If given the chance, where would you like to travel to?

@rinfour (250)
November 5, 2010 9:47am CST
I have always been interested in thee cultures of the world and I want to get to experience them firsthand someday. I am particularly interested in going to Japan because of the cherry blossoms, kimono, and harajuku. Aside from Japan, I would also love to travel to South Korea and China. Outside of Asia, I want to go to Italy and Scotland. If I get the chance, I would really love to travel the world. But for now, I would have to travel around my country, Philippines, with the help of promo flights and such. How about you? Where do you want to go?
17 responses
@doggydimon (1369)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Here is my travel wish list: 1. Tour of Japan 2. Go skiing in Seoul 3. Stay at the Poseidon Undersea resort in Fiji 4. Historical tour and Island hopping in Greece 5. Relaxation in Maldives 6. Nature Tripping in Nepal 7. Stay at Adrere Amellal in Egypt 8. See Machu Picchu in Peru 9. See Petra in Jordan 10. Beaches of Seychelles 11. New Zealand 12. Island hopping in Bahamas 13. Stay at the Giraffe Lodge in Kenya 14. Cross the Panama Canal 15. Safari in Africa I wish I can do these within 10 years...
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
I hope you did all of that.
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I'd love to travel around the Philippines. So far I've been to Davao in Mindanao, Cebu in Visayas and pretty much anywhere in Luzon. I still want to go to Palawan, Siargao, Pagudpod, CDO and Bohol. If its outside the country, I would love to see Santorini in Greece, Tuscany in Italy, France, Seychelles and Morocco. But thats far from possible right now. But maybe someday I'll get to travel to those places. :-)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I've been to Samal Island, too. I haven't been to Batanes, but I would love to go there too. I wanna try wild water rafting CDO.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I've recently visited Davao. I loved it there. I tried the zip line and went to Samal Island. Have you been to Batanes? It's also very beautiful there. I also want to go to Bohol and CDO. Pagudpud is very beautiful and calm during the summer but when it's during the rainy season, the waves will be pretty tough.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
I love Palawan and Siargao
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 10
Here is my travel wish list: 1. Island hopping and snorkeling in the Philippines 2. Seeing Cartagena De Indias in Colombia 3. Visiting Machu Picchu in Peru 4. Seeing the Taj Mahal in India 5. Seeing the Great Wall in China 6. Looking at the cherry blossom in Japan 7. Watching the wildlife in Madagascar 8. Cruising around the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador 9. Going to the Caribbean to Tobago and Grenada 10. Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama 11. Seeing Rio De Janeiro in Brazil 12. Going to Egypt I have been to more than fifty different countries but I still have more places I wish to see. I am trying to decide where to go in 2011.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Wow, you should really try snorkeling in the Philippines. I've been to different beaches here and none are the same. :) I would also love to see the Taj Mahal, I hear it's beautiful during the full moon. Particularly in October. I really envy you, you have been to more places than I can dream of. I wish I could do the same...
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Is that random or Philippines is your top priority? :D IF you go here, just tell me. I'll be happy to show you around...
@jc92619 (116)
6 Nov 10
id take my best trip to the paradise, cant argue, no place better than tht.....
@jc92619 (116)
6 Nov 10
paradise...after life.....
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
ahh...well, almost everybody wishes to get there after their time in this world ends. It's the ultimate dream destination...
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
uhh...which paradise? :)
@ellyza (28)
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
If I given a change I want to go to Rome, Italy just to have an idea of country beauty spots and culture. But my first choice is to visit South Africa. I really dream to ride at the back of world's giant animals and see others
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Me too. And I want to see the animals in their natural habitat, not like in zoos. When I watched Eat, Pray, Love I rediscovered my love for that European city.
@Diddaka (89)
8 Nov 10
I want to see a lot of countrys-some for their nature,others for their historical monuments.I would like to see the Amazon river- with his virgin nature and all animals that we can`t see anywhere around the world.I want to visit Eifel tower in Paris.Want to see the Great China wall.Every spot on the world`s map is unique with something.And everywhere can see something special and interesting for you.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
I agree, we can see and learn a lot of things from all over the world. It is after all, the best classroom in the universe. :)
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
6 Nov 10
my dream destinations now is europe... i had been to japan last year and it is really a very beautiful country with rich cultures... so my planned next trip will be europe... i have to save money first though to be able to do that... take care and have a nice day...
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Good for you! Best of luck with your trip to Europe, I hope you reach your goal. My friends and I are actually saving money for a trip to Japan but I guess it would be long time from now.
