Do you still drink a glass of milk before you go to bed?

@oXAquaXo (607)
United States
December 26, 2010 12:43am CST
When I was younger, my dad would make me drink a glass of warm milk right before I go to bed, no matter what the situation was. Now, in high school, I still have this habit, and am really glad. I'm able to provide myself a good amount of protein right before my body needs to grow during sleep, and it also gives me a good chance to sit down and relax before bed. I know few other high schoolers who still do this, but I want to ask you mylotters if anyone still does this, why, and how it helps. Thanks :):):)
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18 responses
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
26 Dec 10
I still drink milk before going to bed but not every night anymore like when I was a kid, maybe just an average of twice a week. The reason why most adults stop drinking milk is because some people develop lactose intolerance as they age, a phenomenon more common to Asians than Caucasians.
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
26 Dec 10
Really? I knew that lactose intolerance can develop throughout your life, but I didn't know it occurs more among Asians. I'm Asian myself, and now that you mention it, I believe that my grandma may be lactose intolerant... Anyway, thanks for commenting.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I've never drank warm milk and the thought kind of grosses me out but I do drink a cup of milk before bed each night. It helps me sleep and keeps me from waking up hungry in the night. I also make sure to rinse my mouth after I drink it b/c it can cause tooth decay if left on your teeth all night. [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I have not been one to drink a warm glass of milk before going to bed even though I have often heard good things about doing this and how helpful that it can be. For me I have never prefered this one nor cared for it, but if it is your pleasure than enjoy it. This is just something I find not pleasing for everyone.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
26 Dec 10
Nope not really drink milk instead I prepared green tea with lemon every night before bed.. I like green tea which is good in our body... see you around
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
26 Dec 10
Green tea, that sounds healthy. My grandparents love drinking tea, and usually add some honey and brown sugar, and drink twice a day...before breakfast and after dinner, right before bed.
@mtrguanlao (5522)
• Philippines
26 Dec 10
Hi there! I don't drink milk for it makes me dizzy,I don't know why. But when I'm pregnant with my baby,I drink milk,good thing there is chocolate flavor so I consume a glass of it before sleeping. It helps my baby developed her brain and bones that's why even if I really don't like it,I have to,for may baby's sake. See you around!
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Nov 11
I don't drink glass of milk before I go to bed. I have never liked the taste of milk because it's too overwhelming. I was having a problem with sleeping so I tired to drink warm milk before going to sleep. I tried it for only a week because I really could not stand the taste, and it didn't work anyway. But I remember that I really loved milk when I was younger.
• Australia
22 Jun 11
I used to when i was a child but i dont do it anymore. Sometimes i like to have a cup of tea before bed or a warm milo. But this isn't every night and it isn't really to help me to sleep just to wind down after a long day.
• India
26 Dec 10
I too had this habit in my childhood, But now I didn't follow this habit daily .But I use to drink cup of milk for someday.whenever I feel tired and whenever I feel not sleeping.And drinking glass of milk daily is really good for health. I should try to follow this daily. Due to busy schedule I do not able to follow this step daily.Hope to continue to daily.
@agent807 (751)
• United States
28 Dec 10
I used to drink milk before I go to bed to help me sleep, but now I drink milk before I go to bed to help my body rest and relax, and grow. However I am not a normal person. When I go to bed, I have a gallon of milk and water with me sitting next to the bed, and work on those through the night, waking up with two empty jugs next to the bed. I don't even get sick from drinking that. When I wake up, I feel very refreshed and energetic, but I have to be careful because I am feeling the effects of how milk can help a person grow. I am bigger, stronger, and heavier so everything is easier to break. I only drink this much milk because I am punishing my body all day, and this is the only drink that helps.
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 10
I don't drink milk before I go to bed. The main reason of that is, I don't like milk. And I am not in my growing process anymore. :P
• India
21 Aug 11
lol i am 67 now and i have this habit of drinking one full glass of warm milk before going to bed Only difference, earlier i added sugar and ate the cream on the top too, but now due to diabetes, i don't use sugar, but artificial sweetener.. Thanks for sharing Best of luck. Professor
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
27 Dec 10
Hello Oxaquanxo, i have never drunk a glass of milk before sleeping, but i love milk products - cheese, yogurt, yellow cheese, melted cheese and i love to drink cold milk with coffee or like that. I have no such habit, but the taste of the milk products is so amazing, i can eat cheese nearly with everything, specially with apples the mix is really amazing.
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
27 Dec 10
I am out of school a long time back but I still drink milk at night. Not for proteins or getting some strength as the way you put it. I take milk to take care of my acidity. cold glass of milk without sugar is a best type of antacid. If you add sugar to it then its properties changes and it adds to your acidity than curing it.
• Malaysia
27 Dec 10
I don't drink milk anymore. I prefer a plain cold water before bed so that I can have a clear throat all through the night. :)
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 Dec 10
i still do it sometimes although it is not everyday... i only do it when i feel like it... but i think you are right... it is a very good source of protein and we have to keep this good habit if we can... take care and have a nice day...
@shaggin (71672)
• United States
26 Dec 10
Eww lol that sounds awful. I dont know what warm milk tastes like but since I dont like cold milk I highly doubt I would like warm milk either. I never drink milk. I put it in my cereal but other then that I really never drink any. My kids like chocolate milk and hot cocoa so they get milk but not always every day. I really should make it a habit to get them to drink more milk. The habit you have of drinking milk is good but it doesnt neccessarily make it better to drink before bed. As long as you are getting a glass a day I think you are doing good :)
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
26 Dec 10
Hi, Milk and me? Never go together. When I was a child I used to take a lot of milk but now I can not even stand the scent of the milk. Now even my son, who is going to be nine next year detests milk. It seems milk does not go well with every body.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
26 Dec 10
I was never a big milk drinker before bedtime. i saved milk drinking for my meals.