YeeeeHaaaaaa! slap yur mama's bahookey and kiss yer papa's bald head!

@ajk111 (2495)
June 8, 2011 7:23am CST
I am excited as a scotsman drowning in a vat of whisky! I have just finished ordering a new lap top on my sisters computer and i should be up and running within a week. Can't wait to speak to all you guys soon. What is the longest you have went without the sanity of mylot? need to go and pick the wife up from work. Her face will be a picture when i tell her i have emptied the bank!
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8 responses
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
8 Jun 11
yes. I understand u are very happy and excited. Enjoy. we always like anything that is new -- I am reminded of new books and note books in school days, new college, new friends, new clothes, new shoes, new wife?, new children? --- In fact I recollect my very happy days when I bought a National 14 inches TV in those days for the first time. You are in order in feeling excited. What do you say by this: "Her face will be a picture when i tell her i have emptied the bank!" --u say she will be worried or she will be angry? have a good day.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
10 Jun 11
I am also happy. Have you opened the packing? See that you operate it carefully. check up about anti virus packages. I am sure you will enjoy using it and you will benefit more from and out of it. have a good day.
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@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
i am very excited right now as the laptop has arrived today!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
8 Jun 11
You have just to tell her that you will have to be more present at myLot to earn enough for your laptop, and I am sure she will be very pleased. At least, all your friends will be pleased to see you back, ajk. I have not always an internet connection when I am working far from my home, but I have logged in with my phone and have participated to some discussions : I was not very active, but not completely absent.
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• United States
8 Jun 11
LOL! And Top finally reveals his profession ... he is a fashion model photographer that does his shoots in remote locations in order to have his victims ... erm, I meant his models all to himself!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jun 11
Huh, you told me that there was absolutely no way you could get on the Internet, and now I find out that you had a phone that would allow you to be connected?! Was that your subtle way of telling me that you didn't want to talk with me? I guess it didn't work, so perhaps you should just give in to my flowery charms!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
8 Jun 11
I logged a few times on myLot with my phone, but I had to go to the nearest town to get a connection available for it and you were not online. I never forgot your petunias, but the countryside was beautiful and I was surrounded by pretty girls at work, so I was not going often to the town.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
you sound like a kid so excited but have not told his mom about why! now i wanna know what is your wife's tell us lol..
• United States
9 Jun 11
LOL! I think that you summed it up extremely well here, Jazel. He sounds like a kid that has done something wrong but very exciting and is relishing the excitement until he has to go home and face the consequences.
@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
i feel like a 7 yr old who has caught his mother kissing santa and now i will get to play with all the toys in the world!
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• United States
8 Jun 11
Unfortunately, I have had to go several months without being able to log on here, and it was very sad. I missed my friends and had no way to contact them. Since I have been back, there have been a couple of us that have exchanged e-mail addresses "just in case", and I already had a few e-mail addresses before that, but as I did not have access to a computer I was unable to keep in touch with anyone regardless of whether or not I had their e-mail address. *sigh*
• United States
8 Jun 11
Ummm ... I do not think that we have Internet cafes in our neck of the woods as I really do quite literally live in the woods ... well, not in the woods but quite near them. We are in the country, so I don't think many people would go to them even if we had them. In fact, I don't think that I have ever heard of them in any of the cities nearby, either, but then again our cities are not exactly metropolises.
• United States
8 Jun 11
LOL! If we put all the people in the nearby villages, towns and "cities" together, then we might only have about ten families represented but we might be able to get to at least 100,000 people! Alright, so that is just a "redneck" stereo-type as we are not all inbred. Still, I do not really know the populations, but I am sure it would take at least the population of an entire county before we could reach 400,000. By the way, don't you need to bring your own laptop to an Internet cafe?
• United States
8 Jun 11
Yeah, I definitely could have used something like that while I was without my computer! I guess that I will have to take your suggestion and go out back and track down that bear I saw this morning and see if he (or she) will sign up for a phone with an Internet connection then.
@allknowing (130518)
• India
8 Jun 11
Your excitement is evident from the way you have worded your topic ajk 'have went without the sanity....'!if you plelase. I am more concerned about your meeting with your beloved than telling you my story. Do get back and tell us all about it.
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• United States
8 Jun 11
Oh, I don't just want to hear the story, although I would like to hear that as well. I definitely think he needs to take a picture of "the face" she makes when he tells her, though, and post it on here. I suspect that picture will be worth far more than words!
@allknowing (130518)
• India
8 Jun 11
Make up your mind PA. Do you want to hear the story or you dont!. We all know about Helen of Troy the face that launched a thousand ships. I wonder what this face will launch!Waiting!
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• United States
8 Jun 11
LOL! I do want to hear the story but also want to see a picture of her face when he tells her ... I want it all! If I have to choose one or the other, though, then I think that the picture would most likely do a better job of illustrating than the words ...
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• United States
8 Jun 11
Hi ajk Everyone wants to see your wife's facial face picture expression. Not me I want to see yours when she finishes with you. She will give you an ongoing, blah, blah, blah and I am sorry but you will not be happy and wonder why you did that. Kidding, Hooray!! You will be back more often I see with a powerful machine. The longest I had was a full 12 days when my entire area was out of the internet. The cafe's were too jammed so I could not get on, even once. So imagine me feeling and looking like a junkie without my dose.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
I'm sure ajk loves his wife HWG ... he likes to jokingly poke fun at her , but all in good fun ...just like me too ....I like to fun and joke around but I mean well..-makes a sad poofy face- Hugs to you HWG......
• United States
9 Jun 11
Hi zed, kisses and Yes indeed he loves his wife and has such a great sense of humor, I miss him when he is gone as he never fails to post something that makes me soooo laugh.
@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
"so imagine me feeling and looking like a junkie without my dose" what a great metaphor! it is so like that. zed_k4, best descriptive comment of the day, "makes a sad poofy face", what does that look like?
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Jun 11
hi ajk I can appreciate that as I would be totally happy if I had ordered a new desktop c mputer as I would have the funds for it of course. I have had to go without for 20 days when I was injured and in rehab hospital and was satisfying my mylot craving by writing discussions in my head., then I got home and was just getting back when my roomie got a contagious disease shingles and I had to be moved to another room. another 13 days in hell before I could come back to my computer. hi ajk I hope getting the laptop will help alleiate a little of your wife 's unhappiness over the bank account. lol.
@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
I think the wife has just about forgiven me. she said she would never speak to me again but sadly that did not last to long.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Jun 11
Hi ajk I wished I could ask you to upload that pic here for us. I would have aquainted myself with the expressions that I could get to see on my wife's face when I went out to empty the bank for the same reason as yours - laptop We are having some fights on timelines here - who gets to use the only old PC that we have, and are much in need of - she for her not so interesting thesis writing and me for my so much interesting and exciting - Internet Return back soon dear. You are being missed by many (me included)
@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
sometimes emptying ones back is acceptable!
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@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
thanks for the vote of confidence, glad to be back as i missed many of you guys too.
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