2 Health Tips For 11/5/07

@kathy77 (7486)
May 10, 2007 2:42pm CST
Calcium Cognition If you're making the effort to increase your calcium intake, you're doing your bones a favor. Keep the following in mind to complement your healthy endeavors: - Calcium can make certain antibiotics less effective, so don't take them along with your supplements. - Calcium, iron, and zinc should be taken separately for maximum benefit. - Spinach, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain an acid that makes their calcium content difficult to absorb. 2. Herbal dandelion has a reputation for being a liver cleanser. Another use for this herb is to relieve the symptoms of breast tenderness at menses. To minimize period-related breast pain, also avoid caffeine, drink plenty of water, and take 200-400 International Units of vitamin E.
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