Do you like to share links on facebook?

@codris (781)
November 1, 2010 7:10pm CST
hi there people i share a lot of links on facebook every day, links about things i have to do or things that i've done. And i share always funny links and other things from funny groups. and what about you? do you liek to share links on facebook? What kind of links? thank you for your responses :)
15 responses
• Australia
2 Nov 10
i share links very often.. but i make sure that all of my friends will caught their attention.. most of the links i share are music videos and funny videos..
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 10
why you dont use facebook to promote your online business??
• Indonesia
15 Nov 10
yes I do, when I like the link. I always share on facebook :)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
i always share a link to my blog everytime i write a new blog to bring more traffic on my blog. But sometimes i do share video links that are worth watching.
• United States
2 Nov 10
Hi Codris, Thanks, for asking about links we share. :O) I do like to share links on FB--mostly inspirational ones! :D If you look up "girl catchy dance" on YouTube, you should find one that I love to share. Hahaha! Sunshine & Blessings, Giovani
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
yah!!! i do share a lot!!! well share your blessings like well share your hapiness and likes to through links!!most of my links are from youtubes and it makes me hapee seing those music vid and clips that i really like and im interested of=)
@pokumon (644)
• United States
2 Nov 10
I share stuff that I find interesting and I'll put a like on it. I've also shared a video before and when I got really mad at the fact that Sarah Palin got a Discovery Channel show. I don't share as much as other people though. It's not an every day occurrence.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
2 Nov 10
Nopers, I do not have a facebook account, but I do occasionally "Tweet."
@maezee (41996)
• United States
2 Nov 10
Sometimes, like if I find a video or article online or something that I find that my friends or family members would be interested in or think is funny..But not very often. I don't spend all that much time on facebook, with the exception on writing on people's walls occasionally.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
2 Nov 10
I didn't use to share links much but now I do a lot more. I enjoy sometimes sharing links to something important I think others should read or sometimes when I find something that really made me laugh and I want to share. I also add links when I earn swagbucks in hopes that some of my friends will notice and join under me, because Swagbucks is awesome! lol
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 10
hai codris.. i think it`s first time me responds your discussion... i think sometimes i share link especially my links to some of my friends.. the aim, they know about my links or get benefits from my links
@cheravs (619)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Yes I do love to share links too in facebook, especially songs and tech news. Most are music that i really love or missed to listen to. I like when people also starting to hit the like button and comment about it.hehe.. I hate tho people sharing grose pictures or videos, i remove those from wall instantly. Have a nice day!
• United States
2 Nov 10
No, I do not share links on Facebook. I have nothing to really share unless it is really necessarily like if someone asks me about a site then I will let them know but other than that I don't share links.
@ktvn11 (62)
• Thailand
2 Nov 10
I often share my links on facebook. That is the useful link that I collectd during day and want post to people see and comment.There are many games on facebook and sometime have bonus e.g easycash game on facebook. Please copy my link and paste to your browse to support me
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Well I usually share links on facebook about rock bands,funny clips or videos and and interesting facts.
• United States
2 Nov 10
Honestly, I really don't share to many links on Facebook, I used to log on to Facebook a couple of times a day and spend at least 3 or 4 hours daily, but lately between work, kids and school I barely have any time to myself. But once in a while when I do log I sometime share funny pics and/or videos especially from youtube, that is the most commonly links I used when sharing in Facebook, other than that I really don't share to many other links.