Southern California Waiting on Hurricane Hilary

@much2say (54009)
Los Angeles, California
August 20, 2023 9:07am CST
By now, Sunday 7:00am, Hurricane Hillary is still northbound, but has been downgraded to Category 1. It's most likely going to be weakened by the time it gets to Southern California, but it is predicted we will have major, historic rain and wind here. We're waiting for it . As of right now, it's a gray, muggy but coolish morning with only a slight breeze. I have no idea what pre-hurricane looks like - we've never gone through this before as this is a rare weather event. The sky is what's in the photo - doesn't look menacing - yet . (Oh darn, the photo glitch is still around). Thank goodness we are stocked up with everything since last week (thank you pandemic practices). Yesterday we cleared around the property to be prepared for heavy rain and wind, and did the same for my mother's house. Of course they are laying it on thick on the news. I would love for this fizzle and not be as catastrophic as they are making it out to be. We shall see and I'll let you know what happens. How's the weather where you are? Hurricane, anyone?
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15 responses
@rebelann (111544)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Aug
I've seen gray skies like that here on occasion like in 2006 but it doesn't seem as menacing as dark clouds would be. I hope you'll only get the rain you need and not anything that floods your area. How about that, 2 good things came out of the pandemic, first its that nature was able to recover a little in 2020 before people began driving too much and you got it right, many people have learned to stock up so they aren't constantly running around cuz they need toilet paper It's windy here but it's coming from a northeastern position ..... that's kinda unusual cuz usually we get wind from the southwestern position. Stay safe my friend.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Right now it's pretty much a non-stop showering with the wind picking up a little bit . . . if it can stay like this, we're all in good shape. And just as I speak, the showering turned on a little harder. Oh gosh, I loved it when the roads were clearer and the air quality got better. Things were growing and animals were thriving . . . it was NICE. Much quieter outdoors for a while. Geez, are we back to what we were before . I did see that some friends reported not being able to get water last night. My thinking was why did you go shopping last night . . . of course there were going to be panicky people the night before. It was crazy that people hoarded the toilet paper a couple years ago. News keeps saying rain and wind will get stronger . . . let's see. Weather is just weird everywhere - period. Thank you . . . this all ends by tomorrow night supposedly!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Thank you @rebelann ! At just after 1pm, we are still in the same condition . . . so thus far we're ok .
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@rebelann (111544)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Aug
I pray all will be well for you and yours @much2say
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
20 Aug
I hope it's just a tropical storm by the time Hilary reaches mainland USA. I know you guys would love some rain. We're under a red flag warning here with the temp topping 106F this afternoon. Pretty and I don't want to go out in it. The heat is supposed to stick around until next weekend according to the local forecast. (Pretty has a doctor appointment Monday afternoon and I'm dreading taking her. She refuses to make appointments for herself when the day would still be cooler. I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday morning.) Take care. I hope nothing bad happens out your way.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Aug
@DaddyEvil On top of it all, we felt an earthquake this afternoon . 5.1 - it was a long, rolling one. Haven't felt that in a long time, but we are used to that stuff. What next. Actually, don't tell me. The rain has been steady . . . the wind isn't bad. But they say it may still get worse tonight. My son's school district just announced school will be closed - so yay. Hopefully we can still walk it to my daughter's appointment. I know 90s is already so hot for your area - the triples is surprising. I feel like we are all over the place with weather these days. Did you guys get any summer rain this year? Oh man. Do you have those car shade thingies? Thanks and good luck with your appointments this week too!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Guess what - it did downgrade to a tropical storm (should I change the title ?)! Well, we're getting a steady shower (maybe it qualifies as rain now) and some wind. Not bad at all - yet. You guys are getting that kind of triple digits - and for a week? Wow, that is hot for out there. I hope there is shaded parking or at least in a structure so the car can stay cooler as you have your appointments. My daughter has an appointment tomorrow - it's literally a walk away (a serious waste to drive and pay for parking) but I guess we'll have to see how it is by morning. Thanks - so far we're just fine. You guys stay as cool as you can this week!!
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
20 Aug
@much2say Nope, the title is fine. I hope it stays decent for you. Yeah, not much fun at all. It's the same kind of heat we had last Summer but we didn't get any rain so everything started dying here. We don't normally go above the mid-90s and usually only that hot for a week or less all Summer long. There's no shade at any of the doctors' offices and the parking lots are on the North or West side of the buildings so no shade from the building, either. Good luck tomorrow. You're welcome and thanks. We'll do our best.
