do you like mango or papaya

November 16, 2006 4:50am CST
i like mango
3 people like this
55 responses
@msedge (4011)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Mango is my favorite fruit so i like it better than papaya.
@excellence7 (3651)
• Mauritius
26 May 08
I also adore mango :P
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
14 May 08
I have not tasted either one as far as I can remember. What are the mango and papaya compared to in the fruit taste or is there a comparison? I might have to buy one just to see what they taste like. How do you prepare them to eat them?
• Jamaica
15 May 08
I like them both but if I had to choose think I would pick mango. They are juicy and there is a large variety to choose from, both are great fruits to have though.
21 May 08
i like them both...
• Mauritius
21 May 08
I like both. in my country we get mangoes in its season and papayas throughout the year so i enjoy both.
• Kottayam, India
14 May 08
I like Pappaya because I am a man I fear to say Man-go
@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
hello anu. like you, i prefer mango too..whether its ripe or mangoes :-)
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
3 May 08
I like ripe, yellow, sweet mango. Mango is easy to like especially if it is perfectly ripened and sweet to the smell. It took me a long time to like papaya. I guess I had to learn to like it after I learned that it was very good for improving the digestion.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
14 May 08
i prefer mangoes. they're simply the best
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
4 May 08
i love to eat mangoes all the time and that's my favorite fruit
• Philippines
3 May 08
I will go for mango, it is more sweeter than papaya, I love sweet fruits, mango can be use as dessert, refreshment, toppings for graham cake and a lot more.
• Philippines
3 May 08
i love both especially if you make them into a milkshake....
@mommy_uv3 (109)
• United States
14 May 08
i would have to sai neither, as i have not tired eitherone, i might just go buy one and see what they taste like.
• India
9 Apr 08
I would certainly go for Mango. But Mango is a fruit which we can eat only in a particular season unlike papaya. More ove papaya is cheaper than Mango. Finally i would say i like both the fruits.
• India
22 Dec 07
My favorite fruits are pineapple, banana and apple. not just juicy and tasty but also good for the body. it has a fiber that helps eliminate toxic in the body. I like banana among all the other fruits.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
5 Feb 08
I like mango better than papaya. It is part of our everyday menu. My kids like it too. The always requested it everytime we go to the market. But I do eat papaya also which my kids doesn't. They don't like the taste of it.
@thuynhu (661)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I definitely like mangoes a whole lot more than papaya. I just don't understand what is so good about papaya. I have yet to taste any true good flavor to it. Whenever I've had it, I tasted nothing but bitterness. And it also has a bad smell to it for me. Maybe I just have always had a bad one but as far as I know I don't like them.
@madlees (1377)
• India
15 Apr 08
mangoes  - Mangoes are very good for our health. They are available only in the summer time, even though they are available throughout the year as preserved juices, squashes and dried mango pieces etc, the new juicy ripe mango is the best, one can ever have.
I like Mangoes and I prefer them too. But I have had papayas too and they are also very healthy to our body .
@podqueen (340)
17 Apr 08
I prefer mangoes to papaya although papaya is much better for you. I think fruits that are good for you always taste rather boring!