Cooking from "scratch"

United States
March 15, 2011 9:16pm CST
How much cooking from scratch do you do? If you used a boxed or canned item in the cooking, is it still from scratch? I love looking for new recipes to try. Different ingredients to use. Anything to keep things from getting dull and mundane. The same meals over and over again, to me, gets boring and old very quickly.
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9 responses
• United States
27 Mar 11
Who has time to fully cook from scratch? Even 'baking a cake from scratch' might involve using a Duncin Hines or Betty Crocker box cake mix as opposed to buying a cake from a bakery. Some people don't have time for that.
@marguicha (216917)
• Chile
23 Mar 11
I cook almost everything from scratch and I almost never use boxes or cans. For me dry beans mean soaking the beans overnight and so on. I also like to try new things and love to try out new spices. I usually watch a cooking show on TV. Only today I discovered that in the Amazone rain forest they ate those big spiders for protein (red ants too). I won´t go that far (I think) but I love to experiment. Take care
• United States
23 Mar 11
Tough question. I think it depends on how much of the meal is ala box vs home made. Now if you say you are going to use egg noodles in something but you use the noodles out of a box is the meal home made... yes. But not 100% from scratch unless you made the pasta yourself. There are so many things like mac'n cheese we are used to getting out of a box and improving it by adding more cheese, veggies, meat ect and making it into a meal.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
21 Mar 11
I cook everything from scratch besides brownies, cupcakes and pancakes because some of the brand is pretty good tasting so i just use the boxes kind. Other than that, I make everything on my own.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
20 Mar 11
i like to cook, but i use the box recipes like box cake mixes and box cookie mixes and brownies i never make them from scratch.. i have before but there not as good and way more work.. i prefer the boxes.. they even have a pie crust that you can get in a box that taste like it is from scratch.. makes it alot easier to make my home made pies..
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
17 Mar 11
Hi, I love cooking and I do my cooking everyday for my family. It is kinda boring to cook same dishes over and over again,so sometimes, I will find some simple recipe to try out.I change my menu everyday,so that we can have different kind of food everyday. Because my husband is kinda picky eater in term of vegetable,I am having hard time to choose what vegetable dishes to cook everyday. Some vegetable like cucumber,pumpkin,egg plant,and certain green vegetables,my husband does not like to eat. No matter what, I always emphasized myself to cook at least 1 vegetable dish,1 meat/seafood and 1 soup.
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Boxed meals are overpriced for what you get, but come in handy for convenience sometimes. I would say ninety percent of what we eat is from scratch. I even make a lot of my own bread.Hubby likes food experiments, and so do I. My adult son is somewhat picky, and he is living with us right now. We make better steaks than you get in a restaurant.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Since I work 2 jobs it is hard enough to find time to make something from a box or can! lol. On Sundays I try to make a big meal mostly from scratch. I love to experiment with my crock pot too.
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
I try to always cook from scratch as much as I could. It really does taste better than using the processed things. I think you should try to cook a meal from a different country every week. When I was a kid during a visit in my grandpas house, we would pick from a list of countries and we will cook a dish from the one that we picked. My grandpa will usually let the youngest grandkid to pick from the fish bowl. Sometimes the dish was a success but other times it is not. I think you can do that. It really depends on what is on the can or box. If you are talking about canned beans then I think that is still cooking from scratch because their are ingredients that you can't find fresh in some areas.