Do you feel guilty if you don't get your housework done ?

@suehan1 (4344)
March 19, 2011 2:56am CST
I have. Since I have been diagnosed with diabetes and trying to get my sugars under control I have been getting really tired and I have not been able to keep up with the house work and I am feeling really guilty about it. I do a little then have a rest. I know this will pass and I will get everything under control including my house work, but I do get the guilts about a messy house. Do you? Cheers Sue
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55 responses
20 Mar 11
i dont as my kids spend most weekends at their dads so i get the house to myself and i can do it without interruption
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
21 Mar 11
Thats the best time to get your work done when no one else is around. I have split days off and usually do it when the kids are at school. I will have to get back to doing that when I feel better. Cheers Sue
24 Mar 11
good time to do it, but im always tired by then and want to relax, so thats why i do it at weekends when they are not here
• Australia
24 Mar 11
I can't concentrate to do my household chores too, if there are other people around me so i do it at night when my kids already in their room.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
22 Mar 11
I always feel bad when i don't get my housework done. I have two kids and a and a husband at home. I also work a full time job and i am starting my own business. sometimes the housework is left behind. then i come home look around and i get so upset with myself for leting it go for so long. so i promised myself tonite i was going on to cook and clean the house.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Mar 11
I made a great dinner of stew chicken and veggies, i did to loads of laundry, i washed all of the floors, and folded up a bag of clean clothes. still had time to have an online meeting with my business partner and be in bed by 11:30!!! i could hardly move this morning i was so tired. LOL I am creating an Website/Woman's Circle(group) for women on being empowered in life! i also mantain my downline builder website as well. I stay busy, but i love it
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
Its hard when you have a full time job and children at home and to keep the house clean. You must be busy with the new business as well. What sort of business is it ? I hope you get your cooking and house work done tonight. Cheers Sue
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Mar 11
I used to but since I am the only one living here it's okay...I still like the house all cleaned and I hate falling behind as then it seems like twice as much to do! Don't feel are much more important then a clean comes first!
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
Yes my health is more important at the moment and I know I will get back on track soon. Once the medication starts to help and lower the sugars I feel things will start to get better. Cheers Sue
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Mar 11
I almost never worry about a messy house. But I was always a slob. Would you be able to hire someone to come in once a week or something until you are feeling less tired? It could just be one of the kids in the neighborhood or something rather than an expensive service. I don't know if that is an option for you, but it is a thought. Good luck with this!
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
21 Mar 11
I wish I could afford to hire some help, there is a lady I know who is on a pension, she may want a few extra dollars. Good idea. Cheers Sue
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
22 Mar 11
If it is a person like that and you can't afford to pay her cash, perhaps you could provide a meal or just do something together afterwards. I know in some places they have groups of people who would do things as exchanges, but I can't remember the name of the website anymore. maybe you could do a search for that kind of service there.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
22 Mar 11
I have BPD and I'm often to depressed to get any housework done. I have found that mindless work like being online sometimes helps me get through the day so I like to get on mylot and gather so it's not a complete waste of time. But, as far as cleaning up around here, it really doesn't get done but maybe once a week. I feel horrible about it because I rent and I feel that the landlord deserves better than that. But when I'm depressed I just have a hard enough time getting up out of bed in the first place.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
Yes lately I am finding it hard to get out of bed as well. When I have enough energy I am trying to get a bit of work done,before I get on the computer because once I am on the computer the day is gone forever. Cheers Sue
@Austee (131)
24 Mar 11
Yes, I do. I feel guilty everytime I dont get housework done. I am a little busy and some point I really cannot put time to do chores. And if my asthma attacks, I just lie and do nothing even if I want to clean the mess.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
