Favoritism in your family...

@tipay26 (867)
February 20, 2012 9:46am CST
Is there a favoritism in your family?Do you really feel that you are the least favorite amongst family members?I myself can attest to that that favoritism is present in every family.I can say I am the least favorite in the family.But when it comes to doing the household chores, they will ask me to do it.So what about your family?Is there favoritism in your family?
9 responses
• United States
20 Feb 12
Hello Tipay26, I agree with you that there favoritism in every family. My biological-mom favors my sister the most (she tolerates me, and despises my brother). I cannot count the number of times she has shunned/disowned my brother and me, but my sister was always "perfect" in her eyes. My dad had custody of my brother and me, and my mom had custody of our younger sister (she was born after my parents divorce). Don't get me wrong, I loved my sister growing up - I would make her something for breakfast and take her to the pool to play in the shallow end, all those great things (and I would take my brother too). Sadly, I don't get along with my sister like that anymore. She has gained some of my mom's more unfavorable personality traits which breaks my heart to see. But it seemed our money was always welcome. My dad and his side of my family were always fair and treated my brother and me equally. Yet they were always a bit reserved (but not rude) in matters concerning my sister. My dad was in the army, and my mom got pregnant with my sister after my parents divorce and was [obviously] born after their divorce as well. My mom even refused to name my dad as my sisters dad, so I can understand their reasons for some of their reservations, sort of (ex.: is my mom trying to use my sister to get money from them? If so, is the money going to my sister, or to supporting my mom?)
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
that happens especially when your mother or your father is favoring one of your siblings.sometimes you might think that maybe you are not a real child :( that happened to me too my mother and my sister is really close and whenever my sister liked something she would just go to my mom and tell her the next day she will have the thing that she liked =)) as for me , I asked mom once for a very simple thing that I liked she answered me that maybe i can get it some other time because we have bills to pay and so i say it's okay mom i'll just have to save to buy them and its okay with though I was a bit at awe because when my sister just asked her she gave it the next day and that's why i looked for a job on my own :)it helped me in a way though. :) anyways thank you for the comment :)
@pawan1 (91)
• India
20 Feb 12
hey frnd... . . . well,in my family there is my mom,dad,me nd my younger brother as i m elder than him so i have to do many house hold work i dont think is there any favouritism but as i m elder my mom nd dad give every responsibilty of every type of work like....:)
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
hi there, yes if you are the eldest child in your family, usually you have to do all the household work so that you can be a good role model for your next siblings.And it is said that in the absence of our parents the eldest child is next to them in making decisions it's good thing to be eldest child but there are times that I wish I was the youngest hahaha because I can see that my younger brother gets the favors everytime hahahaha just kidding ,thanks again for your comment . :)
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
Luckily im the only child in the family that's why i never experienced favoritism.I remember a saying that we are all different even our figers are not the same so with our siblings.
21 Feb 12
there is definitely favoritism in my family, i have 3 sons and they do not get the attention from some of my family members as my nephew gets, we call him "golden boy" because he can't do any wrong in their eyes, the thing is he's the one who does wrong all the time but he never gets caught, everyone thinks he's mister perfect but really, if they knew what he gets up to they would be shocked, my sons don't get a look in by some members of my family and they are hard working lads with kids of their own, but everyone favors my nephew more, i am not jealous but one day his secrets will surface and then he will not be called "golden boy" any more. it's just a matter of time before his secrets come out, he's not the person they think he is, don't get me wrong, i love all my family including my nephew but he gets away with so much and everyone praises him for this and that, but i know what he's like and i do not rally around him like the others do because i know who he is and what he does, he knows that i know and he cannot fool me like he does with his mother and the rest of the family.
• United States
20 Feb 12
i do believe there is favoritism in my family and i am not the least favorite but the most but then there's only 4 of us here and i have 2 siblings a brother and a sister but they both hardly ever do any work around the house but me i am helping my dad pay the bills, grocery shopping cooking and cleaning around the house and i am the 2nd oldest son the oldest one lives in alaska and has been locked up for 11 years and got out recently and hopefully moving here next month.. i know once he gets here he's gonna be my fathers most favorite because that's his first son and i know this cause my dad talks proudly of him everyday and even though he got locked up he's still the favorite but favoritism in the family doesn't bother me that much i recently grew out of it and just started helping the family and my dad bought me this computer for all the hard work i have been doing and i say this thing is enough pay off i need from him cause i know i've earned it and know i should have earned more but i am not greedy(:
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
wow that was nice of you.but you know what i just found out that even if we are not the favorite in our family, our parents usually proud of us too but they are not showing to us maybe because if they do,they think that we will stop doing things that made them proud.any way thanks again . :)
@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
If we like something, we tend to go back or desire to have it. Being one of person's favorites, it is also associated for having favoritism in the family. They used to show this, even though with the presence of other members. For me, it would be better to treat them equally.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
20 Feb 12
there is... but fortunately not by my parents, but by my grandfather who already passed away long time ago now... he used to dislike me and prefer my brothers as you know traditional chinese people prefer grandsons compare to granddaughters... take care and have a nice day...
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
I guess it exist in some families like what you have said. You thought that you are the least favorite among family members but you are the one they trust when it comes to household chores. Maybe your parents treated you and your siblings the same but when it comes to household chores you are the one they trust, so you are your parents favorite on that side. I don't mean to offend but sometimes we just thought that our parents don't treat us, their children the same or equally but in their mind they thought they did. In my younger years, I thought too that our oldest brother is my parents favorite giving all what he wants and not helping us in the house Sometimes we don't get the same attention my parents have given to him. But as I grew up, I began to understand why. My parents let our oldest brother to finished his schooling first and when it's our turn they did the same to us.
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
i have no favoritism in my family.i treat all my kids fairly.i care all the same no favorite.