Already dropped the name of the Actor impregnated Andi Eigemann

@syoti20 (5293)
July 15, 2011 5:42pm CST
I wake so early in the morning to go to work. When I saw newspaper on our doorstep. While waiting to water to boil, I sit back and read the newspaper. I always look first on the Entertainment Section. Their I saw the column where Andi E. was dropped at the same time the Blind Item which turns out they dropped the name of the guy. No other than Albie Casino or Albie CasiƱo.
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11 responses
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
This is celebrity news my friend. I guess the guy is not manly enough to acknowledge that he is the father of the child.I even heard that the girl is a playgirl according to some news prints. Maybe that's the basis why this guy don't admit that he is the father of the child.
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
This casino? - too bad he's too young
He maybe just a guy and has a job but the way I look at him, I don't think he's mentally ready for being a parent. well, he's young and that's why he likes to fool around with the ladies. I felt sad for the girl because she will be a single mom. as for the guy, too bad if a DNA test is conducted and prove himself right.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
@ Letran: That is not Albie Casino. The guy on the picture is McDo Endorser.
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
Oh, I have no idea she got pregnant. Well that's a great news, I guess. Way to go for him and her. I guess they're only way is forward, starting a family.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
It wasn't a good new actually. Albie didn't stand to be a Father on Andi's baby.
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
Oh, that is bad news. Andi is hot so that's not really a big suprise to me.
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
I already knew it's Albie Casino ever since Mark Gil got interviewed in The Buzz, he dropped clues there about who's the father of the baby and I guessed it right.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
Good for you! You have a good guess!
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
That's a pretty devastating news knowing that the father of the child seems to take for granted the responsibility of being a father. I was shocked with the news that Andi E got pregnant especially since she is at the height of her career. And then what? Now what? Every thing will surely be on a downhill trajectory this time. They are both too young to be parents. I just wish them well and hopefully they would come to their senses especially Albie, that denying a child is a grave sin, almost unforgivable.
@flapiz (22487)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 11
OH MY GOSH!!! I never expected that. They look so innocent and young. And Albie is like too young. Is this 100% confirmed already? Did Albie take the blame.
19 Jul 11
What time would you say you wake up? I am used to my boyfriend getting up at 6am to go and work at school with 2 busses to catch and work to do on the journey. It must be nice to relax with a newspaper and I'm sure the entertaintment must be very interesting, if not a distraction, unless you work in Entertainment?
@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
I always knew Albie is the guy because if you read back issues or headlines about them, there was an article that stated Albie is Andi's first boyfriend. There was an article that Albie wants to have a DNA test first to confirm if the baby is his. Andi was tag to be a "playgirl".
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
So sad to note how the morality of the women has dropped to the lowest level. Single ladies celebrities or not get impregnated and they don't seem to be ashamed at all. How degrading even if the father does not even want to admit he is the one. This Andi is just starting her career and without even getting too far she gets pregnant! Well, what could his Dad say? Maybe "Is this the price I have to pay?"
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
you are into showbiz then! I got hold of this news when i was watching prime time news. Well, it happens and it also happened that the guy who got her pregnant is not responsible and brave enough to declare that it is his responsibility.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
I think the worst thing that could happen to a woman is happening now to Andi and that's for a guy to deny that he's the father of the baby. That's the problem when a woman is too trusting and can easily be sweet talked by any good looking guy, after he gets what he wants... "poof"... he's gone and then another guy comes in and does the same exact thing, then the poor woman is left with a baby and the shame and humiliation that goes with it. I don't think Andi is alone in this predicament but somehow there are lessons that can't be learned without experiencing it personally. I somehow admire the girl for taking it very well and in strides and I don't pity her either, after all, she's just the victim here and the real culprit are the those boys with no balls. But then, it takes two to tango so no matter how you look at it, what happened won't happen if Andi was just more discerning in her choices.
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
I also heard about this news. But I wasn't thinking that this could happened to an actress like her. She's pretty and many men are longing her to be her boyfriend but sad to know that the father of the child in her womb does not like to recognized it. poor Andi..But I'm sure that's not the end of everything..Andi can make it together with her mom's support.