Laughter is the worlds greatest medicine

May 15, 2007 6:25am CST
Become aware of the possibilities of a balanced sense of humour as a means of throwing off tensions. Laughter is a healthy exertion. It breaks the gloom of depression. Doctors call it the worlds best medicine. It contains no drugs and its absolutely free. Laughter brings harmony, peace and joy to your mind and body.Laughter is an important key to mental health. Mental illness is overcome by being happy, free of stress. The next time you are confronted with a problem, try to see the lighter side of it. You will be amazed to see yourself coming out triumphant. When you feel depressed, pause and read humourous books. Force yourself to smile atleast, and look into a mirror. Believe me, this will lift up your spirit and make you a new being. This is the spell casted by laughter......
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2 responses
• India
21 May 07
Without doubt laughter is the best medicine.. The positive attitude it develops in one is beyond doubt.. But overdoing it might not be good...considering if you have a big tensed up belly, if you laugh uncontrollably, you are in risk for hernias.. Especially after any abdominal operation... one should avoid laughin wor coughin for they increase the chances of incisional hernia... ( don't worry too much about this for i don't think there are hardly any person who has got a hernia from this) :)
• India
26 May 07
I neva heard about anybody having hernia, and even for hernia patients need to laugh a little, not too much but they must laugh for a healthy living....
@yasaran (788)
• India
15 May 07
Laughter is the best medicine. You laugh more the more your life will be healthy. Mix humor with what you do and it is the best you can find.
• India
26 May 07
yeah, you are right man.....