mind going to and actually look forward to going. Our cardiologist is one of my old bosses' son. It always turns out to a mini family reunion of sorts because we have to catch up on all of the family. We both had good check ups and my blood pressure medicine got lowered which was really nice. When the doctor came into my room he greeted me with, "Karen, how dare you come into the office today with normal blood pressure!!" I do have to go back for ultra sound checking the artery in my neck, which is routine for stroke victims. That is scheduled for the end of next month. Since our appointments were the last ones of the morning, we went to Texas Roadhouse for lunch. I'll write more about that later today! In the meantime, do you have something that made you really happy this week? Photo Credit: Pixabay, Public Domain
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18 responses
@AmbiePam (86262)
• United States
27 Apr
Congratulations on getting your medication lowered! I was happy when I found out yesterday my sister and her family are coming up next Wednesday.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
That will be fun! Do they live far away?
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
@AmbiePam That is about how far my oldest daughter is away. It's hard and not good to try to do in one day. No time to visit and very tiring! And it is just far enough to not be able to do very often with work and a family or other obligations! Enjoy your visit!!
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@AmbiePam (86262)
• United States
27 Apr
@kareng Three hours away.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
28 Apr
I am glad you had your blood pressure medicine lowered. This means you are healthier now, that is very good.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
Yes! That is the first time since I had my stroke in 2017 that it has been normal for some time.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
30 Apr
@LadyDuck He reduced the one I take that can also cause some swelling, which is much better than taking a diuretic!! I'm happy with that decision for sure!
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
29 Apr
@kareng I understand how much important it is for you to keep it monitored, as you already suffered a stroke.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Apr
I'm glad this visit can be so nice and comfortable for both of you. Normal blood pressure. That's great to hear. The Roadhouse Grill sounds good.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
I just put up a little review on Texas Roadhouse. I think I may have stated the wrong restaurant above. Going to check on that!!
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Apr
@kareng ......Did you do that on Yelp or ?
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
1 May
@kareng ......Okay.
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@wolfgirl569 (97280)
• Marion, Ohio
27 Apr
Great news about your medicine. My doctor has me only taking mine if it goes above 140. Last week I only took one pill
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
@wolfgirl569 It does! My old PA used to tell me to always walk as much as you can. I miss that lady. She was a good friend also. Then she retired and a year or so later my doctor retired also.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
That's good!! I know mine will get better as activity is much higher in the summer also!
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@wolfgirl569 (97280)
• Marion, Ohio
28 Apr
@kareng I do think the walking has helped a lot
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@1creekgirl (40783)
• United States
27 Apr
Yes. Potato salad and getting ready to pick up my charm bracelet. Congrats to you both for good reports. Did you have a stroke at one time? If so, have you recovered completely?
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
Oh yay, you get your charm bracelet today! My husband had one in 2015 and I had one in 2017 after the big flood in Louisiana and I discovered that my only brother had been stealing money from our mother and lying about all kinds of things. He pretty much ruined her and went through all the money my father had saved up for her to live on for the rest of her life. We have both had a good recovery, although I took that as my sign to retire from my work life. I had worked full time since I was 21 in State Government and within the retirement timeline so I took it so that I would be free to help with grandchildren when needed.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
@1creekgirl I think I also had 27 years! What a coincidence!! I loved my job until they moved us all to brand new building and housed all the institutes in one building. It didn't work out the way they thought it would, as the professors were all competing for same grant money and it wasn't the big family they thought it would be. My mother passed away in 2021. She came to live with me in 2019 when she was released from the hospital. I got a phone call to please come and pick her up because my brother was not answering his phone. My brother and his girlfriend had done their best to turn my mother against me and she had no cholce but to come home with me. She had basically wigged out while staying with my brother and he had to call EMS to come and get her. He said she was trying to climb off a balcony and was fighting him. She ended up being diagnosed many months later after she came to my house and numerous doctor appoints with ALZ with psycosis. It was very hard dealing with her as she imagined things and thought they were real. She often thought there was a man in the woods that was drowning in the pond. This is land that is behind us and leased to deer hunters. It is not an area to go waling around in. I can't count the times I had to restrain her and get her back in the house because she had to go help the man. She would fight me, get mad because I wouldn't go help, etc. It was all a nightmare. Then Covid hit and I had to take her to ER for possible UTI infection and evaluation. They admitted her because her blood pressure was high. The doctor called me the next day and asked me how did I take care of her alone at my house. I told her it wasn't easy and that I was worn out; but you do what you have to do! Apparently, she had kept the hospital staff pretty busy all night long. It was recommended that she go to a nursing home for awhile for rehab for her to try to regain some strength, but she had no interest in trying. And of course, no choice in what nursing home to go to during Covid and the one she got sent to was horrible. Sorry for the ramble.
