Is it wrong that I want to go somewhere??

@MarieCoyle (30124)
May 5, 2024 6:57pm CST
Don't get me wrong here...I am no gadabout. I like to be home. I love my children, but for a long time now, it's so hard to get away for a break. I get to see my oldest daughter as she is not far away at all, so I can take my son. They do what they can, but they have his parents to care for and they both work full time. It's hard for my son to travel far right now due to medical issues and treatments. He has to have someone...and for now, that someone is ME. That doesn't mean I don't want to go somewhere. I want to go spend several days with my oldest son and his family, about a 2 hour drive each way. I did this for years and I miss it terribly. They come here sometimes when they can, but they are very busy with kid's sports, jobs, and such, so it always works way better for me to go there. I want to go to Florida like I always have, to spend time with my youngest girl and her family. I miss them terribly. But I just can't...I can't go that far from him. I love my son who is ill. I love them all. There just isn't anyone I can leave my son with right now, he hasn't been driving for several months since he hasn't been very stable, we didn't think it was safe for him to do so. That limits him a lot, and he hates it. He wants to be well enough to drive, maybe someday he can be. I was hoping I could take my son to Florida and he could visit with his sister and his father and his grandparents, while I was there. But he isn't well enough to travel so far, and to be away from his doctors, etc. in case of an emergency (and we have had our share of emergencies!) If I say I want to go, does that make me selfish? Like I said, my gadabout days are long over. I don't have big finances to do that, anyway. But I miss my bestie...she is 2 hours away, and it's hard for us to see each other as well, if she comes here I still have him to care for and limited space, if I go there I have to take him, and it's too far for him to go. So, here I am... Why am I writing this, you say? I am writing this because of caregivers. If you have time, and know of a family caregiver, and know they are struggling or needing to get away, give them a break if you can. A few hours could make all the difference and give them a good mental break. Maybe they will just go for a walk or to the store. Maybe they will go to the park, or go to a coffee shop, or a friend's home. I have one friend who did this for us on a regular basis, and she recently had major surgery--now, we take HER food, etc. She has no one but just a few friends, no family. There are people everywhere that would benefit from just an hour or two of your time if you have it to spare. We never know if something will happen and we might need the same type of break. A break refreshes the mind, gives us time away, different scenery, and just a tiny bit of time to be just who we are, for a minute or two...much needed. Pixabay picture.
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14 responses
@Kandae11 (53900)
6 May
Isn't there any other family who can be there for your son while you take a break?
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@Kandae11 (53900)
6 May
@MarieCoyle You need some help. If you do not take care of yourself and there is a breakdown - then who will take care of him?
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
@Kandae11 I don’t know, all I can tell you is I am doing my best. Thank you.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
There really isn’t. Sometimes my daughter has us over there and we love going there. They are caregivers for his aging parents as well.
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@JudyEv (328031)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 May
This is really good advice. I know it would cost money but is there an association that could supply a carer? There might even be a volunteer charity that could help? I do hope you're able to get a break soon.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
We are “on a list” for a caregiver for a few hours per week. There is a huge shortage of home health workers in my area. But yes, it’s a great idea if it ever happens!
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@JudyEv (328031)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 May
@MarieCoyle At least you are 'on a list'. I hope they get around to helping you soon.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
@JudyEv I hope they can find more people to hire. They say they are maxed out. Thank you, Judy.
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@snowy22315 (171910)
• United States
6 May
You should be able to get respite care for half a day so you can visit a couple of hours away. You can and should take them time to rejuvenate. It will make you a better caretaker. I know it's hard though.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
We haven't given up trying to find someone. Thank you, Snowy.
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@kaylachan (59635)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 May
I understand, and I don't think it's wrong to want to be a little selfish. Sometimes we need that. My "me" time comes after George goes to bed, or when I take a couple hours to take a bath and wash my hair. So, I don't really ever get burnt out, because I don't have to do a whole lot. George has recovered quite a bit and is starting to do more for himself. Even occassionally asking for food. It makes the job easier. The most stressful, peg tube time. Or dealing with the VA. But, the VA I'm not dealing with on a daily basis, so....
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
I do enjoy my shower time every night. Feels so good to shower the stress away!
@sallypup (58528)
• Centralia, Washington
6 May
My heart is with you. At one time my family cared for my Dad. Not a picnic. We treasured our hour away when we got it- loved my Dad but he was a bugger at times. I have volunteered with Hospice, sitting with folks who needed a break. You are not selfish. Not one bit. You are under a ton of stress and strain, though. Take care.
