loving your husband

a loving spouse - pic portraing someone who loves there husband
@suzzs02 (631)
United States
April 26, 2007 3:12pm CST
we've all heard of post where women or men are not happy with the spouces. but how about the question how happy does your spouse make you? and why do you love him, how proud are u of him? please share your comments!!
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3 responses
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
well for me, i really love my husband so much!we love each other. we are married for almost 20 years now, and i am happy with our baby. i think give and take relationship is the key to a lasting relationship.
@pinay905 (31)
• United States
26 Apr 07
He is the absolute love of my life and totally completes me. He is in the military and I always find myself bragging about how he serves his country. Not a moment goes by that I am not proud of him and proud to be the woman in his life. I love him because he shows in every moment and aspect of life that he cares for me and respects me. He is a true provider and he is always supportive and building me up. He was even willing to leave his career so that I could have my career. Just the fact that he would do that for me shows me how much he loves me and I can't help, but to love him back.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I love my husband very much. He loves me but does not say the words. That does not concern me because he shows me he does. He has stuck by my through all the different surgerys I have had over the years. Now once again I have a medical situation and have had to quit work. He just stands steady for me. Also he has bought me things over the years for no special reason. Just because he is thinking of me. I am not talking about expensive things either. He and my son went to the mall one night and I was not feeling well so I stayed home. They came home and were talking. I got up the next morning and got in my car and there sitting on the dashboard was this funny looking stuffed animal--a lion. It made me feel so good because there was no special reason--he had thought about me and bought it. Another time one of the gals was selling dolls made out of mopheads and he bought me one. Again no special reason. He just figured I would like it. I am very proud of him and he is very special to me. Always remember the grass may be greener on the other side but that doesn't mean it is.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
16 Jul 07
your story makes me want to fall in love all over again, of course with my hubby, but we've had our share of differences and it's both our faults, i was just realizing last how much i did love him though..a t times he can be a sweet heart, but that goes both ways.. good and bad
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