In Memorium

United States
April 24, 2007 6:06am CST
Nicodemus, September 2004 - April 24, 2007 First thing you need to know about Nicodemus (more often just called Niccy) is how sweet he was. We rescued him and two brothers last year from a girl who was moving out of state and couldn't bring them with her. He was the sweetest boy, right from the start. As soon as he knew we were more than willing to cuddle, he sought us out at every opportunity. So determined for a good cuddle and scritch was he, the he would move heaven and earth, and any other obstacle in his way, to get them. He was a fighter. Such a fighter. He came to us with a chronic abscess issue with his teeth. We battled it with him, and he never had anything less than a sunny disposition. When he started having trouble with his old brothers and cagemates, we moved him in with our other rat who had lost his cagemate earlier in the year. The pairing did not last nearly as long as we would have hoped (Snow left for the rainbow bridge in the early fall), but Nicodemus mourned as though they'd been lifelong friends and soulmates. He audibly cried for many weeks, and I'm still not sure if we were more heartbroken at the loss of Snow or at Niccy's broken heart. Nicodemus, you lived a long, full life. We are so blessed to have shared even just a short portion of it with you. Give Snow (and his brother before you, Soot) our love and play hard at the bridge.
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3 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 Apr 07
Oh, I am sorry for your loss. I admit I don't know so much about rats myself - being a cat person, the two species do not live so happily together:-(( But I do know they are incredibly intelligent creatures, and can make loving pets. I am sad for Nicodemus, but you must remember that he lived a good life, and that you cared for him, and have nothing to reproach yourself for. He would not want you to ourn - he is at peace now. Take care.
• United States
25 Apr 07
Thank you so much for your very kind words. Kind of funny, but we also have a cat. He loves the rats from a distance. Spends hours staring at their cages. We call it "Rat TV". We just don't let him (the cat) in the room while we have the rats out and about.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Apr 07
LOL! Yes - I'm sure he does like watching them!
@CatNPK (461)
• United States
16 May 07
So sorry to read this. We said good-bye to our old papa on May 9th at 8:30am. The evening before he started having seizures and could no longer move beyond lifting his head. He refused food and drink, and we knew the moment we saw him that this was it. He has been getting older for a long time now, and we expected the day to come. Up until that moment, even the day before, he was always happy and loving. We played with him every day, and made sure to give him all of our love while we had him. During that last night we prayed that he would quietly pass away, but took him to the vet the next morning and gently put him to sleep with an oral anasthetic so that he would not feel any pain from the injection. Knowing how tough rats are, he would probably have hung on for days in his miserable state. We did not sleep well that night, keeping him between us on the bed propped among blankets to stay comfortable. My two young ones are left to their own means now, and they seem to have been missing their big old friend judging by how quiet the cage has been this last week.
• Canada
7 May 07
Sorry for your loss JennyLeah. Sounds like you enjoy your little guys and provide a loving home for them. Niccy sounds like he had a pretty good life with you, and was a very loving animal. Enjoy the ones you have.