What bird is this?

@sabtraversa (13097)
April 23, 2024 8:32am CST
As my short adventure led me next to a pond, I could see something that resembled a duck. I was too far to identify the species, so I zoomed in with my camera, clicked the button and thought of finding out as soon as I was back home. Nowadays digital cameras allow you to see the photo you just took, no need to wait for films to be processed, but meh... the screen is small. To my surprise, that thing wasn't a bird but a turtle. I didn't expect to see turtles next to a pond next to the longest river of Italy. Yet these are called pond turtles, so they're supposed to inhabit wetlands. They aren't supposed to inhabit THIS wetland though, as the red-eared slider is an invasive species here. These turtles used to be sold at funfairs and people would abandon them by the river. They adapted to the new environment so well they're a threat to the European pond turtles, which seem to be nearly exinct in Italy. I can't tell which turtle is prettier but I felt sad knowing about the hardship of the local ones. Well, I don't know how the competition works in the turtle world: it isn't like they turn into mutant ninjas and fight each other, right? I didn't find any pizza box so it's unlikely.
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10 responses
@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr
I have seen turtles here too, and we don't have any native turtles. You would think it would be too cold for them, but some obviously manage to survive.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@Fleura They're pretty sturdy, I've just read they also don't mind living in urban areas unlike other native species. And it's such a coincidence I mentioned the Ninja Turtles as they appear to be the reason why many were adopted (to be later abandoned) in the UK.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr
@sabtraversa Yes, that caused a big fashion for keeping turtles but of course the real ones are not like the super-heroes and they grow big too!
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@dya80dya (34617)
13 May
I haven't seen these turtles here.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
13 May
@dya80dya That's good, they aren't supposed to be there, they're native to an area in North America and are invasive/competing with native species elsewhere. Have you seen other turtles?
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
14 May
@dya80dya Aww! Turtles just make splash sounds I guess. And I don't know what they taste like. Frogs taste pretty good instead.
@dya80dya (34617)
14 May
@sabtraversa No. Here we have only frogs. They make noise at night.
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@Orson_Kart (6165)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr
I’ve never seen turtles here in the UK. Goldfish used to be given away as prizes from Funfairs, but no longer. What’s the difference between a turtle, a terrapin, and a tortoise? Is it just size?
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• United Kingdom
23 Apr
@sabtraversa No, and I guess they are harder to capture on camera. They certainly couldn’t be confused with birds though, unless they were ‘flying fish’, which they’re not. I think terrapins have been kept in the UK as pets, but now it’s illegal. I’ve never had one, so don’t know the difference between them and turtles. Tortoises are also kept as pets and there used to be a famous one on a British TV show called Blue Peter (the TV show, not the tortoise). They made a big thing every year of putting it in a box to hibernate live on the show.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@Orson_Kart Tortoises are probably easier to maintain as they require less water compared to turtles and terrapins. Putting the tortoise in a box is not far from to placing it inside a coffin. But if it's what they need to hibernate, go ahead.
@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@Orson_Kart Did you get to see goldfish in the wild then? Tortoises are land turtles, as turtles live in water or by the water. Terrapin is new to me, it's translated as "freshwater turtle" so I suppose a pond turtle would also be a terrapin.
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@moffittjc (118996)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Apr
That sure is a funny looking bird! It looks like it is trying to dry its feathers in the sun! I don’t know if we have any invasive turtles in our area, but two other invasive animals that are wrecking havoc here are pythons and iguanas.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
26 Apr
@moffittjc It seems like these turtles are barely native in Northern Florida but invasive pretty much everywhere else, they prefer warm environments but can adapt to colder temps too. We've had few pet iguanas escaping but they don't survive in the wild, same with pythons I suppose. Not fun to have them as invasive species, but ya got native alligators already.
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@moffittjc (118996)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Apr
@sabtraversa You would think that alligators would be at the top of the food chain in their environment, but researchers are finding that the massive pythons are winning the battle against the alligators. Well, the smaller alligators. The big (fully grown) alligators are still king of their domain. Isn’t it crazy that we can have the same kinds of turtles in Italy and the US?
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@TheHorse (208289)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Apr
Looks like the pond turtles we have hear. And the invasive one people release I used to know how to tell them apart. Glad it was not a Ninja.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
24 Apr
@TheHorse Despite the turtle giving its back, I can still see the red "ear" so it had to be the red-eared one. I think I've seen these in a botanical garden before, but never in the wild until recently. Not that I've actually seen it with my eyes, I was sure it was some kind of duck until I came back home.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
25 Apr
@TheHorse Yeah, it does sound fun.
@TheHorse (208289)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Apr
@sabtraversa Yep. I used to "catch and release" painted turtles from canoes at Summer Camp in Michigan. It was fun.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 Apr
you are right about pizza box wow, i can't believe how tough is for them but at least sun is good to them from the distance, i would also say it is not a turtle
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
24 Apr
@grenery8 We don't have crocodiles or alligators, it could have been worse for them. Well, could've been worse for me too.
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@grenery8 (3774)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 Apr
@sabtraversa it could always get worse
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@snowy22315 (171967)
• United States
23 Apr
Turtles come out here alot of times after rain. They go out on the road to dry themselves off. I think I hit a baby one last week. I was sad.
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@snowy22315 (171967)
• United States
23 Apr
@sabtraversa Yes, Never saw it until I was right on top of it.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@snowy22315 Sorry to hear. It must be difficult to recognize a baby turtle from the distance when you're driving, not just because they're very small: they're also very still.
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@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
24 Apr
I LOVE turtles!! No pizza box for the Ninjas
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
24 Apr
@RebeccasFarm Yup, I wonder what they eat then. Maybe bumblebees if they're fast enough, but I don't think so.
@LadyDuck (461873)
• Switzerland
23 Apr
People did the same here. They "won" the small turtles at funfairs, as they grew they abandoned them in the river and now they are threatening the local species. No pizza box, no turtle ninjas!
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@LadyDuck Exactly, I read they'd be abandoned because they grew too much, but they don't look that large to me. Sea turtles are usually way bigger. But they do require a special tank with lamps etc. not everyone might afford.
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@LadyDuck (461873)
• Switzerland
23 Apr
@sabtraversa - People are dumb, many also threw catfish in the lakes and rivers here. They grew to an impressive dimension and now are eating our excellent perch, trout and smaller fish.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
23 Apr
I only know a few species of turtles and two of them live in the brooks and ponds near my house up north. A box turtle dug a hole in my front yard and laid her eggs. A nasty snapping turtle parked himself in the middle of the road. Hubs found a stick and tried to move it to safety. That darn thing snapped at the stick and scared hubs. He did manage to get it to the side of the road, so that we didn’t run it over. Awesome photo, by the way!
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Apr
@DianneN Thanks! Yeah, I've heard of alligators in disguise before, aka snapping turtles. Box turtles are very cute instead, so sweet you had one laying eggs in your yard.
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