26 Mar 11
I know how hard it can be when you have an asthma attack. I think we can only do what we can do when we feel well. Cheers Sue
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Mar 11
Sweety, i so know where you are coming from. I've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and the condition called Pre-Diabetes. It's not full blown diabetes and we do have it under control with medication. I'm also overweight due to osteo-arthritis. I, too, become incredibly tired and have trouble getting out of a chair most times. Some days it's an effort putting one foot in front of the other. Yes, I am behind in the housework. Sometimes it is just too much for me and it is slowly accumulating and getting on top of me. I spend lots of time on-line because I think it keeps my brain nimble but that could be a moot point. Absolutely yes, I feel incredibly guilty for not doing my chores. Isn't that silly of us? I live alone too and I like things to look nice and to know things are clean.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
26 Mar 11
Yes isn't it silly of us to worry so much, we should be looking after ourselves and not worrying so much. I hope you keep your Pre diabetes under control. At the moment I am trying to get the blood sugars under control and getting the right balance of medication and when it is under control I hope my energy levels will get better and then I may feel like doing some house work.I am glad you are keeping your brain nimble and nice chatting with you. Cheers Sue
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 11
I always feel guilty, if not finished my housework. And certainly, if my housework is not finished, and the house looks a mess, my husband will be very angry with me. Although I was sick, lazy, tired, I still have to finish all the housework, If do not want to scolded by my husband.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
29 Mar 11
yes normally i would always do my housework, but being so sick I can only do some of it when i feel up to it. I know we have different cultures, but your husband should not scold you if you are unwell and can not keep the house clean. Cheers Sue
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Apr 11
Yes he should not get angry first without asking you , Cheers Sue
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 11
My husband sometimes does not ask first, why have not I finish housework. Every come home from work, and the house looks a mess, my husband immediately angry, without asking first.
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@devijay78 (1573)
• India
19 Mar 11
Hi sue. I do know what you are talking about. I have been suffering from back pain from the time I gave birth to my first child and it has almost been four years and still am not able to even bend properly without letting out a sound of pain. But then, now I have some more health problems and on top of all that, am pregnant. So, tiredness is not the word. Exhausted all the time, you could say. But still, finding time to finish my chores is a wonder. And sometimes, my house is a mess and I leave it that way. I do it the next day or whenever I have time. Cleaning takes up most of my time apart from cooking, taking care of my daughter etc and by the time I finish, I still have 70 to 80% of work left to be done which gets carried over to the next day. Hmmm. Nothing can be done now and I can do the cleaning and sorting only when my daughter is not at home or when there is no cooking work to be done. So you are not alone in this. I guess most of us are like that, especially ones who have a bad health. Good day.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
Gosh your having it bad you poor thing. I know what it was like when my ones were little and I was pregnant, chasing my tale with looking after children, washing , cooking etc.I know things will get better and I will feel up to doing the work. Cheers Sue
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
19 Mar 11
Yes, the woes of being a pregnant young mother. Well, it is part and parcel of having children, so, I don't give it much attention. I have got used to the mess she makes anyway I do work when she is asleep or at school only to have all of it brought down after she comes back. So, messy house all the time. Does not bother me much now. Things will look up for you and you can finish your work then. No worries.
@chuyins123 (2112)
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
It depends on what I did the whole day? Because if I was so busy with other important things then I wouldn't be guilty at all. But if I just sit in front of the PC or TV the whole day, it's a different story, I'd be really really guilty. :)
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
I know what you mean I would feel guilty if I was on the computer all day and and still had work to do. Cheers Sue
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
Exactly! hehe :) anyway, I am not trying to really make you feel guilty. It's how I would feel guilty. But I guess you're responsible enough to handle things in your household and still manage to be online here. :) Thanks sue.