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@RebeccasFarm (87043)
• United States
20 Aug
I hope it will fizzle sachizzle. God protect you and family..keeping you in my prayers xo
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Aug
Thank you!! Thus far was are ok . . . raining non stop all day and the winds have been tame. Now we have to see how it goes tonight. But others may get hit harder. And did you hear we also went through a 5.1 earthquake this afternoon??
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
@RebeccasFarm Yep! Overall, our area was not hit so hard . . . but the mountains and deserts were a different story. And now we're back to the 90s, as if nothing happened!!
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• United States
21 Aug
@much2say I had been reading a alot about it and Newsom called out an Emergency yes? Oh no now an earthquake?
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@LadyDuck (461776)
• Switzerland
20 Aug
I am following the news about Hurricane Hillary that sounds to be pretty bad. I hope you are not going to have problems, please keep safe.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
The funny thing is everyone is saying it's worse on the news than it really is. Well "here" anyway . . . the people more towards the east will have it much harder than us. Right now it's just a steady shower with some wind - better than I thought it would be anyway. Thank you - it's not supposed to go on beyond tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes!
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@LadyDuck (461776)
• Switzerland
21 Aug
@much2say I have read late yesterday evening that it was downgraded to "tropical storm". I hope everyone will be fine.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
@LadyDuck That is exactly what happened. For us, it was really not too bad. But as you may have seen, some of the areas in the mountains and deserts were hit pretty hard. And other parts of our local cities got flooded too. But we made it out just fine - oh we felt the 5.1 earthquake too, but all was ok after that too. I thought maybe people in other states would think our hurricane experience was laughable.
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@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
20 Aug
I hope everything goes smoothly and that Hilary won't be to's also so good that you are stocked up on things that you will need if this turns out for the worst..
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Now, at 10:30, Hilary is down to a tropical storm . It's showering steadily and the wind is picking up a little bit. But yah, we have everything here that we need (this storm is only for a couple days at most).
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@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
20 Aug
@much2say I'm glad that it has dropped down to a tropical storm, people are picking on me because my name is Hillary lol...
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
@hillhjill Oh gosh . . . I can only imagine! Thus far we are ok . . .mostly a constant flow of showers . . . Hilary has been nice to us .
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
Hot weather here. Thankfully we are now in the 80s, and a little less humidity recently. I hope all is well with you. **Edit: Had to come back and edit my comment. We are at 94 degrees today, yuck!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Sep
So glad to see you back! The weather is nuts. I hope it cools out there for you soon. We had triple digits over the weekend, but now it's cooling down each day that goes by this week . . . supposedly. It doesn't exactly feel "cool" yet. But today already feels less humid than yesterday.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Sep
@CarolDM Always a pleasure to "see" you whenever you can get here . You, Brendel and the Dude are in my thoughts . . . sending lots of strength and vibes of good health out your way. I'm feeling hopeful that we're getting closer to fall!
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Sep
@much2say Only here for a short time again. Still taking care of Brendel and myself. Good to see you. I hope for fall weather soon.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
21 Aug
Don’t you love it when the weather people get dramatic? And hey, the picture finally showed up! We got to 104 degrees, but as long as there is no tornado, I’ll get over it. I hope you guys don’t get rocked by the hurricane. Fingers crossed!
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
23 Aug
@much2say The pictures of the water just pouring through the street was pretty bad, but I am glad to hear you guys weren't hit too hard.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
@AmbiePam Right - all the flooding and mudslides were pretty bad in those areas - I can't imagine going through that here. But yah, we were ok.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
The news are still at it . . . and we are saying "it's over now!" . But we were fortunate as it really was not that bad for us (constant rain, but the winds never got seriously bad). There were other areas who were hit badly, which is what you're probably seeing on the news now. Oh, we did feel the earthquake though! Oh gosh, you have to deal with tornados! Hope you are staying cool out there !
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
20 Aug
Since a couple of days we see rain.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Aug
It has been raining pretty steadily since this morning - non stop - very unusual for us!
• China
21 Aug
Hope where you live won't be buffeted by Hurricane Hillary and all is a false alarm ! The name of Hurricane is funny and some people on line mocked it .
