Old friends

United States
October 19, 2009 10:56pm CST
Hi all. I haven't been here in years. MyLot has changed a lot. Different format, and I suppose different rules. Can any one bring me up to date how it is working here now? Hope I find some of old and new friends. God bless you.
1 response
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
20 Oct 09
Hi Margie, I haven't been here in quite a while...just popped in today.. I was shocked but glad to see you..lol Hope you and your husband are doing well. I see lots of changes but I've been popping in and out for a year or so....lol Glad I found you hope all is well.. Brightest blessings, Mari
• United States
21 Oct 09
Oh hi sweetie. So nice of you to answer my post. All is okay at this end. What about you? I thought I would see what was happening here, after 3 years. Lots of changes, very confusing. Stay in touch dear, God bless you.