Do you like to wake up early?

@laridbz (1280)
August 2, 2007 7:13am CST
Let's say it's Sunday. You don't have to go to work, your children are spending some time at your parents' house, you don't have any housework to do and your husband/wife won't bother you if you want to stay in bed until noon. Do you still prefer to wake up early, or you sleep until you can't take it anymore? I was always the late type. I like to go to bed late, and wake up late if I don't have anything to do on that day. Everyone in my house is like that, and since I was a little child I do that. But my grandparents, for example, wake up at 7 o'clock every single day, even if they're both retired. I can't understand them, but those are their habits. So, what about you and your family? Thank you all! :)
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54 responses
@sign123 (15)
• India
3 Aug 07
no not at all....... nd i think tht almost 90% ppl dont like to wake up early.......... i always sleep atleast til 10
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I am the early bird around my house, even if I go to bed late. I have to make sure I go to bed in time to get plenty of rest. I was awake at six this morning. I am just going to post to one or two people, then go for a walk. It will be too hot to do it later. I have gotten up early and sat too much at the computer all summer. I do not know if it is genetic, or training. I always got up early, even in high school, and spent extra time drinking coffee with my dad. If I stay in bed too long, my whole body hurts.
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
2 Aug 07
So far, only one person said he would wake up late! This discussion is making me feel bad and lazy! Hahaha! :D
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
2 Aug 07
The late sleepers are not up to answer this discussion yet. LOL
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
2 Aug 07
Hahahaha! Yes, might be it then! :D Let's wait until noon to see if I get different responses! :D
3 Aug 07
Sunday mornings are the best. I get out there, with my good trainers on, and go for a good run, no cars, no people. 6am in the morning. Heaven. My parents also both get up early, my Mum earlier than my Dad. She routintely gets up at 5am in the morning, thats an hour to early for me!
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
3 Aug 07
5 am?????? Now, that's early!!!!!!!! :D
3 Aug 07
You're telling me. She's set in routine from when my Dad worked shift (been retired about 5 years or more now), yet she likes the 'quiet time' of the morning. Although come when she's on holiday, she'll happily sleep in and then resume her 5am wake ups like nothing happened!
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
3 Aug 07
I really HATE to get up early.When i must do it-i am really angry. Usually i prefer to work at the night and to sleep all the day, this is just better for me.
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
3 Aug 07
I'm kinda like that too. Early morning is time to sleep. :D
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
4 Aug 07
I like to go to bed at 4AM and sleep until midday. Everyone has a problem with that. I am told that it is not normal. They make it sound like it is almost forbidden. Sort of taboo. I guess that is why it is so exciting to do. Anything forbidden is always exciting. Such is human nature. I think that people who likes to be outside, will want to get up early in order to make the most of daylight. While those who likes doing things inside like watching television and playing on the computer... will prefer doing it at night... because the daylight distract them. That is why offices don't have any windows. I find it hard to work on my computer during day time... unless I close all the curtains. I am far more productive at night when everything is quite and dark.
@laridbz (1280)
• China
4 Aug 07
I'm more productive at night too, as everything is silent. I don't care about sleeping with noises around me and with the day light at all. I usually don't wake up easily, I can sleep for 8 hours straight.
@youless (112193)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Aug 07
I don't like to wake up early. I like to wake up in the last minute. However, I have to wake up early because I have to take my son to the kindergarten. Since I have a child, I can't enjoy sleeping as much as I like:)
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I do like to wake up early and take advantage of the daylight. I am not a night person at all though I could learn to adapt if needed but prefer getting up early and going for walks and getting things done. Even if I stay up late at night, I still get up early. It is like I have a built in alarm clock inside of me. Sometimes I will sleep in late but most of the time I get up early.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
2 Aug 07
You said the key word, "habits". My kids are gone at least once a month, affording me the opportunity to sleep in. As much as I look forward to it I never do. That internal alarm clock goes off and I'm up. It's still nice though. I get up, get a cup of coffee and either sit in my sunroom and read the paper in peace or watch the Sunday political shows. When the kids are home they are all up by 7am and ready to roll!
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
2 Aug 07
Oh, your kids are really active! Hahaha! I never did that. I could sleep for 11 - 12 hours when I was a kid, and I'd always go to bed after midnight. :)
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
4 Aug 07
One of my habits is get up late in the morning. During the weekend, although I have wakened up, I would like to stay in bed for another 1 or 2 two hours before getting up. However, during the school season, I won’t be that lucky. I have to get up early and help my daughter to get ready to school and then I go to work.
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@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
3 Aug 07
No friend. I don't like waking up late even if it is sunday because if I allow myself to be used by it, it will tend to become a habit. I wake up early every sunday so that I can get to church on time and assist the people their in putting things in order before the service commence. Thanks and have a nice day.
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
6 Aug 07
No i laid back in bed for sometime but not uptill non or beyond limit.But i hate to wake very early in holidays.Some days should be off from the same routine i guess.
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@ashar123 (2357)
• India
4 Aug 07
If I have nothing to do I"ll prefer staying in bed and sleep for couple of hours extra off the schedule. A problem with me from childhood is that I can't sleep for more than 8 hours, my back starts hurting. But I would love to sleep if its Sunday and I have nothing very important to do. My elder can sleep for whole day if he gets the chance. I used to have a male siamese cat as pet. As everyone know, siamese cats sleep 75% of their lives. I put a competition between my elder brother and my pet. My pet woke up to eat and my brother was still sleeping.
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@petitpapa (194)
• China
2 Aug 07
i always got up very late on weekday, and i satyed in bed till lunchtime,i really enioy wake up so late.this habits has formed when i was litter.people in my family who did not stand by me got up so late.they think i am very lazy and waste of i think i must to give up it sooner.
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
2 Aug 07
Welcome to the lazy train, my friend! :) Don't feel bad about it, each person has different habits.
@ahaash (3)
• India
4 Aug 07
wel i cant wake up early coz i always either study or download movies at night....... man i cant mis even a single night is so silent beautiful......... its really g8888 to be awake when every1 else is sleeping!!!!!!!
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• India
3 Aug 07
i use to go to bed very late and prefer getting up late. In my case is also my granfather use to get up by 6 every morning in all my 24 years i have seen him and he is the most disciplined man i have ever seen.
• Malaysia
3 Aug 07
nope, i don't like to wake up early at all. it's hard for me to wake up early on working days, gotta force myself to get out of bed, else i'll be late for work! if i'm not working, i like to sleep late and get up late the next day. i wish i could sleep more and wake up late everyday :P
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• Philippines
3 Aug 07
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,whatever day of the week, i hate waking up early.I am a nocturnal person, loves to work at night,sleep late and wake up late...
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• Northern Mariana Islands
3 Aug 07
No I don't like to wake up early in the mornings, especially on sundays. I usually sleep in until 9:00am. On weekdays, I have no choice but to wake up early because I am still in school and the bus gets here at 6:50am. I am awake at 6:00am to get ready for school. On sundays, I can sleep in most of the day waking up only to enjoy sleeping in on weekends!
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@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
3 Aug 07
hey laridbz!I like waking up early.I love morning runs eventhough it's Sunday.I'm not working but I still have to wake up early for classes.I'm in a graduate school.I feel energized after a run or a walk in the morning.You should try it too.Hope this helps!Cheers!
• China
3 Aug 07
I guess that's a habit.Obviously wake up early is good for our health,but most of young men don't have such good habit.Even if they get up early just since they had to work or go to school... It will be better if we do some sports every morning, but i really insist that time is not given enough for my sleep.^_^
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