Making a mountain out of a mole hill. Do you know anyone like this?

@grenery8 (3774)
Croatia (Hrvatska)
April 4, 2024 1:41pm CST
Yes, this is a very used expression in my language and i tend to use it very often. Today, i had a similar situation like this and i am still recovering. Some people make so big issues over nothing while there are actual big issues out there;war, sickness and i am having hard time tolerating this. I had a good day and bam,in the evening, one small joke from my side and everything is ruined. I need a positive vibe more and maybe constantly. Well...
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11 responses
@kaylachan (59635)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Apr
You're in charge of your feelings. You can let a bad joke rouine your entire day or feel bad about it and get over it. Enjoy the rest of your day.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 Apr
your experience about this kind of people? i have a kidney autoimmune disease that i recently found out was chronic and it could never be treated, just worse or better and i can't be super chill to a person who got mad at me just because i joked can she hurry up with the cooking. i cook to her all the time and i feel very tired to be silent all the time while she can joke and talk nonsense all the time.
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@kaylachan (59635)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Apr
@grenery8 You chose to take that personally, when you didn't haveto. I'm tired all the time, too. I am chronically ill, too. But I don't let that get to me. It's okay to let something upset you, but you're the only one that's going to suffer for it. Not everyone else around you.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
@kaylachan my parents were affected too. this sibling of mine did similiar thing 2days ago and brings out her toxicity wherever she goes. with her colleagues and friends, she is always in good mood, with her family, she is like this. easier said than done cause this was a chance to reunite as a family and it failed again. thank you just, i need more light in my life.
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@RebeccasFarm (87043)
• United States
5 Apr
Well I know someone to have the last word always.
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• United States
5 Apr
@grenery8 Maybe..I am sorry.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
@RebeccasFarm thank you. i felt positive energy within me and should continue in that direction
@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
i am sad it is the last word no matter what the cost is and it is a sibling relationship falling apart. i invested so much and didn't get any back.things will be better, maybe?
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Apr
Oh yes, I know a few people like this. Most notably, my own sister. She is one to make a big deal and sound off the alarms before getting all her information . . . it stresses the family out when things did not need to go there.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Apr
@grenery8 Oh geez, sounds like my sister . . . but she will never apologize . She is judgmental even though she says she does not like judgmental people herself. I cannot stand this negative vibe .
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
this is my sister too. i gave her so many chances, apologized even but she acted high,apologized 2days ago too, just that she can make up the reasons about me. also, she doesn't care about my health issues. she said she will support me but i have to reflect on my mistakes. geez.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
8 Apr
@much2say mine apologizes now and then and with conditions. you are completely right, that awful vibe. after many times when i thought it worths saving relation, i came to conclusion that just greeting her is the best choice. last 12years were more negative than positive. i lost my youth in this. yeah...
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
5 Apr
I have a friend like this. She is the kindest person but she can make drama for everything, she can talk for hours.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
5 Apr
@grenery8 Yes we are friends for years. She was there and ready to help when I needed her in the past and I have really appreciated her kindness through the years. The drama is part of her character, but usually behind all that she has a point. I do need a break sometimes but we get along really well.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
some people care more about the facts and words and not about people's feelings. i am glad you accept that friend though, it is really hard sometimes, i believe.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr
@besweet when she helped you, then that means something.this person of mine is a teacher in her real life and instead of listening or helping people, she rather likes giving life lessons or preaching and, i don't like that. she wasn't there for me, i didn't have an easy path like her and would appreciate old fashioned help or not. yeah...
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@Deepizzaguy (95949)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
4 Apr
The sports media makes a lot of mountains out of mole hills regarding female basketball star Caitlyn Clark being successful in college basketball because of her race.
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@Deepizzaguy (95949)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
5 Apr
@grenery8 That is true.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr
@Deepizzaguy that is the reason i don't watch news so much;no positive stories, only negative ones
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
media has a lot to talk about and mostly about irrelevant things.
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@Rimps85 (1245)
• India
4 Apr
oh, there's so many such people in my circle...
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@Rimps85 (1245)
• India
5 Apr
@grenery8 that's embedded in them forever
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
@Rimps85 it really is. bygones should be bygones with these people
@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 Apr
and i thought holidays could change that type of people
@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
5 Apr
I read one of your responses here. You didn’t do anything wrong, and if someone is too insensitive to realize you are justified in feeling the way you do, that’s their problem with their lack of understanding. And I mean that about other Mylotters interpretation too.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
thank you. i was tired before my health issues with this sibling and now too. easter was a chance to bring us together but no, she had to make it burn. and i was so happy yesterday. with her and her attitude towards me, i feel like i am not allowed to be happy and that sucks. i guess that's it.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
5 Apr
@grenery8 Please don’t let anyone, including Mylotters, make you feel like your feelings aren’t valid. I don’t know why your sister would be like that, but I do identify with your situation with her.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
@AmbiePam thank you. o, mylotters didn't make me feel like that but thank you for supporting me
@snowy22315 (171917)
• United States
5 Apr
There are aliot of people who seem to think every little thing is a catradzrophe.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
very much so and think that world revolves around them.
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@just4him (310047)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Apr
I'm sorry your day turned bad. Yes, I've heard the term often. We all need positivity in our lives.
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@just4him (310047)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Apr
@grenery8 I'm sorry that person makes your day bad.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr
i think we need. it may be boring to some but to destroy people's peace over nothing, i don't have any strength to participate in that anymore. thank you. i needed half of day to get better and when i see this person;only hello, thank you and goodbye, that is it.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 Apr
@just4him thank you.
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@dgobucks226 (34586)
10 Apr
There are some who overreact to most everything that affects them. It keeps them from ever being really happy for very long. Sometimes it's best to let it out and then get over it...
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@dgobucks226 (34586)
16 Apr
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
12 Apr
i am sensitive in some things like social things, health and other things but this wasn't any of it, just a small talk and someone being a grinch about it and looking for an excuse to be that. you are right, they will never be happy.
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@Shivram59 (32330)
• India
5 Apr
@greenery8 Such people are found everywhere.Even in my neighborhood too.Recently a quarrel between two small children ended up with gunshots exchanged between their fathers and one of them getting injured in his arm.He is now in the hospital and the other is handed over to the police.
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@Shivram59 (32330)
• India
7 Apr
@grenery8 Yes;some antisocial men are now in jail.A good news.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr
what a hard lesson to learn and many would say was it worth it. awful but a fair example. thank you. and you are right, they are everywhere.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 Apr
@Shivram59 yes, at least some good news.
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