Good afternoon myLot

@NJChicaa (116473)
United States
May 16, 2024 2:26pm CST
Hello everyone. I hope your day is going well. It is 61 degrees F and cloudy here at the Jersey Shore. I miss the sunshine. I'm done with work and back at the apartment with the cat crew. I was supposed to have an hour of tutoring this afternoon but the student has all sorts of anxiety/depression issues and he clearly was not having a good day so we decided to meet tomorrow instead. So now I am just catching up on the news and InternetLand. I put some Penzey's pork chop rub on a piece of pork loin. I'm just letting that kind of marinate for an hour or so before I get it into a low and slow oven. The dishes are done and laundry is going. I've adulted for the afternoon. What's everyone else up to this afternoon?
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5 responses
@Deepizzaguy (95995)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
16 May
I am currently working om sharing good news stories and completing surveys under a party cloudy afternoon with the temperature at 77 degrees Fahrenheit,
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@kaylachan (59717)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 May
I just have to get the laundry out of the dryer and put away. And, get the recycle bin down to the curb for pickup.
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@TheHorse (208290)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 May
I have been chatting with friends. My Trump wormhole this morning was brief. Is Melania a "victim"? Or another pragmatist, who used Trump as much as he used her? Tonight, I head out to Chicago. I will travel light, as I'll only be there for a couple of days.
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
17 May
I hate adulting. Since my husband's been gone I've had to do too much of it. Your pork loin is going to be sooo good. Have a great day.
@HaruLoid (1256)
• Philippines
17 May
Quite hot today in the Philippines. Good thing the air conditioner in our office works fine. There's nothing much going on today in the Office so I might use myLot the this afternoon or just maybe read a book. I just remembered that I need to submit a book reviewer.