Already missing her badly :( ....what will happen next :-O

May 21, 2009 8:34am CST
This is the first time we are not going to be able to talk to each other. Till now there has not been a single day when i did not talk with her. But now she is going out of town for some work and we won't be able to talk with each other for 2 days. Well for the first time in my life i am in this situation and already feeling bad. But i told her that i won't be missing her because i know she will miss me badly also. This is a new experience to me. And don't know how to handle it. So want to know how others take situation like this... Please share...thanks
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4 responses
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
21 May 09
2 days????? Be glad it is not two years and that will make you feel better. Do you not have cell phones to at least send text messages? 2 days is nothing. You'll survive it easier than you think.
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• Bangladesh
22 May 09
Hmmm. I did not think it that way that what if it was 2 years... Well i am ready to expecience the 2 days without her... And i wish she had used a cell phone. But she does not like using one. So have no way of contacting her these 2 days... Thanks for your response :)
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
22 May 09
Think of her return as something to look forward to :-)
@beamsey (425)
• Philippines
21 May 09
My partner went to another country once and it was expensive for us to talk so we didn't. I just texted whenever I can to make it easier for both of us. Hang in there. The two days will be over before you know it. Try to occupy yourself with other things. :)
• Bangladesh
22 May 09
Thank you very much...Hopefully the 2 days will be over soon. She left this morning and already time stopped for me...
• Bangladesh
23 May 09
Thanks for your suggestion. I wish i could do that. But it is not possible to me to do that. Well all i can do is wait for her. The experience is really bad for me. Hope never face such kind of situation again.
@beamsey (425)
• Philippines
23 May 09
Aaawww.. Why don't you plan a surprise for her when she gets back? This way, you'll be busy with planning. You'll have something to do when she gets back. Maybe surprise her with a big welcome back card and flowers in the airport or something. :)
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
23 May 09
Hello darksorrow, Oh.... you are so cute! You miss her a lot, huh? That's normal when you are so much in love. When I was in your situation, I always hoped that I could be with him 24 hours a day! I think you know how it feels by now. But, don't keep thinking and waiting for the time to be reunited with your loved one, you will feel the time drags slowly... It is better for you to make yourself busy - do whatever you need to do like usual, or if you are too free for these two days, try to make yourself busy with something. The time will fly and without realizing it, you will meet her again!
• Bangladesh
23 May 09
Hello gr8life, My days are going really bad. You can understand my situation since you know how it feels. Before this we used to stay together almost all the time. But suddenly she had to go out of the town. But the good thing is she YM me both days. At least I could get her offline message. To get out of this situation what i did was stayed away from town. Attended a party. But there i could not stop thinking of her. The whole night i was sitting outside under the open sky but only thinking of her. Nothing works for me in this situation. My condition is worse without her. Hopefully she is ok. Because she feels the same way i do.
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@vivianchen (2646)
• China
21 May 09
Hi Darksorrow, I can understand your feeling. You get used to one thing, then the situation totally changed, you feel nervous, right? It's gonna to be okay, trust me. Find something that you can do to disattract your attention on her. Like meeting friends, go out for a walk, doing some home work. Those will help. If she won't be back in one week. You will get use to it.
• Bangladesh
22 May 09
Hello vivichen, I don't know if i call this nervousness or something else. I have never been in a situation like this before. Well she already left for other town. And i am also going to attend a party tonight. There goes one day (hopefully will pass) but have to wait for the next day...