@emarie (5442)
• United States
6 Nov 10
other then within my country, I really do want to go back to Japan again and take my family. My cousin lived there for a few years while she was in the military and I loved looking at her pictures online. I also only spent 2 weeks there last time and I didn't get to see much. I want to experience a hot springs resort and I didn't get a chance to see the Sakura bloom. My husband is Japanese in origin, but we both grew up in Hawaii and he's never been there. I'd actually like to visit all of Asia and Europe because of the deep history.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Too bad you weren't able to see much in Japan when you visited. I agree, Asia and Europe have very deep and interesting histories.
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
7 Nov 10
I have no interest in going to Japan, England...etc...just give me somewhere warm. I live in Canada....and even our summers are not that long....so warm, sandy beaches are for me. Last year we went on a cruise and stopped at Half Moon Cay, Bahamas.....I would love to go there again. Bahamas, Dominican republic, Cuba...anywhere warm is fine with me.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
LOL go to the Philippines, it's always warm here...even during Christmas season. Jackets here are only for offices and schools with air conditioners, tank tops and flip flops are worn outside the house. I feel the exact opposite, I want to experience Autumn and Winter. I feel like it's always summer in my country.
@vrianna (185)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
If given a chance I want to go to Paris, London, Japan, Mexico and USA. We're still waiting for a petition from our grandfather in US so, we're hoping it would be next year. I'm so excited!
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
wow, I hope the petition pushes through. Good luck!
@rautrahul (267)
• India
6 Nov 10
If given the chance I will like to travel to South Africa.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I also want to travel to South Africa. I can't believe I forgot to mention that!
@daiweian06 (1405)
8 Nov 10
My first travel outside country is Singapore. I want to go to Thailand next year. For now that is my choice. Not really because of their culture but to attend the next event of Herbalife. Hope to be with my partner and my family except my father. He is the one who will take care for my baby dog.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
Aww..your dad will left to take care of your dog? I really want to go to Thailand, they say that shopping is really affordable there and they sell really cheap lenses for DSLR cameras.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
6 Nov 10
I want also want to see Japan, and I think in next few year I ll be there after completing my degree, and the other country which attract me a lot is Canada, I never been to Canada, my cousin and her family is there, my next destination ll be Canada and after that, I ll decide of world tour around the world in my old age with my old wife...lolz But Japan and Canada, I ll definitely visit on any cost, I ll create my own chances for this, as now a days I have created a chance to Singapore, I am going there on Chinese new year, which ll be very colorful moment in Singapore...:)
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Wow, Singapore on Chinese New Year, that will be an event to behold. Good luck and stay safe! I will also visit Japan at any cost! Even if I'm alone, I will go there. But preferably during April, during the Sakura season. :)
@calpro (930)
• India
6 Nov 10
If travel is on promo or some offer I would go for opting switzerland, I would love to visit alps.I have travelled to malaysia,singapore and thailand.Next I am going to UK on an official trip.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Wow. Is it for work? I wish I can find job that would send me across the ocean for "official business" LOL
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
5 Nov 10
I would love to travel to see Stone Henge. I love the history and the mysticism surrounding the site. I have already spent a year living in Japan. I visited Beijing and walked on the Great Wall. I spent a month traveling all over Egypt, including climbing Mt. Sinai. I have not traveled to all the places in my own country that I want to travel, but feel that if given the chance I should broaden my horizons more than that of another region in my own country.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Wow! I want to walk on the Great wall too! I also want to see the Terracotta Warriors in China...it's country full of history and culture that I want to experience.
• United States
5 Nov 10
If I was given the chance, I would travel to Vietnam. I would go to Vietnam because I want to visit my culture, family and enjoy the delicious foods they have :) Also, everything there is so affordable! I also am interested in other countries too, I want to go to Japan (in which right now speaking- my sister and brother in law are there traveling, I'm jealous! :P) and I would love to go to China, Italy and Paris :)
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I heard Viet Nam has amazing coffee as well. I would also love to visit there and I also heard that the shopping there was really affordable. My friend is living in Japan right now, for work in a photography studio. She's living the life she wants and I also feel jealous. .
@NicoZieg (591)
• Denmark
5 Nov 10
The next place I would like to travel to is Australia. I want it, because I know some friends, who have been there. I have tried to surf few times, but I really want to try it in Australia, because it should be a very good place to do it.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
A friend of mine also went to Australia recently and she loved it there. Good luck with the surfing plans! I think it would be awesome in Australia.