Do you have a clock in your bathroom?

@sudalunts (5523)
United States
October 22, 2008 3:44pm CST
I have two clocks in my bathroom, one round one that on each hour you hear train sounds, because my husband loves trains and a small digital clock that adheres to the wall by the toilet. My husband is so slow, he needs to be aware of the time. Do you have a clock or clocks in your bathroom?
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21 responses
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
22 Oct 08
we only have 1 clock which is the alarm clock next to my husband's side on the table. i dont really like alarm clock he knew if it was on my side then i'll throw it straight to the wall. lol
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I do not like alarm clocks either, I can wake up on my own without it, I think I would throw it to the wall too
@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I have a clock in the bathroom. It is a necessity for me. I tend to zone out. *LOL* I think I have a clock in every room the house. It's always good to know what time it is no matter where you are! (:
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Yeah, I have clocks everywhere, actually i have a wall clock in the kitchen and two microwaves that have clocks, there are two clocks in the living room, along with the computer clocks, one in the dining room and one in the bedroom
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
23 Oct 08
No clock in the bathroom. I can't see that. My hubby takes his cell in there while he showers. I guess he views the time when he exits. So he is aware of the time. Me, I check before I go in if I think I may be a while.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
22 Oct 08
by slow what do you mean? it almost appears as An insult. We have an analog (I believe it's what you call it.) and it is hanging by the sink. We only have one clock in the bathroom though, but we don't really use it to much as we don't normally need to be in a hurry. We do not go out very often.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
It is not an insult, it is true, my husband is always leaving out of the house later than he should because he doesn't rush for anything, and the clock does let him know how much time he has to spare, or not in order to get to work on time.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Oct 08
We have a clock on the shower mirror that my husband uses to shave with. It comes in handy when you really need to know how much more time you have to get ready. I also use it when I'm coloring my hair as my timer.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Yeah, it is good to be able to time yourself when you are doing your hair.
@rainmark (4302)
22 Oct 08
Ohh a clocks that sounds train. Where did you buy that? Coz my husband loves the train too. We only have a clock on the living room, kitchen and bed room, we don't put a clock on the bathroom. Maybe im going to put next time so i can monitor and manage my time when i have a shower and bath lolz. Happy posting
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
We actually bought that clock at a garage sale, we probably only paid about one dollar for it, it was certainly a good bargain.
• United States
22 Oct 08
No we don't have any clocks in any of our bathrooms. My grandparents have one clock in their bathroom. It's one of those radio clocks so they can turn it on if they want to listen to some music while in the shower or something. We have clocks everywhere else though except for the bathroom.
@toddsarm (766)
• Canada
23 Oct 08
no I do not
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Oct 08
There is only a clock in one of our bathrooms. It sits on the little half wall that separates the toilet from the sink. It is nice because it also tells you the temperature.
@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I dont have a clock in my bathroom. The bathroom is right next to the bedroom which has two clocks in it. I dont spend huge amounts of time in there anyway. I am basically a quick visitor to the bathroom. It is a quick trip for me most of the time.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
23 Oct 08
I don't have a clock in my bathroom. I never found a clock in my friends bathroom too. So I can imagine how it look like have a clock in bathroom. Keep post Happy myLotting...
• United States
22 Oct 08
No, I don't have any clocks in my bathroom. I can tell if I'm in the bathroom for too long, or if I know it will take me longer to get ready, I'll try to give myself extra time. If I had a clock in my bathroom, I'd probably keep checking the time.
@bebeth (122)
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
no, we don't have one.. the people at home uses the bathroom not so long so it did'nt cross our minds.. i never saw one.. i am amused that some people do that and i found it out only now.. good luck..
• United States
22 Oct 08
why, so u can time urself poopin? personally i set a new record yesterday
@twowizdom (861)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
hello there sudalunts, actually we dont have any clocks inside our bathroom but there is a clock above the door outside the bathroom in our master's bedroom.
@miryam (6505)
• Italy
22 Oct 08
yes i'have i have a cloc in every rook myryam
@shell94 (990)
• Canada
22 Oct 08
Not in my bathroom I don't. But maybe thats a good idea, I have a daughter that takes forever in there for
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
22 Oct 08
No, I don't have one in the bathroom. There is one in the bedroom that the bathroom is attached to though. So if I need to I can just peak around the corner. I am a pretty on time person though so I don't have a problem. I also spend as little time in the bathroom as possible. My wife used to take a really long time, but she has gotten better over the years.
@iamcdy (1119)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
We do not have a clock in the bathroom but I thought of it a long time ago because when I had a sleepover at a friend's house I thought it was a good idea. It will remind me how long I have been in the bathroom and that I am late for work or a date. It is important to have sense of time or else you'll fail to finish what you are supposed to do and improve your time management. Thanks for reminding me about this idea. Cheers!
• United States
22 Oct 08
yeah i dont have a clock in my bathroom either, though it would be a good idea, though i wear a watch so it would only be helpful in the shower...