What horror movie messed with you the most?

United States
August 10, 2008 9:00am CST
For me, it was a really lame moving, looking back. Darkness Falls, about basically an evil tooth fairy who could not go into the light. There was one really scary scene involving a bathroom, won't ruin it, but after it, I could not enter a bathroom without reaching my hand in to turn on the light first! I still get creeped out watching it, and sometimes still get scared of what could be in the dark. So anyone else have any stories about movies that really messed with their head?
3 responses
@dani27 (544)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I would say the Grudge freaked me out because just when you thought your bed was a safe place. YIKES!
• United States
11 Aug 08
The new grudge? Or the japanese one? Because the new one also really scared me, even when I was 19! It didn't help that my cat freaked out during one of the scarier scenes!
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
i hate horror movies ever since i was a kid. my dad loved buying horror films for my sibblings and i and letting us watch it. he doesnt even watch them because he doesnt like horror films too, though he would never accept it. theres this 1 movie that got me terrified which was 'leprechaun'. i couldnt sleep because i got scared of whats under the bed. and i couldnt turn out the lights.. lol.. but i got over it in a few weeks or so. but the movie that got me messed up the most was 'the exorcist' i hated it. i couldnt sleep in my room alone for 3 months. lol... and i had to keep the light on and the tv on.
• United States
10 Aug 08
The first time I saw Nosteraftu it messed up my mind a while? -But I think the first time I saw the original Amityville Horror blew my mind most! LOL! ((Because they said it was a real story!)