Happy Mothers day

Cloverdale, Indiana
May 12, 2024 6:51am CST
Hope every mother has a great exciting mothers day & do whatever it is they want to do without any mishaps. There's not a whole lot I have on my list I want to do on this day other than get my cabin back in order, that's my # 1 concern, it's getting there slowly it's looking good. May 10th was the 1 yr mark that I crashed & was in the Hosp for 6 mons & I thank God I'm back home & doing as good as I am health wise to do what I can everyday. Life for me was almost cut short the 1st few days I was in the hosp & to be here today I can't tell you how blessed I am, If you haven't read my 1st few post on here to know what put me in the hosp, It was my gallbladder & pancreas that put me in the hosp, the whole story is on my post's. I was in BAD shape from it that I have never experienced & never want to go through ever again, it was horrifying. But now that I made the 1st yr mark, I'm glad I made it & on a life long mission to get my heath back on track again fighting the Big D (diabetes) to get off the insulin I'm on. I joined my lot after being off here for a few yrs & I'm glad I did, cause it was the prayers & all the help you all gave me to get back on my feet again, Thank you. Today is a very special day for me for a lot of reasons I'll be helping hubby in the cabin & to get as much as we can done this week to get the ceiling finished. We still have a lot more to get done after it's done with getting the bathroom done & all the trimming & then we can start putting the kitchen together with putting all the cabinets & flooring in the place. I have a few Videos on my post's of what the cabin looks like in what all we have to get done to get it finished & back in order to move back in it, it's a job. That's my mothers day agenda what is yours?
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7 responses
@kareng (56199)
• United States
13 May
Stayed home (planned) but didn't plan on it raining all day! I wanted to get some more work done in the garden. I still have some plants to get in there.
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@kareng (56199)
• United States
14 May
@2ndchances24 And I always seem to go from one thing to the other because SO much needs to be done. And that just seems to be on-going. I need to start starting a project and seeing it to the end before starting the next!
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 May
@kareng I think every 1 does that at some point just trying to get it all done at SOME what the same time.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
I know how that goes, I have so much to get done I get like where do I start ? to get it all done.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
12 May
We do not have our mothers anymore to celebrate and I am not a mother. We went out for a very long walk in the nature. I know this is very good for my husband.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
13 May
@2ndchances24 At least we had two beautiful sunny days.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
@LadyDuck we had almost a full week & it's suppose to rain sometime tonight into tomorrow MAYBE, won't really know till it shows up.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
A good walk is always a good thing to enjoy.
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@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
12 May
You too thanks Gayle.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
you welcome.
@wolfgirl569 (97280)
• Marion, Ohio
12 May
Hope you can get some things done today.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
We're getting closer to getting the ceiling done everyday we spend time working on it, it takes time to work on a 24 X 24 ceiling when you have just 1 person doing it.
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
14 May
I was wanting to spend the whole day with my mother, but she didn't feel good. We did watch a movie together though.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 May
That's a good thing, it's better than nothing at all right?
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@ogbenishyna (3332)
23 May
oh, happy belated birthday. I know there are more than one mothers days in 1 year.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
23 May
Thank you, yeah there is, there's Xmas, mothers day, anniversaries
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@dya80dya (34615)
12 May
Today is another bad day and I won't do much. I feel extremely anxious.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 May
Why will it be a bad day ? if you don't mind me asking. What has you so anxious?