Fun activity! Grab a book nearest to you. go to page 20, line 4 what does it say

United States
June 17, 2007 12:48am CST
Line 4 in my nearest book says "Hunger is protective mechanism, insuring that we consume enought calories and nutrients to say alive" And you guessed it is a diet book.
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11 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
17 Jun 07
All of my books were on my bookshelf so I just closed my eyes and grabbed one... "Put an even number of paper balls on both sides"-intructions on a game called Paper Hailstorm I'm going to pick a second one...the craft shelf shouldn't count LOL "But the jeans weren't much better, she wore them skintight and all he could think of when she wore them was"...nevermind, that's not the politest line. Just my luck, I had to grab a Danielle Steel.
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• United States
17 Jun 07
I would have guessed it was a romance novel even if you hadn't said Danielle Steel.
• United States
17 Jun 07
Wow! I love this idea! Neat! Mines a little toughter than yours, maybe even a lot! lol. Mine says... "You've had a lot of time out sick," he said. "Absentee rate just about 18%"
• United States
17 Jun 07
Looks like a book about schools?
• Sri Lanka
17 Jun 07
Thus the entire Bible truthfully is "the word of God." I don't believe this happend to me. I am not so religious and see what I end up getting. Maybe it is a miracle. A book forced on me by a Jehovah's Witness named "What does the Bible really teach?" was lying on my table and that is what I had to pick up. So this is what I ultimately found. A message from God.
• Sri Lanka
18 Jun 07
They will definitly come back because they have turned into family friends now. They know my beliefs are a little crooked. Anyway I enjoy and value the information I get from our discussions.
• United States
17 Jun 07
Jehovah's Witnesses don't FORCE anything on you. You can say no. In fact they will come back now that you took the book because they think you are interested now.
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• South Africa
17 Jun 07
Mine is very self-refferential: "The book went into great detail about this"
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@gizmo528 (731)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Cool idea! All right here we go. "One glass of champagne wouldn't hurt, she decided." It's from a romance novel called, Royal Lockdown. That was pretty cool and I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with.
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• United States
18 Jun 07
"Ignore them," Bladed stated, moving closer so he could be heard over the gunman's mirth. "How soon before these raiders get here?" It is one of my husband's books from the "Endworld" series.
• United States
30 Jul 07
I could have never guessed about this book.
• United States
17 Jun 07
"I started to move on, but Midkiff made a subtle shift, blocking my path with a size-thirteen Hush Puppy." from Kathy Reichs' Fatal Voyage
@design (849)
• Ireland
4 Aug 07
Every night, he crept downstairs and added an extra tiny thickness of wood to the end of the walking stick. Roald Dahl - The twits, Which my daughter love and are once again reading.
@sbksat (355)
• India
17 Jun 07
Hey I've got aEnvironmental education book and it goes like this... "Monuments are a part of our rich historical and cultural heritage and should be preserved" This idea is great...
• United States
18 Jun 07
A fortune cookie kind of line. Good one!
@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
17 Jun 07
I like that game. My sentence says: "Not by accident, this wing of XVIth' century Radical Reformers has been suspected of being anabaptist." Must be Church history!
@eiencafe (155)
• Italy
17 Jun 07
you won't understand anything if you don't know the language ;P... "matematica ed i concetti del movimento delle onde per descrivere la distribuzione degli". Sorry the nearest book is my organic chemistry book and it's in italian... do I have to translate??!!?? Not that is really understandable in italian, too... I mean only line 4... ^___^
• United States
18 Jun 07
We are just guessing what kind of book you grabbed first. So yours is Organic Cham. Good enough.