The Power of Planners

@annierose (19740)
May 16, 2024 12:06am CST
"Do you have a planner?" This question holds the key to better organization and productivity. Yesterday, I explored Canva and created a cute teacher planner. It made me realize the importance of planners in keeping our lives on track, from scheduling appointments to jotting down goals. So, do you have a planner? If not, it might be time to consider one. With a planner, you can stay organized and feel more empowered to tackle your day.
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
16 May
I have an "old style" planner, not a digital one.
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
There's something special about using an old-style planner! It's a great way to stay organized, and writing things down physically can be very satisfying. Keep enjoying your planning!
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
17 May
@annierose I am not obliged to turn on my computer to use my planner.
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
@LadyDuck That's the beauty of a traditional planner - it doesn't require any power source, just good ol' pen and paper. It's wonderful to have that tangible connection with your plans and tasks.
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@dya80dya (34615)
16 May
I have a list and it helps me a lot. I don't have a planner.
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
Having a list is definitely a great way to stay organized and focused. It's all about finding what works best for you. Keep rocking your productivity with your list!
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
20 May
@dya80dya A short list can be just as effective! It's all about managing what's important and keeping things manageable. Sometimes, a concise list helps you stay even more focused and productive. Keep up the great work!
@dya80dya (34615)
19 May
@annierose My list is not very long.
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• Philippines
17 May
I think i'm too lazy for those things. I used to have one though.
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
I can understand that! Sometimes, finding the right system that works for you is key. It's great that you had one before, and maybe you'll find a new approach that suits your current lifestyle better. Stay awesome!
@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
16 May
I don't have a planner. But I have the habit of writing down my to do list for the next day before hitting the pillow. That helps me stay focused and streamlined. Else I go around like a headless chicken .
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
16 May
It's awesome that you've found a system that works well for you! Writing down your to-do list before bed sounds like a great way to stay focused and organized. Plus, it's fantastic that you've recognized the importance of having some sort of plan in place to avoid feeling like a "headless chicken" during the day. Keep up the great work with your productivity routine!
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
16 May
@annierose Thank you. I have quite a few things on my plate and I am busy all the time. It's good to have a to do list. I stay focused and can manage my time better.
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@Ghostlady (532)
• United States
17 May
I have a pocket calendar that I put all my appts in. Carry it with me, and that way I do not schedule an appt on top of one. I have another one that I keep what I eat and my Blood Sugar stats stays on my desk. The wall Calendar may or may not be on the right month..I remember about halfway through the month. Other than those, I just do what I can do when I can do it. My Oldest daughter is a teacher, and has always been very organized. Sometimes I wonder how she could be related to me OR her dad. LOL
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
18 May
That sounds like a smart system you have in place with your pocket calendar and keeping track of your health stats! It's all about finding what works best for you, right? We all have our own unique organizational styles — your daughter might have inherited some extra organizational genes! But I'm sure you bring your own special flair to everything you do. Keep up the great work, and don't forget to give yourself credit for all that you accomplish!
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@HaruLoid (1291)
• Philippines
16 May
I don't have a planner per se but I do write everything down in my phone through the mobile application, Notes. It helps me keep in track of everything more easily, especially when I'm standing and discussing things with someone.
@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
Using your phone as a planner is super practical! It's all about finding what works best for you, right?
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@HaruLoid (1291)
• Philippines
17 May
@annierose I totally agree with you there.
@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
18 May
I've tried using planners. So far it hasn't worked too well.
@thebos (5965)
• Kisumu, Kenya
16 May
I'm the planner of my my activity, but sometimes I really wish I heard a planner to help me out
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@annierose (19740)
• Philippines
17 May
It sounds like having a planner buddy could be a game-changer for you.
@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 May
i had but i like having a notebook more.