Factors to Falling in Love

@anna728 (1499)
United States
July 28, 2009 11:59pm CST
There are a lot of things that people consider important when it comes to a person they would be in a relationship with. It could be sense of humor, intelligence, looks, honesty, reliability, romance, security, fun, adventure, empathy, money, prestige, beliefs, values, lifestyle... There are tons of things. So what are the things that are most important to you in a potential partner?
4 responses
@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
29 Jul 09
Hello anna, The factors that you have mentioned i don't think any one of those is needed to fall in love. These are meaningless when it comes to love. Before i was thinking that the person i love must have this or that kind characteristics. But when love came to me i find everything meaningless. The only thing that matters to me is that the way she loves me. Nothing else is needed for me except her love. Happy mylotting
@meng23 (145)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
The things which is most important in a partner for me is being a responsible person.Someone who knows how to handle pressure and challenges in life. I want someone who's storng enough to fight for our relationship and face our consequences. Someone who can be trusted and patient. Romantic, sweet and secure to be with. I dont care about he looks but I care on how he treats me and how he treats other.
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Those you enumerated are good factors but a lot of people doesn't need to have such to fall in love. There are even many who fall in love instantly even if they see a certain person for the first time. They call it "love at first site." If I would fall in love, I don't really know what it is the important factor. But I know that the girl must be a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ!
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
for me.. he should be sweet and caring, have fashion sense, got the looks, romantic, responsible, trustworthy. i prefer bad boy type than the boy next door type. (wat i mean is, the LOOKS :) ) hmm.. because bad boy type looks like they always ready to fight for you.. i mean they will protect you no matter what.. :)