Do you have any family members overseas?

@maximax8 (31053)
United Kingdom
June 10, 2010 4:34am CST
My cousin left England and worked in Australia on a four year visa. Then she met a man and they got married. She nows lives in Australia permanently. I went to visit her when I went to Western Australia. My sister married a Canadian. My sister and my brother-in-law live in England. My brother-in-law has most of his family members still living in Canada. I will be traveling to Vancouver and I will get the chance to see some of them. Do you have family members overseas? Which countries do they live in? Has anyone in your family emigrated to a different country? If so which country?
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24 responses
• India
11 Jun 10
yeah my brother live in Australia.. he went for working and now settled there itself... we usually meet once in two years when he come home.. and i have a cousin and she got settled in uk.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
11 Jun 10
Hello maximax. I have two family members overseas. One is my cousin's son who got his post doctorate in one of the American universities and was invited to work there. Now he is married and has been working in the US with a green card. Another one is my elder brother's daughter, who went to study in Japan this April. She will study Japanese there for four years. Her Japanese level is already great, but she intends to further improve her level. They both feel happy studying and working abroad.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
4 Feb 11
My father was the first one to live overseas in the Middle East (we are from India). He was first in Bahrain and then Kuwait and then Dubai. My mother also followed. Soon three of my uncles moved to Kuwait. One of my cousins is in the US with his family. His brother was in Scotland and has now moved to Phillipines. My father is presently living in Africa. One of my cousins is in Japan and another one in Dubai.
1 Nov 10
I have family members all over the world. Ireland, Australia, South Africa, United States + Canada. I'm sure there's some I've forgot too, quite a few of my family members decided to seek a better life aboard and that's pretty much why they're so spread. I have a set of cousins who refer to Australia as being the best place to live on earth and I have a uncle who swears blind Canada can't be beaten. I haven't visited any of them though, I dislike flying and I'm not that close to my family from Ireland.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
4 Feb 11
No no one has moved overseas. However my brother is in Ontario, I in the Yukon, and my parents back in our hometown Vancouver. Ontario is a 4 hr flight from Vancouver and the Yukon is a 2 hr flight from Vancouver.
• India
11 Jun 10
No max, none of my family members are living overseas, my elder son was in Iowa for a year, i was in Philippines for some time.. Glad to know you travel a lot and meet your family members so are lucky my friend.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
16 Jun 10
I had a cousin who lived and worked in Japan for seven years. His company offered him a tranfer, and he and his wife thought it seemed like a good time to make a change. So he and his wife moved over there with their two kids. They had their third child when they were living in Japan. They have been back and living in the states for a good four years now.
@aciddrop (798)
15 Jul 10
Hiya! I come from China, but recently have moved to England and got married with an English man. We met 4 years ago in China and have been together since then. So all my families are in China. I plan to live in the UK permantly. I am enjoying life here so far:)
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
10 Jun 10
I don't think I do. At least none that I have ever met. It might be fun to do some family tree research and find out!
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Jun 10
Some of my cousin migrated to United States and they invited me to visit them but as of now I am still saving for my tour hopefully. I am working now overseas. Presently working in one of 5 star hotel here in Middle East. If I like most my job after 2 years I will returned here because we have continues contract with the hotel although I signed 2 years contract to the agency in the Philippines. My sister in-law also living in Japan and married with a Japanese. We are invited also to visit them soon.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
dear maxim, i only have one sibling who luckily was able to go abroad. she works in a cruise ship where she met her husband, a german. they were married in the ship where they both are working. maybe in the near future she will be staying for good in germany. she just had a vacation here with her husband, starting last month and now both are back working again. have a nice day. ann
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Jun 10
Half my dad's side live in Japan. My dad's the one who migrated here (US) along with a few of his other siblings - and other family memebers. One of his brothers moved to Canada (I think Alberta) during his teens to live with relatives that were already there, but now he lives here with his family. Another brother and his family lived in Mexico for several years due to my uncle's job for a Japanese company there - but now they are back in Japan.
@karen1969 (1779)
11 Jun 10
I live in England and so do all my family - parents, grandmother, aunts, cousins, great aunt, etc. But I do have some distant relatives that moved to the USA and New Zealand, but a long time ago, maybe 100 years or so ago, ones I found out through researching my family history.
@winjayoma (186)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
I have two sisters living in Australia. They lived there for almost twenty years now. They have their own family there. I plan to go there and visit them this year
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
10 Jun 10
My wife is in Thailand, her daughter in New Zealand, and my children live in West Australia, which may as well be overseas, when I'm in Victoria.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
10 Jun 10
i have several relatives that live in england but only really know one. hubby has relatives in germany but have lost track of them.
@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 10
Hi Maxine, Both my parents now live abroad, one in Spain and the iother in Thailand, I have an uncle who lives in Spain, another in Germany. Huggles. Ellie :D
@med889 (5941)
10 Jun 10
My cousin left England too to work in an island in the Indian Ocean known as Mauritius, he works in the Cyber City there and always narrate how it is. He got married with a Mauritian and now they are both planning to return back. I have been to Mauritius several times and it was really great, we have the sea all around, the sand, the sun and all the wonderful places to visit.
@durgabala (1360)
• India
10 Jun 10
Well I think every other Indian will have a relative in the US and UK. My husband's cousin was in UK and now married and settled in the US. Lot of my friends are overseas. Two of my friends are in Australia, many in the US, one in UK, one in Singapore....But none have cross border marriage so far..
@LeighB (700)
• Thailand
10 Jun 10
Hi maximax, the person in my family who emigrated was me 10 years ago. I left the U.K and moved to Thailand to work and live and it was most probably the best thing I ever did. So, it is me who lives abroad and all the family and friends still live back in the U.K. I try to go back and visit them every 3 years for a 3 week holiday, but everytime I am there I am homesick for Thailand and counting the dyas for me flight back. I keep in regular contact with close family members weekly by phone nad with friends via the internet. So, I never feel as if they are far away. To-date an aunt and an uncle and his wife have managed to come out here to visit but my parents who would so much like to come now are of an age where travelling so far is in the equation of their lives. C'est le vie... I will just go back and visit them in 2 years time, in the meanwhile, chat on the phone.