Life is too short!

By Toni
@toniganzon (72279)
January 17, 2011 8:05pm CST
Recently i have been fighting with someone who is special to me. He is a special friend to me and we share so many things in life, good and bad! Because of our fight, I tried to avoid talking to him and he too didn't want to force himself to me. However, he wrote in his profile that life can't wait forever. That made me really cry because it has some truth to it. If i would allow my pride to get in the way, i might not be able to talk to him anymore and who knows i might die tomorrow or he will. Life is too short and i just want to enjoy it with people that i care about. I don't want to waste that time mopping and getting angry! I want to spend it by sharing wonderful moments with people close to my heart.
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10 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Jan 11
hi, life is too short and i live my life to the fullest, sometimes i feel a little bit of angry to my mom, because she always in favor of my younger sister, so i never talked to her and even visited her, but then i realized that my parents is old now,and no one know where it will end, so before the its too late, i should show to my mom that u loved them very much.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
It's a good realization you had there my friend, i am happy for you. Hope you will try to understand your parents more and tell them that you love them every opportunity you get. I lost mine when i as 13 but i never failed to show them how much i loved them then.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
i think i only jealous but i always ask myself why they act like that, maybe my sister cant have those while i can have it with no one but myself.
@koikei (206)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
greetings! thank you for sharing that. life is indeed short. but what happened after you cried? did you reach out to him? if yes, how did you initiate that? and what was his reaction?
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@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
19 Jan 11
Life is to short it goes by us so quickly before we notice that's why it is a good idea to enjoy it till your last day pretty much that's what I do I try to enjoy life to the fullest.
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
18 Jan 11
did you make up with him? I find it so beautiful that you got touched by this words and actually wanted to not let pride get in the way. the things i done or didn't do because of pride are the only ones i regret in life, it's like we do it all wrong with pride cause when we act from our heart it's fine and we never regret, now with pride i think it's the ego talking and it ALWAYS end up so wrong...
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
Yes we are good to each other again and we confessed that we both can't live ignoring each other forever.
• India
18 Jan 11
Im sure he feels the same way as u do. U need not be sorry for everything that happened because these things had to happen some day or the other.And see,, because this happened,,now u miss and care for him even more !! You know how important he is to u. He will also feel the same. Dont worry, Nothing has changed I will guarantee you that!! now u guys understand each other more better than before. Just try starting a random chat. Dont wait for him to take the first move. If u start ignoring each other, it may develop only hatred. To begin,,Just lay out some plan, say some house chores or even a movie,, Ask him politely to accompany you. He should not say No!. then u guys can talk to each other again. do ur normal things u did. Just hope for the best!! Good luck!!
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@DLMiller (12)
• United States
18 Jan 11
Good. Sounds like you sorted that one out for yourself. Way to go.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
18 Jan 11
Hi Toni, A wonderful thought to start my day Yes, I have learned this thing the hard way that Life if too short for Hate, Anger and Malice... And we are blessed to have got a human life where we can spread more of love, affection and happiness Thanks for sharing this thought with us Cheers, theSids
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
18 Jan 11
Once I heard Chinese sayings that have a base on our health and life in general. I only remember one thing about it: Don't be sad too much cause it will damage your liver. The saying goes on like: don't laugh too much, don't cry too much, don't eat too much, don't hate too much, etc. So, basically, we need to have a balance in our life. Having a pride is good, having too much pride will damage something in ourselves. It is good if you can make the first move.
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• Philippines
18 Jan 11
Life is indeed very short. Anything happen that we are not expecting. Maybe in the next minute, we die, or even in just a second. Friends are the greatest gift in life. True friends tend to promise to each other an endless friendship. Having an enemy is always worse than having friends. As much as possible, make everyone as your friend. I remember this song which I heard from a cartoon series; We two we're friends to the end ain't we my friend, We kinda blend together Coffee and cream, boy, what a team! You'll never find two other guys, Compatible as steak and fries... We know the weather will mend, won't it my friend? We'll weather life together Thinking as one, searching for sunny skies..... I am not sure if this lyrics are correct. But the meaning of the song was about two persons who were always fighting because they are totally different, They met two friends who are also different from each other. The one is big, and the other is a midget I think. They taught the two persons how to befriend each other.
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@cathy1990 (220)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
yes life is too short in a sense that you never know when, where or how will your life end and this is the sandiest things to hear " I hope that I can say even once that I Love him, when he is alive". so love everything that makes you happy, because time will never back. regret is the bad/sad things to do in life.