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
12 Apr 11
AS for me, because we dont have a house of our own and we are living with my inlaws, and i have a 7months old child, although i am not told to do the household chores still, i would feel guilty not to help clean up the house, specially when i get tired sometime taking care of our first child and some other things make me sick i cannot make it, but i do see to it that i help do wash the dishes and cook some rice before mealtimes, but if the other siblings of my husband are just here nothing to do, i don't have to do it, but i would always feel guilt because i'am not in my house you know, i feel uncomfortable not helping at all.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
17 Apr 11
It would be hard when you are not in your own house and I would fell guilty too if I did not do my share to help around another persons home.Cheers Sue
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
19 Mar 11
Yes I do too though my part is just my room. I clean it and then later it's a mess again. I don't really know what's going on. I think there's something in my room that likes messing up my room. Anyway I do it once a week. Sometimes I don't. Mom gets pissed and starts cleaning it herself sometimes. Anyway you take care of your health. Have a good weekend.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
I wish it was just my room I had to clean,your good to clean your room for your mum.I think I have something here that messes my whole house here and I think it is my children. lol you have a good weekend as well. Cheers Sue
• South Korea
19 Mar 11
The children?? Hmmm.. i don't think so lol
• United States
21 Mar 11
Oh I get the guilty feeling also. I have troubles keeping up with my 3 yr old. I work from home doing call center work and there's times I don't feel comfortable sitting at my computer working knowing my apt is a mess even though I'm sitting at the computer working making money. Right now we live in a very small apt the looks cluttered all of the time because I have no room. So I know how you feel and where your coming from.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Mar 11
Yes it would make it hard when you are doing what your doing from home , especially with looking after a 3 year old, thats hard enough work on its own Cheers SUE
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@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
21 Mar 11
It is not a feeling of guilt but unfinished housework makes you irritable because what happens is absence of orderliness most especially tasks untouched each day accumulates that you can no longer attend to it and therefore uneasy to move around the house that you can not even take a rest.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Mar 11
Yes I know what your saying and it does make me irritable that I have no energy to do any thing, I wish the house was tidy so I could have a good rest. Cheers Sue
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
as i see pending tasks the more i can't touch one to start.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
21 Mar 11
I know how you feel. I am ill and tired all the time and I feel guiltly about the housework that does not get done as regularly as it used to. My partner understands and helps me to get over the guilt. I am learning my limitations and I am learning to manage my energy. I do what I can when I can and am learning not to feel guilty about what I cannot do. My energy is variable so I do cleaning on days when I feel more energetic. The house gets cleaned but nowhere as often as it used to.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
21 Mar 11
Yes I agree with you that you can only do what you can do when you feel up to doing it. It is just some thing I will have to get use to . as I was always so active. Cheers Sue
@mjweed21 (693)
• Philippines
21 Mar 11
Yes, I do! Knowing that everybody is doing their own task.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Mar 11
I am not sure what you really are saying here. Thanks Sue
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
21 Mar 11
Dirt bothers me, but being a little messy does not. An untidy house upsets my husband, but what I call dirt does not. He can't even see it.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
21 Mar 11
I don't like dirt as well, I can say my mess is a clean mess like clothes not being put away and things like that, which normally I would be on top of, but lately I find it hard to keep on top of it all Cheers Sue
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
22 Mar 11
Sure I do! I feel very guilty. I went up to the hospital due to over charge at house chores, since then someone comes to help me a little bit. Blessings!... DAiny
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
You are lucky to get some one to give you a helping hand. Cheers Sue
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• India
21 Mar 11
Like u I also suffer from thyoride and am tired all the time and my house is messy all the time as work in a office from 9 to 5. Early morning I am too busy to wake up my son send him to school cook food for breakfast and lunch also. These days my feet feel so tired that I am unable to stand to cook even.Normally I do not mind the mess in the house. But yesterday I had to clean the entire house as my sister is coming to stay with me for two days. When I am tired I start crying. My 10 years old son seeing my cry, helped me out in cleaning. Bless him. Any type of illness is bad, but there are medicines which help us to lead normal life. So do not worry with regular intake of medicines, your tiredness will go away.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Mar 11
Yes I am taking medication, but the sugars are still high and the doctor has been increasing the medication and I think this is what is making me very tired. Cheers Sue
• India
21 Mar 11
Same with me also. I suffer from thyoride due to which I am tired all the time.Earlier I was very quick and alert in doing house work. But now a days standing in the kitchen and cooking has become a problem for me.My feet get tired and I start crying when tired. Any illness is bad. Most of the time I do only bare minimum but like yesterday I had to clean the entire house as my sister is coming today to stay for two days. I had to take help of my 10 years old son to clean the house. Thank GOd he is there to help me out.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Mar 11
I feel like I could cry at a drop of a hat. Thank goodness your son was there to help you. You just want to give them a big hug when they do things like that. Cheers Sue