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
The good thing is it weakened by the time it came this way, it got downgraded to a "tropical storm". But we got constant rain - and not as much wind as they originally predicted. Other areas got greatly hit by the storm with mudslides and flooding - we were quite fortunate. Did you hear that we had an earthquake too? 5.1 . . . it was long and rolling. Oh yes, we have heard many Hilary Clinton jokes about it .
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• China
23 Aug
@much2say Happily it became a spent force and turned into a "tropical storm" when it reached your area ! Oh,I haven't learnt about earthquake over there.5.1 on the Richter scale would cause violent shaking of the earth's surface.Hope it didn't cause any damage ! Take care !
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@FourWalls (63027)
• United States
20 Aug
I’m watching news coverage out of San Diego. Hope and pray you do okay in it. Weather here is starting to get hot. We have an excessive heat watch out for the week. “Hurricane” should just be a drink in New Orleans.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Thus far we have this harder shower falling and some wind . . . not too bad - just constant. It has downgraded to a "tropical storm" . . . but the news tells us it's still going to be a mess. We shall see - it's just so weird to see this much water falling from the sky in August. Stay cool as much as you can! How hot do they say it'll get? I've never had a Hurricane (drink or weather ). I just read up on the ingredients . . . sounds really good (though I don't drink anymore ). I'd rather that than the weather kind!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
@FourWalls Then I don't know that I could handle any hurricane . Oh yah, that mugginess makes it all sticky ooey gooey . . . I guess it's difficult to breathe for some. Hope the week goes by fast and that it gets cooler for ya!
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@FourWalls (63027)
• United States
20 Aug
@much2say — I think the drink got its name because it does similar damage to the storm after a couple. High 90s for temperatures, heat indexes in the high 100s. Trust us when we say it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
23 Aug
Just super duper heat.
@RasmaSandra (74556)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
20 Aug
Please don't mention the H word. My anxiety cannot take it. I have been in Florida for six years and only was confronted with one H and I do not want any more, Be careful and I hope that H will soon be a thing of the past. It is just hot and humid here,
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Ok, I won't say that H word. In fact, it has been downgraded to a "tropical storm". For now we are dealing with constant rain and some wind - that has been all day and it will go into tomorrow. But I don't know about other areas - especially east of us as they say they may be hit harder. I hope you never have to go through "it" again. Hope you have cooler days coming soon!!
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• United States
21 Aug
I hope it fizzles too and that you don't get hit with a hurricane. I've been through quite a few and they're no fun. Stay safe
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
The hurricane weakened to a tropical storm . . . thank goodness . . . but we got a lot of rain and some wind (not as bad as predicted though). Other areas were hit harder - you probably saw the mudslides and flooding on the news. I can't imagine going through real hurricanes - I'll bet they were scary times!!
@Kandae11 (53900)
20 Aug
If it is a first time experience for you it would be worrying yes, but there is no need. It has been downgraded to a Cat 1 - and it might revert to a depression. Be thankful it is not a cat 3 or 4. My first experience with a hurricane was in 1988 when the island was hit directly with a Cat 3 hurricane - recovery took weeks. I didn't recognise my neighborhood - trees everywhere, light and telephone poles down, satelite dishes everywhere - those were the days when dishes on the roof were popular. Since then we have survived many others - but 1988 was the worst for me.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug
Hurricanes are unheard of here (I guess the last was 1939). Now it's not "hurricane" anymore - they are saying "tropical storm" . . . will still be wet and windy, but perhaps not as bad. You went through a real hurricane - my goodness that must've been truly scary with all that destruction - I can't even imagine our neighborhood getting to that point. I'm thinking it must be like earthquakes to us - we're kinda used to the shaking - so a storm like this is nothing to folks who experience strong hurricanes.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
@Kandae11 And by now you probably heard we actually went through an earthquake during the storm too . It was a long and rolling 5.1 earthquake . . . and like you were mentioning, we had not expected it - I had heard of no warning. Luckily nothing became of that, nor the "hurricane" for us . . . it was a long day with never ending rain and just some wind. However for other regions the storms were quite destructive.
@Kandae11 (53900)
21 Aug
@much2say lf there is a' good' thing about hurricanes when compared to earthquakes it is that we are warned days in advance and can make preparations.
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@LindaOHio (160128)
• United States
21 Aug
The concern is the heavy rain. I hope you're not in a mudslide region. Stay safe and try to enjoy the new week.