Do you get up to go to the bathroom..........

@Shar19 (8231)
United States
March 21, 2009 11:16am CST
Whenever I go to the movie theater I usually stop into the restroom before I go in to the theater. There have been times though when I've needed to use the restroom while the movie was playing. If the movie is really good I'll sit there and wait until it is over to use the restroom. I don't want to miss any of the movie. Do you get up in the middle of a movie to use the restroom?
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31 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
21 Mar 09
That is a good one.It is a problem with many of us.We just do not felling like rushing to the rest room in the middle of an interesting movie.I just take the precaution of emptying my bladder before I go inside the theater.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Plus I think it annoys people when you have to walk past a row of people to get out of the isle.
@balasri (26537)
• India
23 Mar 09
People with flattened foot will always be annoyed friend.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
21 Mar 09
I like to go before the movie, or after. Those tickets are expensive. I want to get my monies worth. Not spend time in a stall. The only times in recent memory that I got up in the middle of a show was while I was pregnant. And I don't think that anyone can fault me there!
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Mar 09
I agree with you on that.
• United States
21 Mar 09
i never go to the movie but wouldn't want to have to go during the movie. u don't get instant reply there,
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Mar 09
You're right about that. We can't rewind the movie or put it on pause.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
21 Mar 09
Hi there Shar. I would not get up to go to the bathroom during a movie that i paid for - it doesn't feel right. I go before as well, and i will wait to the end of the movie to go again if i really need to as I too don't want to miss the movie that i paid for.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Mar 09
That's how I feel. It costs enough money just to go see the movie. Wouldn't want to waste it.
• South Africa
23 Mar 09
Never! That is why I drink my coke slowly. I have to watch the full film.
• Australia
23 Mar 09
haaaaaaa. You have good idea and you are best fan of movie. Yeah, Do not miss movie time for restroom.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
I usually try to go to the rest room before the start of the movie, I don't like having to leave my seat in the middle of the movie because 1. I don't like missing any part of the movie too and 2. its kinda creepy when I had to go in the middle of the show and no body else is in the rest room with me... who knows what can happen there while I am alone and the sounds of the movie is really loud...
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Nope not unless I really really have to and then at that I try so hard not to .. But usually I don't have to so nope I don't get up to go...
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Mar 09
I only get up if I really need to. I will also go before the movie even if I don't really have to go just because I don't want to have to get up and miss part of the movie.
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
HI Shar19.. I go to the bathroom in the middle of a movie if I badly need to. Same as you do, I go to the bathroom first before I sit inside the moviehouse. I also try to minimize my fluid intake since it makes me want to pee over and over again which is so uncomfortable and irritating especially if the movie is so damn good.
@Squeaker (22)
22 Mar 09
I try my hardest not to unless someones there to come with me. Not in fear of missing parts of the movie but because I have a horrible sense of direction! I'm always afraid of not finding where my seat is when I get back. I definitly don't wanna be that person trying quietly to call out someones name trying to figure out where to go!
• India
22 Mar 09
I too never go anywhere in intervals too. not in restroom too. as i too dnt wanna to miss any part of movie. i'll too take care to be in rest room either b4 movie start or after movie gets over. Thanks, Have a gr8 day ahead.
• United States
23 Mar 09
I was actually just thinking about this. I usually avoid going out of the theater mid-movie at all costs. Usually the "feeling" goes away, if I hold it long enough. But the other day, I saw "Knowing", and I chugged a Nos before going in the theater, and that stuff just shoots through me, so I had to go use the restroom in the middle off the movie. But I hated it! I came back, and I had no idea what was going on. Some people just leave and come back like 20 times in one movie, but I hate going once.
• Japan
23 Mar 09
Only few times I have gone to the theater but I always surely will go in the restroom even in the middle of a movie. Before the movie starts, I make it a habit to go to the comfort room first but I`m one of those who seems to fill their bladder fast, so I have to go even if the movie is so interesting. Then, after the movie finishes, I line up to use the comfort room. I drink beverages a lot, so I have to empty my bladder often. Otherwise, I`ll be sick. So, I`m happy with the way things are going-my system works thoroughly in eliminating waste!!!
@roi452 (232)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
i always go to the bathroom before a movie and as much as possible avoid drinking too much soda or water during the movie. However, there are times wherein in the middle of the movie i needed a bathroom break. I don't hold it in, i mean i really can't so i have no choice but go to the restroom.
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 Mar 09
Hi ya Shar19 Like you I will try and go before I go into the theatre as I would never get up in the middle of the movie to visit the restrooms. I wouldn't like to disturb anyone and wouldn't want to miss any of the movie LOL
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
NO,. il wait it until the movie will end.
• India
22 Mar 09
no it has never happened with me that i need to use a rest room while am watching a movie.. either i go before the movie starts or wait for the interval.. usually i don't drink much while am going for a movie in theater to avoid going to restrooms.. !! lol..!!
@Archie0 (5640)
22 Mar 09
Yes but only at night when i am sleeping i dont have ahabit to get up between the movie in theatre or while travelling or dinner or lucnh outside or home. i just have this problem of running to loo at night, i dont know why but i have been suffering from wuite a long time though
• China
22 Mar 09
I'll try to sit still if the movie is really attractive until to the end.If it's boring maybe I'll go to the restroom several times.