Do you prefer to eat spicy foods or not? Why?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
November 1, 2010 1:26am CST
Spices that we put on food enhance our appetite. but for me it depends on what type of foods. Well if it's fried chicken, pizza or wanton soup I want spicy, but in spaghetti and pancit canton I don't prefer spicy. For the foods that must be served hot I want to add spices. But I don't prefer too much spicy for good health purposes. Co's I know that eating to much spicy food can develop hemorrhoids. How about you you? Can you eat food without spices or you prefer spicy foods at all times? why?
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59 responses
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
Hi, I am a spicy food lover and I love to eat those spicy food like curry,rendang or any kind of spicy food. It just make me have more appetite and when I saw my face and body was sweating,...I feel so excited. I use to put chilly sauce for every meal that I has been my habit to have spicy meal everyday,but since I become a mother, I have to cook non spicy food and in order to make my appetite up,i just add bit of chilly sauce to my rice with some other taste great to me.
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@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Wow really you are used to spicy food and you do that with every meal you ate. For me I love to put spicy sauce in pizza and other foods like fried chicken and pork chop but never in rice.
• Malaysia
2 Nov 10
Spicy is not good for health. Here's one most men probably didn't know: spicy food is bad for sleep. The cause is quite simple. The body needs to slow down before it can snooze and spicy food raises body temperature (that's why we sweat after a consuming fiery food). If one happens to consume something zesty before going to bed, it can disrupt slumber. The first cycle of sleep is particularly sensitive to hot food. Damage to taste buds Finally, constantly eating hot food can permanently reduce the sensation of taste. I often hear people assure others that they will get used to the burning of chili peppers. It's true, people do feel less scorching after years of spicy abuse, but not because the body got "used" to the sensation in question. Over time, taste buds wear out, making this reduced sensation nothing more than wear and tear of chronic abuse. It's no different from people getting "used" to loud music in clubs in both cases the body suffers permanent deterioration.
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• Philippines
1 Nov 10
They say spicy flavor is good for the heart. But I really do not want spicy foods , anything that is spicy is a no-no for me. I remember my mother used to cook her favorite dish which has coconut milk on it, and then she puts a lot of hot peppers.We call it Laing here, it is not Laing if it is not spicy enough for you to drink water everytime you swallow your food and you tend to eat more rice, so you feel full at once.. It was kind of fun those days . I miss my mother and I miss her spicy Laing. (^_^)
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@Libertywu (136)
• China
1 Nov 10
I love spicy food. It's not because it enhances my appetite. Because i grew up in a town where spicy food is a commen taste. Almost all of us are fond of spicy food. But now i'm not so addicted to spicy food for my health and beauty.Spicy food makes more acnes.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Ah really? Well thanks for the info, now I hate spicy food (lol)I guess you can teach yourself to like or dislike spicy food, if you're used to to spicy foods you will develop high tolerance in eating spicy food.
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
I prefer spicy food cause it makes the food tastier,I usually add some pepper to food that I don't consider spicy enough.Too much spicy food usually cause diarrhea, but I don't think it cause hemorrhoids
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Well actually you won't be having hemorrhoids just because you eat spicy, but eating spicy foods frequently make you develop constipation and which in turn makes your veins become enlarge or dilate because you have to push harder every time you defecate, then you will have hemorrhoids.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
I love spicy food! I make almost all of my meals spicy, but not too much because the people I live with do not like spicy food.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Yes that's also things you must consider when people around you do not prefer spicy foods like my dad he has very low tolerance with spicy foods
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Nov 10
Here we don't often eat spicy food. But since there is a saying in my city: Eating in Guangzhou. That means to say we enjoy eating and therefore we have so many kinds of restaurants here. And sometimes we will be interested in eating spicy food. It gives us a new feeling and that's great. It is not bad to eat spicy food sometimes, but we just can't eat it all the time because we don't really get used to it. I love China
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
yes trying sometimes just to experience is okay.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I dont like food that is too spicy , I cant eat and drink a lot of water at the same time. I rather to eat and be comfortable when eating and not drinking ten glass of water .
@picjim (3002)
• India
1 Nov 10
I prefer mildly spicy foods.Too much spice upsets my stomach.I can't eat food without spice.I prefer mildly spicy food most of the time as it tastes good.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Yes too much spicy is irritating to the gastric mucosa, And it can also add constipation I just observed when I eat too much spicy I can't it's hard to defecate. and also I develop hemorrhoids, well just moderate is enough
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
20 Oct 12
Now these days I not prefer spicy food because my stomach problem is started if eat spicy food. But some years ago I likes spicy food to much. I like simple meals and snacks. No like pizza or chiken.
• China
1 Nov 10
I love spicy food. It not only enhances my appetite, but also gives me the feeling of exciting. Your body gets more and more hot, then breaks out into a sweat. I think that's wonderful, especially in a chilly winter. However, just as you said, it depends on what type the food is. Yes, i love sipcy food, but that doesn't means i'll put spices in every meal. Besides, too much spicy food is not good to your health.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Yes your right, personally even I love to spicy foods most of the time, I control my self because I'm health conscious
2 May 11
i love all kinds of spicy foods!.it gives flavor to the food and is merely so tasty!.enjoy eating!:0
• Philippines
21 Apr 12
I love eating spicy foods but now you said it causes hemorrhoids, I got a little worried because there's one time in my life when all I ate was just spicy food. Now I will try to lessen it.
• India
20 Dec 12
Hi friend, i am also in your sort, strict about my diet and follow good diet. I am not interested in taking spicy foods a lot which is not good for our health, i will take it in moderated sort
@ifa225 (14364)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 10
i prefer not to eat spicy food all the times. every week, maybe i only eat once or twice. it can makes my stomach better limited it.
@pan_23 (420)
• Kuwait
15 Dec 10
i prefer to eat little spicy foods daily ,in my diet. in india we have many spicy foods and are served for us and any guests who come our house. mostly i make chicken curry with more spicy with red chilli powder and mixed spices called garam masala .we add green chilli pieces,red chilli powder,red chilli and spices in our daily diet. we get spices like peppercorns,cinamon,star anise,green cardomom,black cardomom,corrainder seeds,mace,nutmeg,capers,ginger,garlic,cloves,caraway seeds,anise etc. and we also use fennel seeds, caram/thyme, chironji,kalonji,saffron,dill,hing,cumin,curry leaves,poppy seeds,seseme seeds,fenugreek seeds,kaju and other nuts in everyday recipes which enhances the taste for every recipe.
• India
27 Mar 11
In my young days i was so fond of spicy foods full of chilly and oil, but with age, i have corrected myself, though i eat on sunday, my wife and daughter in laws have cooked today, using lesser quantity though, today is sunday lol I can't eat food that has no spice or chilly.. Thanks for sharing Cheers. HAVE A NICE SUNDAY. God Bless. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
I love spices too- since it makes food more delicious and smells good, but I don't like it that spicy.. Since it is like punishing my tongue. I just like the normal amount of spices..not more.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
8 Apr 11
I like foods with spices too.. But I don't like too much spicy food at all, i don't like chili or pepper, and the like- not because of the disadvantages of it to our body, it's just I don't like the taste .eating it is like hurting myself, my mouth and tongue.
@gracielle (346)
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
sure i do, love it actually but not too much spicy like I was eating raw chili makes my appetite more appetizing :)