Trust in people

@didi13 (2926)
November 6, 2011 4:54am CST
Trust in people. An interesting topic, discovered by chance. Have you imagined that trust underpins all that we have relationships with people, more or less close? In fact, trust makes us closer, and it all away for us all. If you sit and think well, revolve around trust a lot of facts and features, such as betrayal, deception, honor, lies, commitment, sacrifice, loyalty and the list is endless. Trust is the support that builds our relationship with others. Trust is hard won and quickly lost. Trust is a feeling. It is the feeling of peace, security that we have with people, fellow traveler with whom you dare to go further, the next friend to sleep next to consort which give it life.
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7 responses
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
Very interesting and introspective topic. You did nail with when it comes ot the nature of trusts and how people use it, whether they do it consciously or not. Trust, for me, is a human nature, and very much like instinct. It has some form of survival by a somewhat being dependence on other people's good will and existing relationship. Depending on the person, trust is either very hard to earn or very easy to give. Trust also somewhat defines our relationship to other people - a good reason why is is often treated as a treasure, so much that a betrayal of such immense trust is considered as a unforgivable act. Trust might be as correctly personified as a delicate glass. Nothing is more delicate and precious - and its loss is something to be mourned for.
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
Trust is one great foundation of every relationship. Without trust a relationship will never last. Without trust, there is no use keeping a relationship that is full of doubts and cheating.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
10 Nov 11
For some reasons, I can not trust people around me. I always doubt that they are doing something against me behind my back. Probably that is the reason why people don't trust me. Not many friends I do have in my life. Reasons: beyond my imagination. I do not know how to trust people with so many betrayal in this world!
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Trust is the main ingredient in any relationship. Without trust, there is nothing there but two people just communication on a superficial basis. Agreed that without trust does come betrayal, deception and lies. Thats when the walls go up around us. that is the our automatic proaction.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
6 Nov 11
It's partly trust but way more your own grade of self esteem and the percentage that you are able to live your life alone. Trust is needed when you depend on other people. If you depend on yourself you have way less problems with the issue: trust. You don't care that much if people try to fool or abuse you since you don't need them. And believe me that is something they feel for sure and the chance they will pick you out as their victim is way less. So if you want to trust someone, trust yourself. Your own feelings, thoughts, wishes, strengh, abilities, possibilities, faith. Since you are the one you are dealing with day and night.
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7 Nov 11
in my family all of must be honesty,in my bussiness to,thats its the best power
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Nov 11
hi didi I trust others as I trust myself and have seldom been let down as I practice the golden rule always. do unto others as you would have them do unto you. this makes you trus most always returned.I and my husband had perfect trust. we taught that to our son and now he trusts me as I trust him. be trustworthy and people will seldom take advantage of you. this is really so true. confidence and integrity beget those from other people.