What bugs you the most about what people do?

@tabbys (78)
United States
August 21, 2009 1:12pm CST
What bugs me the most is when someone is talking and every other word is the same such as "dang". My husband does it and it drives me crazy and instead of hurting his feelings I will just rant on here and hopefully someone else will also. Example- You know "dang" what "dang" happened to "dang" me? Maybe I am just being a little mean or maybe he is just doing it to aggravate me because I have said something before to him, but either way it is annoying!
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4 responses
• United States
21 Aug 09
you know what bugs me the most about some people is how especially in men you tell them time after time what you are looking for in a relationship and wanting someone to be open minded into a long term relationship and they keep coming back asking you what you want. time and time again you say the same thing. after a while it gets old especially when they only do it when they want some from you on there time. So anyways, that is what bugs me because i explain and talk my mouth off with words and its like they still don't get it.
• United States
21 Aug 09
I would have to say that the biggest thing that irritates me is when I am out in public and see people eating with their mouths open. I don't want to see the food in my own mouth, much less theirs. It is disgusting!!! LOL. I just want to walk over to them and remind them that they are not cows.
@tabbys (78)
• United States
21 Aug 09
Ha Ha I love the "cow" comment! Thats great!! I would have to say that is number two on my list. Makes you want to ask if their parents taught them any manners at all.
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• United States
21 Aug 09
Tell me about it. That's one of the first things that I taught my kids. And it's one of the first things that my parents taught me. And yes, I still have to remind my kids once in a while that they are not cows. We live on a farm, and they don't want to look like the animals that they help take care of. LOL
@tabbys (78)
• United States
21 Aug 09
Thank you! Someone finally agrees with me about kids. They say oh they are just kids they will learn. Nope, mine is four and I stay on her about it. You just made my day Thanks!
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@Archie0 (5640)
21 Aug 09
I really dont have to do with what the world is but i hate when someone tries to intefere into my life or tries to irritate me for just silly things, i dont like people who are double standards and play cheap life games, such people suck and i really dont like them.
@tabbys (78)
• United States
21 Aug 09
Thank you for responding. Icnunderstand where you are comming from because my parents are like that. I am 27, have been on my own since I was 16 and they still try to run my life. They always have something to say and they know it irritates the heck out of me and sometimes I think they do it just to upset me.
• United States
23 Aug 09
I think what bug's me the most is people that don't have kid's telling people that do have kid's, how they should bring them up. I figure the people with 3 or 4 children know more then the person with no children. So who made that person an expert. That just so tick's me off, when I see that happening.
@tabbys (78)
• United States
23 Aug 09
THANK YOU!!! Finally someone agrees with me on that subject. I always see people correcting other peoples children it drives me crazy. Most of the time when someone that does have children and are correcting someone elses kids have kids that are just spoiled brats. Makes me want to tell them to worry about there kids before you worry about someone elses.