ptc why

@benny128 (3615)
July 18, 2009 8:20am CST
hey all I am always very surprised when I see posts for PTC sites, as I really dont understand why people use them. I joined a PTC site just to see for myself and I was getting like less than a cent per click wtf it would take me hours to even reach a dollar. I really am confused why people would spend hours for the sake of a dollar hhmm just doesnt seem a good use of peoples time There are far better ways to make money online for less time commitment, well be good if someone can convince me why PTC is a good way of earning a few cents as I really dont see the attraction.
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2 responses
• United States
18 Jul 09
So why are you on here then and what is your other good ideas for making money online?
@StereoDiva (2143)
• Canada
18 Jul 09
Yup, they stink, smell, are rotten... Hmm, I think I could continue finding descriptors for the next day. lol
@benny128 (3615)
18 Jul 09
ha ha ha guess they aint your cup of tea either lol,