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@sallypup (58528)
• Centralia, Washington
6 May
@MarieCoyle It's hard to be so stretched. Take care.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
I’m trying very hard. I remain positive that he will be better. He has improved somewhat, but it’s very slow. Thank you so much!
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@TheHorse (208195)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 May
Not wrong at all. We all need a vacation. Perhaps especially caregivers.
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@TheHorse (208195)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 May
@MarieCoyle Carry on.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
Heck, I would be thrilled with 2 days at this point. Beyond my expectations. Thank you.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
7 May
@TheHorse One of my all time favorites. How did you know that?
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
7 May
Yell it from the rooftops, Marie. And then I’ll take over. Taking care of my late mother almost killed my dad, and that was with me being around to help. He’d have friends bring food, and they’d come and play games (board games, card games) because they knew he couldn’t leave my mom. Only I could really allow him to leave the house because of what caring for her entailed, but they rallied around him, and did everything they could to help.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
8 May
My friend Tammy came to visit us today. I had brownies for her. She was in heaven, she adores brownies. She stayed several hours. My son loves Tammy, my entire family does. She grew up on a reservation…had lots of stories and such. She had 3 surgeries on her leg so far since December. So she’s still on crutches. But she is a joy to be around and we love it when she visits! She stayed for dinner. She will hope back soon. I am rounding up the troops. My daughter is having us to dinner this weekend. Hopefully my son will feel good enough to enjoy time with his sister and brother in law. It gives him something to look forward to, besides just old Mom all the time! Your words are so heartfelt and so much appreciated.
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@jstory07 (134735)
• Roseburg, Oregon
6 May
You are not selfish for wanting to get away. I sure wish you could.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
I'm not even wanting to go very far! I know I can't go to Florida right now, but just a day or two break would be heaven. Thank you, Judy.
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@LadyDuck (461767)
• Switzerland
6 May
You are not at all selfish. We all feel the need to have some "ME" time once in a while. May you contact a local facility and ask if they can send a caregiver for a full day so you can do the two hours drive to see your older son?
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@LadyDuck (461767)
• Switzerland
6 May
@MarieCoyle That is really good. I hope you can have this person coming to help soon. Even if it's only one day per week it would be so good for you.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
@LadyDuck It would really help. Thank you!
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
We are on a waiting list to get a caregiver person to come for one day a week. I hope there is one soon. Thank you, Anna.
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@wolfgirl569 (97210)
• Marion, Ohio
6 May
I hope you can get a break soon. I know how it feels to need to get away.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
I don’t want to go very far until he is better. But I do need to get away for a little while now and then. Thank you, Eva.
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@1creekgirl (40767)
• United States
6 May
Marie, first of all, you are NOT being selfish for needing a break. You are a very good mother who has taken such good care of her son. I just wish someone there would offer to give you a break. I know you have family and a close friend you'd love so much to visit, but even a day or a few hours would pick up your spirits. Hugs to you and prayers for you and your son.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
I am far from a perfect caregiver, I just do the Mom thing...and try not to hover, haha...I want him to be well. I still keep my spirits up, but I do miss other loved ones and it's important to me to get to see them. Thank you, Vicki.
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@just4him (310029)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 May
I see caregivers come and go here. I live in a senior community. Many people live behind closed doors. I don't see them, only the people who come to care for them. I was never a caregiver and wouldn't know the first thing about caring for someone. I don't feel you're being selfish to want to get away for a short while and refresh the spirit. I hope someone gives you that time.
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@just4him (310029)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 May
@MarieCoyle You're welcome.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
Thank you, Valerie.
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@LindaOHio (160129)
• United States
6 May
I am so sorry for your situation; and I can empathize 100%. I totally understand. I hope someone will step up and give you a break.
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@LindaOHio (160129)
• United States
6 May
@MarieCoyle You're very welcome.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
6 May
My son misses going places as well. He likes to get out when he feels up to it. But I never know when this is going to be. Thank you, Linda.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
8 May
you deserve some rest and i hope you will get it, one day.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
9 May
I did manage to shuffle in one really good night, and one huge nap the other day. Thank you so much.
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@MarieCoyle (30124)
11 May
@grenery8 Yes and's not little things when a person gets way to short on sleep, for sure. But hopefully, things will get better with time, as you say. Thank you.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 May
@MarieCoyle little things but should get bigger by time.welcome
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