How will you be celebrating Christmas?

@sweetee (420)
December 12, 2007 6:32am CST
We will be spending Christmas Eve with my fiance's dads side of the family, then when we get home i'll start preparing the house and food for Christmas Day. Christmas morning will be spent unwrapping presents with the children and putting toys together with them. Christmas evening is spent at the fiance's mum's house where all of that side of the family gathers for a big feast and exchanging of gifts, then we drive home and put the kids to bed before crashing out ourselves. Boxing Day (26th) is usually spent at my mum and dad's house having lunch and just relaxing and spending time together. However you spend your Christmas, may it be filled with lots of love, laughs and good health.
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19 responses
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
12 Dec 07
My fiance and i along with 3 other couples plus the kids dont forget are heading to my cabin in the mountains for the holidays.. we are heading off on the 23 and might stay for new years as well we are not sure yet. we will be able to go sledding, tobaggoning, hottubbing, go to the local villiage when needed, skiing, snowboarding stuff like that... first time doing this so hope we have a good time and things go well
@sweetee (420)
• Australia
12 Dec 07
That sounds like so much fun nichole!!! That sounds like a great adventure holiday, though it sounds like you'll need a holiday from your holiday when you return home! Here in Australia we always have hot summers and where I live doesn't snow in the winter either - it would be amazing to have or even see a real white Christmas.
• Canada
12 Dec 07
yes i would think so as well but this will be the last time to see the fiance for over 6 months he will be heading out west (alberta) to go back to work... wont be back till june... not really looking forward to that part.. but then the next major trip wont be till august when we are heading to alaska for 3 weeks... then off to baltimore in august for hubbies bday (baltimore ravens) nfl football here in north america...
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Well, lets see. This coming Sunday is a christmas dinner at the nursing home my husbands great grandmother is in. This is her 106th Christmas! Then on the 23 of December we go to his grandfathers for Christmas dinner. Then Christmas eve dinner is at our house with my parents, sister's family, and my dads brother and family. Then Christmas day we'll open presents in the morning and then go to my grandmothers for a light lunch. She's 75 and having a hard time getting around as much as it takes to cook a full meal. Then after we eat there we'll go down to my husbands great aunts to visit with family and open presents there. Then we'll go back home and rest till new years lol.
@sweetee (420)
• Australia
12 Dec 07
wow ravinskye - it looks like you have a VERY busy Christmas period ahead of you. As busy and as stressful as Christmas can be, it's lovely to catch up with family and friends during the holiday season,, Sometimes it's the one time in the year you can catch up with them. Congratulations on your husband's great grandmother reaching such a wonderful age. 106 is something to be very proud of.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Dec 07
We ususally fly home to be with out parents. but this yaer we do not have the money and no one offered to pay our flight! Also i dont think I can fly because i'm 6 months preg, so we are just staying home and having a small christmas with our little family. It will be the first time since our daughter was born that we just stayed home and relaxed during the time off we have for xmas.
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@sweetee (420)
• Australia
12 Dec 07
Congratulations on the pregnancy! Sometimes it's nice to take a break from tradition, it might be nice for you to get some rest in before the new baby arrives. Good luck.
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
Right now, I really do not know how to celebrate my christmas. I am not even sure if I will be spending it with my brothers in the province or I will just stay in the city.
12 Dec 07
hey there are 2 things like one thing that i am a resident of India so christmas is not so prevalent moreover i m not christian. however i work with an NGO who caters a needs of disabled children so we have al;ready planned a week celebration, daily we ll be singing carols and do some art and craft activities and on the last day we ll be baking some cookies and get some pastries and a dummy Santa Claus will distributes the gifts. merry christmas to you n your family
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• China
13 Dec 07
Christmas we hve to have class. Perhaps in the evening my friend and i will go to the street to have fun, for example, shopping, eating and something else.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Now I really don't know. We were suppose to go to Kansas but now due to issues with our bringing our dog it looks like we are not. My parents are in the middle of building their house and so they dont' know if it will be finished in time for Christmas so I dont' know if we are going there. It's just a mess this year. I think I'll just sleep in and have a nice quite christmas at home. I have a turkey and a tree and my husband so that's good enough for me.
@troopy (168)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
We will be spending xmas morning at my parents house, watching all the kids open there presents and then eating ham and chees croissants ( yum ) after that its off to my girlfriends grandmothers for xmas lunch with all the trimmings and finally home to relax, have a few drinks out the back with the neighbours and maybe fire the bbq up for munchies that night to nibble on. Have a great xmas and have a happy new year all.
• United States
12 Dec 07
It's going to be a quiet Christmas for me this year. I'm having dinner with my aunt, uncle and cousins at their house. It'll be a nice change of pace for me, someone who is used to very loud, very crowded holiday get-togethers.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
i used to celebrate xmas with friends before... but since i am not in manila anymore... i will celebrate it with my inlaws and i think it would be great...
• Canada
13 Dec 07
ill be spending christmas with my boyfriend go out to dinner than a movie then go home and relax. it wont be that exiciting im starting to not like christmas.
• Pakistan
13 Dec 07
well havent decided yet,but surely x-mas day would be fun,especially when family and friends would be out there.
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
my fiance and i along with 3 other couples and the kids of course are heading off on the 23rd to my cabin in the mountains... we can go snowboarding/skiing, hot tubbing, sledding, tabogganing lots of winter activites.. should be a good time first year to try this...
12 Dec 07
I will be spending the holidays with my family, and girlfriend,relaxing by the fire, and eating until we cannot eat anymore. When we wake up in the morning, we shall exchange gifts, and it will be very fun indeed. Cheers.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
12 Dec 07
Christmas - Christmas is the festival of joy,happiness.
I will celebrate christmas with friends and family. It will be a fun-filled and action-packed day really for me.
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
I will be celebrating with my loving partner. We are planning to go to a cold place for a vacation. We wanted to do it together so we can experience new things in a new place on a very special day.
• United States
12 Dec 07
Well In the morning, whe she wakes up. we will open presents,take pictures,and then play for a little bit, make a big breakfast,and play some more make muffins or some cookies, just relax and have fun.. if it was to snow here wich i seriously doubt,as it is 60 degrees outside right we would go outside and play in the snow,, but i guess we could go outside either way....just ganna be a whole day of relaxing and spendning time together.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
12 Dec 07
My husband has to work Christmas day and then we will be going to my mom/aunt's house for dinner and to open packages. We will probaly have the kids Christmas on Christmas Eve. The weekend after Christmas we will be meeting with an aunt and uncle to celebrate. Have a great time at your get together.
• United States
12 Dec 07
By taking my whole family to Disney World since I work there and get them in for free. I have no money for the holiday other wise. But as I said in another post.. money isnt everything. As Long as I have my family I can be happy.