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@1creekgirl (40783)
• United States
29 Apr
@kareng You can ramble all you want! I know that was a rough and stressful two years. You were laying up treasures in heaven.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
27 Apr
Good that you have a doctor that is so well known. I loved his sense of humour. It's interesting to know that people have reasons to look forward to a doctor's appointment.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
@arunima25 They really are!!
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
His whole family is great and have wonderful personalities.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
28 Apr
@kareng Nice to know . Sounds like a great family.
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@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
28 Apr
A normal check up is always good.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
Yes, it is like going from abnormal to normal. Blood pressure has never been this good since I have my stroke in 2017.
@kaylachan (59717)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Apr
I'm glad your appoitment went well. It's always nice to have a doctor who knows, you.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
I was also surprised he didn't freak out with my swollen ankles. He said they were not bad at all. My primary doctor makes a bid deal out of it.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
@kaylachan I don't like taking diuretics and so far have been able to avoid that. Yesterday, he told me that one of my blood pressure pills will cause swelling and he adjusted that medication to 1 x a day instead of 2. I think that will certainly help! The primary harps on me taking fluid pill. Nope, not gonna happen.
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@kaylachan (59717)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Apr
@kareng My doctors pick the most random things to focus on, too.
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@TheHorse (208290)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Apr
I am glad he has a sense of humor and is warm. That kind of thing actually reduces stress and blood pressure.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
You are right on that! And not many doctors have those traits anymore either.
@DianneN (247205)
• United States
27 Apr
Sounds like you had a wonderful checkup and a fun time, too. We used to see an orthopedist, an ophthalmologist, and a chiropractor who were all close friends.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
My husband made a comment last night that he didn't get many comments from him. I told him because ya'll went back and forth talking about boats and other stuff!! His blood pressure was high, but that is normal for him. The cardiologist is the only doctor my husband sees that knows this is his normal. He is on a LOT of blood pressure medicine, and got a new one swapped out last year that has helped keep it level better. His top number gets close to 200 every now and then and was over 200 when he had his stroke. So all other doctors freak out when his blood pressure is 164/76.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
28 Apr
@kareng Lol! Men do get excited talking about boats and other stuff with their friends. Glad he’s doing better!
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
@DianneN At one point, I was thinking, "Hey, I'm the friend of the family here, not you!!"
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@JudyEv (328059)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Apr
That's so good that you have a doctor you like so much. Our doctor is good too and we trust him implicitly.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
I knew that I would use him if I ever needed a Cardiologist when his mother told me one day that he missed Thanksgiving dinner with the family because a patient of his had a heart attack and he rushed to the hospital. You don't find too many that dedicated anymore!
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@JudyEv (328059)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Apr
@kareng It seems more about the money nowadays.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
@JudyEv You nailed it!!
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@Deepizzaguy (95978)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
27 Apr
I am happy that I did complete surveys on Prime Opinion that paid me via Pay Pal to be able to deposit it into the bank account this week.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
That is always nice to get paid!! Enjoy your weekend!
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
@Deepizzaguy Good deal!!!
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@Deepizzaguy (95978)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
28 Apr
@kareng I will do my best to enjoy my weekend.
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@thelme55 (76635)
• Germany
28 Apr
It’s nice to have a friendly doctor. That is good that you have now a normal blood pressure.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
Yes, much better than taking as much as I was taking! I still have to take 3 different blood pressure pills but we are going to half the dosage.
@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
28 Apr
I'm glad your appointments went well. I love Texas Roadhouse. I'm jealous that you went there! The good news is that I will see my husband on Wednesday. Can't wait. Have a good day.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
29 Apr
I'm so glad that you will get to visit him this week! And that you are finally feeling better! It's been about 3 weeks now since you have gotten to visit him?
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
30 Apr
@LindaOHio Only two more days!
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
29 Apr
@kareng Yes, it will be 2-1/2 weeks since I saw him last!!!
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Apr
Getting work done on my house.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
I know you will enjoy that cold air this summer!
@RasmaSandra (74599)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Apr
Glad you had good checkups, Nice to have a lunch out, My week as usual flew by and I know before I turn around the weekend will be gone too, I hope you have a good one,
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
We pretty much had to get something as my hubby's blood sugar was low after eating breakfast and a small hamburger on the way to the doctor's office. I will be glad when he gets adjusted to his new insulin.
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@sallypup (58551)
• Centralia, Washington
27 Apr
I'm glad your checkup was fantastic.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
27 Apr
Yes, so nice for a change!!
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• Philippines
28 Apr
Congratulations on the lower dosage. It's always nice to see a doctor that you like and you're comfortable with.
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@kareng (56185)
• United States
28 Apr
Yes it is. I was very happy to get off of some of this medicine!
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